'Sight' in the Bible
and thou hast been mad, because of the sight of thine eyes which thou dost see.
in the morning thou sayest, O that it were evening! and in the evening thou sayest, O that it were morning! from the fear of thy heart, with which thou art afraid, and from the sight of thine eyes which thou seest.
And windows are in three rows, and sight is over-against sight three times.
And all the openings and the side-posts are square -- windows; and sight is over-against sight three times.
In the multiplying of good have its consumers been multiplied, and what benefit is to its possessor except the sight of his eyes?
Better is the sight of the eyes than the going of the soul. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.
Rejoice, O young man, in thy childhood, And let thy heart gladden thee in days of thy youth, And walk in the ways of thy heart, And in the sight of thine eyes, And know thou that for all these, Doth God bring thee into judgment.
To refresh him in the fear of Jehovah, And by the sight of his eyes he judgeth not, Nor by the hearing of his ears decideth.
And she doteth on them at the sight of her eyes, And sendeth messengers to them, to Chaldea.
And I have cast upon thee abominations, And dishonoured thee, and made thee as a sight.
blind receive sight, and lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and deaf hear, dead are raised, and poor have good news proclaimed,
and having been moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because He did anoint me; To proclaim good news to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart, To proclaim to captives deliverance, And to blind receiving of sight, To send away the bruised with deliverance,
And in that hour he cured many from sicknesses, and plagues, and evil spirits, and to many blind he granted sight.
saying, 'What wilt thou I shall do to thee?' and he said, 'Sir, that I may receive sight.'
And Jesus said to him, 'Receive thy sight; thy faith hath saved thee;'
and presently he did receive sight, and was following him, glorifying God; and all the people, having seen, did give praise to God.
and all the multitudes who were come together to this sight, beholding the things that came to pass, smiting their breasts did turn back;
he answered and said, 'A man called Jesus made clay, and rubbed my eyes, and said to me, Go away to the pool of Siloam, and wash; and having gone away and having washed, I received sight;'
Again, therefore, the Pharisees also were asking him how he received sight, and he said to them, 'Clay he did put upon my eyes, and I did wash -- and I see.'
and he said -- 'He is a prophet.' The Jews, therefore, did not believe concerning him that he was blind and did receive sight, till that they called the parents of him who received sight,
And these things having said -- they beholding -- he was taken up, and a cloud did receive him up from their sight;
and Moses having seen did wonder at the sight; and he drawing near to behold, there came a voice of the Lord unto him,
and, (so terrible was the sight,) Moses said, 'I am fearful exceedingly, and trembling.'
and He who is sitting was in sight like a stone, jasper and sardine: and a rainbow was round the throne in sight like an emerald.
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