2 occurrences in 2 translations

'User' in the Bible

there is not found in thee one causing his son and his daughter to pass over into fire, a user of divinations, an observer of clouds, and an enchanter, and a sorcerer,

Verse ConceptsAstrologyChild sacrificeOccultismHuman SacrificesNecromancyAvoid SorcerySorceryDrugsmagicwitchespracticepsychicsOccultism Being Forbidden

Then the Chaldaeans said to the king in answer, There is not a man on earth able to make clear the king's business; for no king, however great his power, has ever made such a request to any wonder-worker or user of secret arts or Chaldaean.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyDivinationUnique EventsNo One Available

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain