Ezekiel 28
Berean Study Bible

A Prophecy against the Ruler of Tyre

And the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
This phrase introduces a divine revelation given to the prophet Ezekiel. The phrase "the word of the LORD" is a common expression in the prophetic books, indicating that the message originates from God Himself, emphasizing its authority and truth. In the context of Ezekiel, this phrase underscores the prophet's role as a mouthpiece for God, delivering messages of judgment and hope to the people of Israel during their Babylonian exile. The phrase "came to me" highlights the personal nature of the revelation, suggesting that God communicates directly with His chosen prophets. This direct communication is a hallmark of the prophetic tradition, seen throughout the Old Testament, where God speaks to individuals like Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. The phrase "saying" introduces the specific content of the message, which in this chapter, addresses the pride and impending judgment of the prince of Tyre. This sets the stage for a broader discussion on themes of human pride, divine sovereignty, and the ultimate accountability of nations and leaders before God. Son of man,
This phrase is a common designation for Ezekiel, emphasizing his humanity and role as a prophet. It underscores the distinction between the divine message and the human messenger. The term "son of man" is also used extensively in the Book of Daniel and by Jesus in the New Testament, highlighting both humility and authority.

tell the ruler of Tyre
Tyre was a prominent Phoenician city known for its wealth and maritime prowess. The ruler, likely King Ithobaal II during Ezekiel's time, is addressed directly. Tyre's economic success led to pride and a sense of invincibility. The city's strategic location and trade dominance are well-documented in ancient records.

that this is what the Lord GOD says:
This introduction affirms the divine origin of the message, emphasizing its authority. The use of "Lord GOD" (YHWH Elohim) highlights God's sovereignty and covenant relationship with Israel, contrasting with the pagan deities of Tyre.

Your heart is proud,
Pride is a recurring theme in biblical texts, often leading to downfall. The ruler's pride is linked to his wealth and power, reminiscent of other biblical figures like Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar. Proverbs 16:18 warns that pride precedes destruction.

and you have said, ‘I am a god;
This claim of divinity reflects extreme arrogance and self-deception. In ancient Near Eastern cultures, rulers often associated themselves with gods, but this was a direct challenge to the monotheistic belief in the one true God. Isaiah 14:13-14 similarly describes the pride of Babylon's king.

I sit in the seat of gods in the heart of the sea.’
Tyre's location on an island contributed to its perceived impregnability and divine status. The "seat of gods" implies a throne or place of authority, suggesting the ruler's belief in his own supremacy. The sea often symbolizes chaos and power in biblical literature, as seen in Psalm 89:9.

Yet you are a man and not a god,
This statement serves as a humbling reminder of the ruler's mortality and limitations. It echoes the biblical theme that no human can attain divine status, as seen in Genesis 3:5's temptation and the Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11.

though you have regarded your heart as that of a god.
The ruler's self-perception is contrasted with reality. This delusion is a common human failing, as seen in the fall of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15. The heart, in biblical terms, represents the center of will and emotion, highlighting the depth of the ruler's pride.

Behold, you are wiser than Daniel;
This phrase is part of a lamentation against the prince of Tyre, a city known for its wealth and trade. The reference to Daniel highlights the wisdom and understanding attributed to the biblical figure Daniel, who was known for his ability to interpret dreams and visions (Daniel 1:17, 2:20-23). The comparison suggests that the prince of Tyre considered himself exceedingly wise, even surpassing Daniel. This reflects the pride and arrogance that the prince had in his own wisdom and understanding, which is a central theme in the prophetic rebuke. Historically, Tyre was a powerful and influential city-state, and its leaders were often seen as shrewd and cunning in their dealings.

no secret is hidden from you!
This phrase emphasizes the perceived omniscience of the prince of Tyre, suggesting that he believed nothing was beyond his understanding or knowledge. In the ancient Near Eastern context, possessing secret knowledge was often associated with power and divinity. The claim of having no secrets hidden from him is a form of hubris, as true omniscience belongs only to God (Psalm 139:1-4). This statement is ironic, as it sets the stage for the subsequent judgment against the prince, revealing that his wisdom is ultimately flawed and limited. Theologically, this can be seen as a warning against the dangers of pride and self-reliance, contrasting human wisdom with divine wisdom, which is a recurring theme throughout Scripture (Proverbs 3:5-7, 1 Corinthians 1:25).

By your wisdom and understanding
This phrase highlights the attributes of wisdom and understanding, which are often seen as gifts from God. In the context of Ezekiel 28, these qualities are attributed to the ruler of Tyre, who is depicted as having used them for self-serving purposes. Biblically, wisdom and understanding are highly valued (Proverbs 2:6), but when misused, they can lead to pride and downfall, as seen in the case of Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-11). The wisdom of the ruler of Tyre is contrasted with the divine wisdom of God, which is pure and righteous.

you have gained your wealth
The accumulation of wealth is a central theme in this passage, reflecting the prosperity of Tyre, a major ancient Phoenician city known for its trade and commerce. Historically, Tyre was a wealthy city due to its strategic location and control over Mediterranean trade routes. The wealth gained by the ruler is seen as a result of human effort and intelligence, yet it also serves as a warning against the dangers of materialism and the false security it can bring (Matthew 6:19-21).

and amassed gold and silver for your treasuries
Gold and silver are often symbols of wealth and power in the Bible. The treasuries of Tyre were filled with these precious metals, signifying the city's economic strength. However, the Bible frequently warns against placing trust in riches (1 Timothy 6:17). The amassing of wealth by the ruler of Tyre is depicted as a source of pride and eventual downfall, echoing the fate of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4-23). This serves as a reminder of the transient nature of earthly riches and the importance of storing up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20).

By your great skill in trading
This phrase highlights the commercial prowess of the ruler of Tyre, a city known for its strategic location and thriving trade in the ancient world. Tyre was a major Phoenician port city, renowned for its maritime trade and skilled merchants. The city's wealth was largely due to its ability to navigate and dominate trade routes across the Mediterranean. This skill in trading is reminiscent of the wisdom and understanding attributed to Solomon in 1 Kings 10:23-24, where his wealth and wisdom attracted traders and dignitaries from all over the world. The emphasis on "great skill" suggests a God-given ability that was meant to be used for good but was instead used for self-aggrandizement.

you have increased your wealth
The accumulation of wealth is a central theme here, reflecting the material prosperity that often accompanies successful trade. In biblical times, wealth was seen as a sign of blessing, but it also came with the responsibility to use it wisely and justly. The increase in wealth can be compared to the blessings given to Israel when they followed God's commandments (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). However, the misuse of wealth is warned against in scriptures such as 1 Timothy 6:10, which states that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. The wealth of Tyre, while a testament to its success, became a snare leading to pride and eventual downfall.

but your heart has grown proud because of it
Pride is a recurring theme in the Bible, often leading to a fall (Proverbs 16:18). The heart, in biblical terms, represents the center of one's being, including emotions, will, and intellect. The pride of the ruler of Tyre is akin to the pride of Lucifer described in Isaiah 14:12-15, where a desire to ascend above God led to his downfall. This pride is also reminiscent of Nebuchadnezzar's pride in Daniel 4:30-37, where he boasted of his achievements and was subsequently humbled by God. The warning here is clear: pride in one's achievements, especially when they lead to self-reliance and a turning away from God, results in judgment. The ruler's pride is a cautionary tale of how wealth and success can corrupt the heart, leading to spiritual blindness and separation from God.

Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says:
This phrase introduces a divine pronouncement, emphasizing the authority and sovereignty of God. In the context of Ezekiel, God often speaks directly to the prophet, conveying messages of judgment and hope. The use of "Lord GOD" underscores the covenant relationship between God and His people, highlighting His ultimate authority over all creation. This introduction sets the stage for a serious and authoritative message, often seen in prophetic literature where God addresses the sins of nations or individuals.

Because you regard your heart as the heart of a god,
This phrase addresses the pride and self-exaltation of the ruler of Tyre, who is the subject of this prophecy. The heart, in biblical terms, often represents the center of one's being, including thoughts, emotions, and will. The ruler's arrogance is likened to that of a god, reflecting a common theme in Scripture where human pride leads to downfall (e.g., Isaiah 14:12-15, the fall of Lucifer). This self-deification is a direct challenge to God's sovereignty and is reminiscent of the original sin in Genesis 3, where the desire to be like God led to the fall of humanity. The cultural context of Tyre, a wealthy and powerful city-state known for its commerce and trade, provides a backdrop for understanding the ruler's inflated self-view. This pride is condemned throughout Scripture, as seen in Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Theologically, this serves as a warning against idolatry of self and the dangers of elevating oneself above God.

behold, I will bring foreigners against you
This phrase indicates a divine intervention where God is orchestrating events. The use of "behold" serves as a call to attention, emphasizing the certainty and importance of the coming judgment. The "foreigners" refer to invading armies, historically understood as the Babylonians, who were used by God as instruments of judgment. This reflects a common biblical theme where God uses foreign nations to execute His judgment, as seen in Isaiah 10:5-6 with Assyria and Habakkuk 1:6 with the Chaldeans.

the most ruthless of nations
The Babylonians are often described as a fierce and ruthless people, known for their military prowess and harsh treatment of conquered peoples. This description underscores the severity of the impending judgment. Historically, Babylon was a dominant power in the ancient Near East, feared for its brutal conquests. This aligns with the biblical portrayal of Babylon as a tool of divine retribution, as seen in Jeremiah 50:23 and Habakkuk 1:7.

They will draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom
The "beauty of your wisdom" likely refers to the wealth, culture, and perceived invincibility of Tyre, the city being addressed. Tyre was renowned for its wisdom, trade, and craftsmanship, as noted in Ezekiel 27. The drawing of swords signifies a violent confrontation, indicating that the city's wisdom and achievements would not protect it from destruction. This echoes the biblical principle that human wisdom is ultimately futile against divine judgment, as seen in 1 Corinthians 1:19-20.

and will defile your splendor
The "splendor" of Tyre includes its wealth, architecture, and status as a major trading hub. The defilement signifies not just physical destruction but also a loss of honor and prestige. This reflects the biblical theme of pride leading to downfall, as seen in Proverbs 16:18. The defilement also serves as a metaphor for spiritual corruption, suggesting that Tyre's external beauty masked internal moral decay, similar to the critique of Babylon in Revelation 18:2-3.

They will bring you down to the Pit
This phrase refers to the judgment pronounced upon the ruler of Tyre, symbolizing a descent into Sheol, the realm of the dead. The "Pit" is often used in the Old Testament to describe a place of destruction or the grave (Isaiah 14:15). The imagery suggests a fall from power and prestige, highlighting the consequences of pride and rebellion against God. The "they" could refer to the nations or forces God uses to execute His judgment, emphasizing divine sovereignty over human affairs.

and you will die a violent death
The prophecy foretells a specific and ignominious end for the ruler, contrasting with a peaceful death. This violent demise underscores the severity of God's judgment against those who exalt themselves against Him. Historically, Tyre was a powerful and wealthy city-state, and its ruler's downfall serves as a warning against hubris. The violent nature of the death also reflects the chaos and destruction that accompany divine retribution, as seen in other biblical accounts of judgment (e.g., the fall of Babylon in Isaiah 47).

in the heart of the seas
Tyre was an island city, renowned for its maritime prowess and trade. The phrase "in the heart of the seas" highlights its geographical location and the perceived security it provided. However, this prophecy indicates that even the sea cannot protect from God's judgment. The imagery also connects to the broader biblical theme of the sea as a place of chaos and danger, reinforcing the totality of the ruler's downfall. This can be seen as a type of Christ, who calms the seas and demonstrates authority over chaos (Mark 4:39), contrasting the ruler's inability to escape divine judgment.

Will you still say, ‘I am a god,’
This phrase addresses the pride and arrogance of the ruler of Tyre, who claimed divinity. In the ancient Near East, it was common for kings to be deified or considered semi-divine. This reflects the broader biblical theme of human pride leading to downfall, as seen in Genesis 3 with the temptation of becoming like God. The ruler's claim echoes the sin of Lucifer, who sought to elevate himself above God (Isaiah 14:12-15).

in the presence of those who slay you?
This highlights the futility of the ruler's claim to divinity when faced with mortal danger. Historically, Tyre was a powerful city-state, but it faced numerous threats from empires like Babylon and later Alexander the Great. The rhetorical question underscores the reality that human power is limited and subject to God's sovereignty, as seen in the downfall of other proud leaders like Pharaoh in Exodus.

You will be only a man, not a god,
This statement emphasizes the mortality and limitations of the ruler. It serves as a reminder of the biblical truth that all humans are created beings, subject to God's authority (Psalm 8:4-5). The contrast between human frailty and divine omnipotence is a recurring theme in Scripture, reinforcing the need for humility before God.

in the hands of those who wound you.
This phrase indicates the inevitability of judgment and defeat. The historical context of Tyre's eventual conquest by foreign powers illustrates the fulfillment of prophetic warnings. It also serves as a type of Christ's ultimate victory over all earthly powers, as seen in Revelation 19:11-16, where Christ defeats the nations with divine authority.

You will die the death of the uncircumcised
This phrase indicates a death that is dishonorable and shameful, particularly for someone of Israelite or Judean descent, as circumcision was a sign of the covenant between God and His people (Genesis 17:10-14). The uncircumcised were often viewed as outsiders or enemies of God, such as the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:26). This prophecy against the ruler of Tyre suggests that he will die like those who are not part of God's covenant community, emphasizing his separation from God's favor and protection.

at the hands of foreigners
The mention of "foreigners" highlights the historical context of Tyre's interactions with surrounding nations. Tyre was a powerful and wealthy city-state, often involved in trade and political alliances. However, it was also subject to invasions and sieges, notably by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and later by Alexander the Great. The prophecy indicates that the ruler's downfall will come through external forces, fulfilling God's judgment through foreign nations, a common theme in the prophetic literature (Isaiah 10:5-6).

For I have spoken
This phrase underscores the authority and certainty of God's word. When God declares something, it is assured to come to pass, reflecting His sovereignty and power. This echoes other scriptural affirmations of God's unchangeable word (Isaiah 55:11, Numbers 23:19). The prophetic declaration serves as a reminder of God's control over history and His ability to bring about His purposes.

declares the Lord GOD.
The use of "Lord GOD" (Yahweh Elohim) emphasizes both the covenantal and sovereign aspects of God's character. Yahweh is the personal name of God, associated with His covenant relationship with Israel, while Elohim denotes His power and majesty as the Creator. This dual title reinforces the message that the prophecy is not merely a human prediction but a divine decree, carrying the full weight of God's authority and ensuring its fulfillment.

A Lament for the King of Tyre

Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
This phrase indicates a continuation of divine communication to the prophet Ezekiel. The repetition of "the word of the LORD" emphasizes the authority and divine origin of the message. In the context of Ezekiel, this phrase often introduces a new vision or prophecy. Ezekiel, a prophet during the Babylonian exile, received numerous revelations from God concerning the judgment and restoration of Israel, as well as prophecies against foreign nations. The phrase underscores the role of prophets as intermediaries between God and His people, a theme consistent throughout the Old Testament. The use of "again" suggests a series of ongoing revelations, highlighting the persistent nature of God's communication with His chosen messengers. This phrase sets the stage for the subsequent verses, which contain a lamentation over the king of Tyre, often interpreted as a dual reference to both a human ruler and a symbolic representation of pride and rebellion against God, drawing parallels to the fall of Satan as seen in Isaiah 14:12-15. Son of man
This phrase is a common designation for Ezekiel, emphasizing his humanity and role as a prophet. It underscores the contrast between the divine message he delivers and his human nature. The term is used extensively in the book of Ezekiel, highlighting the prophet's role as a representative of humanity before God.

take up a lament for the king of Tyre
A lament is a form of poetic expression of mourning or sorrow. Here, it is directed towards the king of Tyre, a significant city-state known for its wealth and influence in the ancient Near East. Tyre was a major Phoenician port city, and its king was a powerful figure. The lament suggests impending judgment and downfall, reflecting the city's pride and eventual destruction.

and tell him that this is what the Lord GOD says
This phrase establishes the authority of the message. It is not Ezekiel's own words but a divine pronouncement. The use of "Lord GOD" (YHWH Elohim) emphasizes God's sovereignty and power over all nations, including Tyre.

You were the seal of perfection
This metaphor suggests that the king of Tyre was once a model of completeness and excellence. In ancient cultures, a seal was a mark of authenticity and authority. The phrase implies that the king had reached a pinnacle of human achievement and status, possibly reflecting Tyre's prosperity and the king's wisdom.

full of wisdom
The king of Tyre is described as possessing great wisdom, which was highly valued in ancient Near Eastern cultures. This wisdom likely contributed to Tyre's success in trade and politics. However, biblical wisdom is often associated with the fear of the Lord, suggesting that the king's wisdom was ultimately flawed or misused.

and perfect in beauty
This phrase highlights the king's or the city's aesthetic and cultural achievements. Tyre was renowned for its architecture, art, and luxury. The description of beauty can also be seen as a reflection of the king's pride and self-exaltation, which ultimately leads to his downfall, as pride is often condemned in scripture (Proverbs 16:18).

Connections to other scripture
The lament for the king of Tyre is often compared to the fall of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15, as both passages describe a figure of great beauty and wisdom brought low by pride. Additionally, the imagery of perfection and beauty can be seen as a type of Christ, who is the true embodiment of wisdom and beauty, yet without sin or pride.

You were in Eden, the garden of God.
This phrase refers to the original Eden, a place of perfection and divine presence. It suggests a state of innocence and beauty, often associated with the pre-fall condition of humanity. The mention of Eden here is symbolic, possibly referring to the high status and privileged position of the figure being addressed, often interpreted as a reference to the King of Tyre or a representation of Satan before his fall. The garden of God signifies a place of divine fellowship and abundance, echoing Genesis 2:8-15.

Every kind of precious stone adorned you:
The imagery of precious stones signifies beauty, wealth, and honor. In ancient cultures, such stones were associated with royalty and divinity. This adornment suggests a position of high esteem and splendor. The use of precious stones also connects to the high priest's breastplate in Exodus 28:17-20, indicating a role of mediation or representation before God.

ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald.
These stones are listed to emphasize the richness and diversity of the adornment. Each stone has its own significance and value, often used in ancient times for decoration and trade. The specific stones mentioned here are also found in the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:19-21, symbolizing the ultimate beauty and perfection of God's kingdom.

Your mountings and settings were crafted in gold,
Gold is a symbol of purity, value, and royalty. The craftsmanship in gold suggests a creation of exquisite quality and divine workmanship. Gold's association with the divine is seen throughout scripture, such as in the construction of the tabernacle and Solomon's temple (Exodus 25:11, 1 Kings 6:20-22).

prepared on the day of your creation.
This phrase indicates intentionality and purpose in the creation of the being addressed. It suggests a specific role or destiny assigned from the beginning. The idea of being prepared from creation echoes the biblical theme of God's sovereign plan and purpose for individuals and nations, as seen in Jeremiah 1:5 and Ephesians 2:10.

You were anointed as a guardian cherub
This phrase refers to a high-ranking angelic being, a cherub, who was given a special role. In biblical context, cherubim are often depicted as guardians of sacred spaces, such as the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:18-22). The anointing signifies a divine appointment, indicating a position of honor and responsibility. This passage is often interpreted as a reference to the King of Tyre, but also seen as a symbolic representation of Satan before his fall, highlighting his original exalted status.

for I had ordained you
The ordination implies a deliberate and purposeful act by God, establishing the cherub's role and authority. This reflects the biblical theme of divine sovereignty and the intentional design of God's creation. The ordination underscores the idea that the cherub's position was not self-appointed but granted by God, emphasizing accountability to the Creator.

You were on the holy mountain of God
The "holy mountain of God" is a symbolic representation of God's presence and authority. In biblical literature, mountains often signify places of divine revelation and encounter, such as Mount Sinai (Exodus 19) and Mount Zion (Psalm 48:1-2). This imagery suggests a place of closeness to God, where the cherub had access to divine wisdom and glory. It also connects to the idea of Eden as a mountain sanctuary, a place of initial perfection and communion with God.

you walked among the fiery stones
The "fiery stones" are often interpreted as a metaphor for the divine presence and the purity and holiness associated with it. Walking among them suggests an intimate relationship with God and access to His glory. This imagery may also evoke the vision of God's throne room, as described in Ezekiel 1:26-28, where fire and brilliance are prominent. The phrase underscores the cherub's privileged position and the splendor of the divine environment he inhabited.

From the day you were created
This phrase emphasizes the origin of the subject, highlighting creation by God. In the context of Ezekiel 28, this is often interpreted as referring to the King of Tyre, but many conservative scholars also see a dual reference to the fall of Satan. The idea of being created points to a beginning that is not self-originated, underscoring the dependency on God as Creator. This aligns with Genesis 1:1, where God is the initiator of all creation. Theologically, it suggests that all beings, including angels, are created by God and are accountable to Him.

you were blameless in your ways
The term "blameless" indicates a state of moral and ethical purity. In the context of the King of Tyre, it suggests a time when his reign was just and righteous. If applied to Satan, it reflects his original state before his rebellion. This mirrors the description of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:31, who were created good and without sin. Theologically, it underscores the concept of original righteousness, a state of being that is in perfect harmony with God's will.

until wickedness was found in you
This phrase marks a turning point, indicating a fall from grace. For the King of Tyre, it suggests a shift from righteous rule to corruption and pride, as detailed earlier in Ezekiel 28. If referring to Satan, it aligns with passages like Isaiah 14:12-15, which describe the fall of Lucifer due to pride and rebellion. Theologically, it highlights the introduction of sin and the consequences of turning away from God's ways. This serves as a warning of the dangers of pride and the potential for corruption in any created being, emphasizing the need for humility and dependence on God.

By the vastness of your trade,
This phrase refers to the extensive commercial activities of Tyre, a prominent ancient city known for its wealth and trade. Tyre's prosperity came from its strategic location and its role as a major trading hub in the Mediterranean. The vastness of trade symbolizes not only economic success but also the potential for moral corruption and greed, as seen in other biblical references to wealth leading to sin (e.g., 1 Timothy 6:10).

you were filled with violence,
The wealth and power gained through trade led to moral decay and violence. This reflects a broader biblical theme where material prosperity often results in ethical compromise and social injustice. The violence here can be understood as both literal and metaphorical, indicating a departure from God's ways, similar to the warnings given to other nations in the prophetic books.

and you sinned.
The sin mentioned is a result of pride and corruption stemming from wealth and power. This echoes the biblical narrative of sin entering through pride and disobedience, as seen in the fall of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-15) and the original sin in Genesis. The sin of Tyre serves as a warning against the dangers of allowing material success to lead to spiritual downfall.

So I drove you in disgrace from the mountain of God,
The "mountain of God" symbolizes a place of divine presence and favor. Being driven from it indicates a loss of divine blessing and status. This can be paralleled with the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden (Genesis 3:23-24) and the fall of Lucifer, who was cast out of heaven. It signifies a severe judgment and separation from God due to sin.

and I banished you, O guardian cherub,
The term "guardian cherub" suggests a high status, possibly referring to the king of Tyre as a representative of the city's glory and protection. In a broader theological context, it can also allude to the fall of Satan, who was once a guardian cherub before his rebellion. This dual interpretation highlights the themes of pride and downfall.

from among the fiery stones.
"Fiery stones" may symbolize the presence of God, as fire often represents divine holiness and judgment in scripture (Exodus 3:2, Hebrews 12:29). Being banished from among them indicates a removal from God's presence and favor. This imagery reinforces the severity of the judgment against Tyre and serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of pride and sin.

Your heart grew proud of your beauty;
This phrase addresses the sin of pride, which is a recurring theme in Scripture. The context of Ezekiel 28 is a lamentation over the King of Tyre, but it is often interpreted as a dual reference to both the earthly king and a symbolic representation of Satan. The beauty mentioned here can be seen as both literal, in terms of the wealth and splendor of Tyre, and metaphorical, representing the original perfection of Lucifer before his fall. Pride is a sin that leads to downfall, as seen in Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor;
The corruption of wisdom due to splendor suggests that the King of Tyre, or Lucifer, allowed external magnificence to cloud judgment and lead to moral decay. This reflects the biblical principle that true wisdom comes from humility and the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). The splendor that should have been a testament to God's glory became a source of self-exaltation, leading to corruption. This mirrors the fall of Lucifer, who was created perfect in wisdom and beauty but became corrupt through pride (Isaiah 14:12-15).

so I cast you to the earth;
This phrase signifies judgment and expulsion. In the historical context, it refers to the downfall of the King of Tyre, whose city was eventually destroyed. Symbolically, it parallels the casting down of Satan from heaven, as described in Revelation 12:9. The act of being cast to the earth represents a loss of position and authority, a theme echoed in the fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden due to sin (Genesis 3).

I made you a spectacle before kings.
The imagery of becoming a spectacle before kings indicates public humiliation and serves as a warning to others. Historically, the fall of Tyre was witnessed by surrounding nations, demonstrating the consequences of pride and rebellion against God. This concept is reinforced in the New Testament, where the defeat of spiritual powers is made a public spectacle through Christ's victory on the cross (Colossians 2:15). The phrase underscores the ultimate triumph of God's justice and the futility of opposing His will.

By the multitude of your iniquities and the dishonesty of your trading
This phrase addresses the extensive sins and corrupt practices of the figure being addressed, often interpreted as the King of Tyre. Tyre was a prominent ancient Phoenician city known for its wealth and trade. The king's iniquities and dishonest trading practices symbolize moral and spiritual corruption. This reflects the broader biblical theme of judgment against pride and exploitation, as seen in other prophetic books like Isaiah and Jeremiah, where similar judgments are pronounced against nations and leaders who exploit others for personal gain.

you have profaned your sanctuaries
The sanctuaries refer to places of worship or sacred spaces that have been defiled by the king's actions. In the ancient Near Eastern context, sanctuaries were central to religious and community life. Profaning them indicates a deep level of sacrilege and disrespect for the divine. This echoes the biblical principle that sin not only affects individuals but also desecrates what is holy, as seen in the desecration of the temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8-11).

So I made fire come from within you, and it consumed you
This imagery of fire coming from within suggests self-destruction as a consequence of sin. Fire is often used in the Bible as a symbol of divine judgment and purification (e.g., Malachi 3:2-3). The internal origin of the fire indicates that the king's downfall is a direct result of his own actions, aligning with the biblical principle that sin carries its own consequences (Galatians 6:7-8).

I reduced you to ashes on the ground
Being reduced to ashes signifies total destruction and humiliation. Ashes are a symbol of mourning and repentance in the Bible (Job 42:6, Daniel 9:3), but here they represent the finality of judgment. This imagery is consistent with the fate of other proud and sinful entities in Scripture, such as Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-28).

in the eyes of all who saw you
The public nature of the judgment serves as a warning to others. In biblical narratives, God's judgments are often witnessed by others to demonstrate His justice and power (Exodus 14:30-31). This serves as a deterrent to similar behavior and underscores the theme of accountability before God. The visibility of the judgment reinforces the message that no one is beyond the reach of divine justice.

All the nations who know you are appalled over you.
This phrase reflects the widespread impact of the judgment pronounced on the figure addressed in this chapter, traditionally understood as the king of Tyre. Tyre was a significant Phoenician city known for its wealth and influence, and its king was a symbol of pride and arrogance. The nations' reaction of being "appalled" indicates the severity of the downfall. This echoes the broader biblical theme of God's judgment on pride and self-exaltation, as seen in the fall of Babylon (Isaiah 13:19) and the judgment on Egypt (Ezekiel 32:10). The reaction of the nations underscores the public and humiliating nature of the judgment, serving as a warning to others.

You have come to a horrible end
The "horrible end" signifies the complete and utter destruction that has befallen the subject. In the context of Ezekiel 28, this is a prophetic declaration against the king of Tyre, whose pride and self-deification led to his downfall. Historically, Tyre was besieged and eventually conquered by various empires, including the Babylonians and later Alexander the Great. This phrase can also be seen as a typological foreshadowing of the ultimate defeat of Satan, who is often associated with the prideful figure in this chapter. The "horrible end" serves as a reminder of the consequences of rebellion against God.

and will be no more.’”
The finality of "will be no more" emphasizes the totality of the judgment. This phrase indicates not just a temporary setback but a permanent eradication. In the historical context, Tyre's eventual decline and loss of its former glory fulfill this prophecy. Theologically, this can be seen as a representation of the ultimate fate of all who oppose God, aligning with the eschatological themes found in Revelation, where evil is ultimately destroyed (Revelation 20:10). The phrase underscores the certainty and completeness of divine judgment, reinforcing the biblical principle that God's justice will prevail.

A Prophecy against Sidon

Then the word of the LORD
This phrase indicates a divine revelation or message directly from God. In the context of Ezekiel, it underscores the prophet's role as a mouthpiece for God, emphasizing the authority and authenticity of the message. The phrase is common in prophetic literature, highlighting the direct communication between God and His prophets (e.g., Jeremiah 1:4, Isaiah 38:4).

came to me
This personalizes the message, showing that Ezekiel is the chosen recipient of God's word. It reflects the intimate relationship between God and His prophets, where God entrusts them with His messages for the people. Ezekiel's role as a prophet is affirmed through these divine encounters, which are a hallmark of his ministry (Ezekiel 1:3).

This introduces the content of the divine message. It prepares the reader for the specific instructions or revelations that follow. In the context of Ezekiel 28, the message pertains to the judgment against Sidon, a city known for its pride and opposition to God’s people. The use of "saying" indicates that what follows is not merely a narrative but a direct communication from God, carrying His authority and purpose.

Son of man
This phrase is a common designation for Ezekiel, emphasizing his humanity and role as a prophet. It is used over 90 times in the book of Ezekiel, highlighting the contrast between the divine message and the human messenger. The term "son of man" is also significant in the New Testament, where it is frequently used by Jesus to refer to Himself, emphasizing His incarnation and role as the representative human.

set your face against Sidon
Sidon was an ancient Phoenician city located in modern-day Lebanon. It was known for its wealth, trade, and influence in the region. Setting one's face against a city implies a determined opposition and a pronouncement of judgment. This phrase indicates that God is directing Ezekiel to focus his prophetic message specifically against Sidon, highlighting the city's impending judgment due to its sins and idolatry. Historically, Sidon was often in conflict with Israel and was known for its pagan practices, which were contrary to the worship of Yahweh.

and prophesy against her
The act of prophesying against Sidon involves delivering a divine message of judgment. Prophecy in the biblical context is not merely foretelling the future but also forth-telling God's truth and intentions. This command to prophesy against Sidon aligns with the broader theme in Ezekiel of God's judgment against nations that opposed Israel or engaged in idolatry and immorality. The prophetic message serves as both a warning and a call to repentance, reflecting God's justice and mercy. This judgment against Sidon can be seen as part of the larger narrative of God's sovereignty over all nations, not just Israel.

And you are to declare that this is what the Lord GOD says:
This phrase emphasizes the authority and divine origin of the message. The prophet Ezekiel is acting as a mouthpiece for God, underscoring the importance of prophetic revelation in the Old Testament. The phrase "Lord GOD" translates to "Adonai Yahweh," highlighting God's sovereignty and covenant relationship with Israel.

‘Behold, I am against you, O Sidon:
Sidon was a prominent Phoenician city, known for its wealth and trade. Historically, Sidon was often in conflict with Israel and Judah, and its pagan practices were a source of temptation for the Israelites. God's declaration of being "against" Sidon signifies impending judgment due to its idolatry and opposition to God's people.

and I will be glorified within you:
This indicates that God's judgment will ultimately reveal His glory and righteousness. The concept of God being glorified through judgment is consistent with other biblical passages where God's holiness and justice are displayed through His actions against sin (e.g., Exodus 14:4, 17).

They will know that I am the LORD:
A recurring theme in Ezekiel, this phrase underscores the purpose of God's actions—to reveal His identity and sovereignty to the nations. It reflects the broader biblical narrative where God's interventions serve to affirm His lordship and covenant faithfulness.

when I execute judgments against her:
The judgments against Sidon are part of God's broader plan to address sin and rebellion. This phrase connects to the prophetic tradition where God's justice is executed against nations that oppose His will, similar to the judgments against Egypt and Babylon.

and demonstrate My holiness through her:
God's holiness is a central attribute, and His actions against Sidon serve to manifest His distinctiveness and moral purity. This demonstration of holiness is not only punitive but also revelatory, showing the world the nature of a holy God who cannot tolerate sin. This aligns with the broader biblical theme of God's holiness being revealed through His dealings with both Israel and the nations.

I will send a plague against her
This phrase indicates divine judgment, a common theme in prophetic literature. Plagues were often used by God as a form of punishment or to demonstrate His power, as seen in the plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7-11). The "her" refers to the city of Tyre, a powerful and wealthy city-state known for its commerce and idolatry. The use of a plague signifies a direct intervention by God, emphasizing His sovereignty over nations.

and shed blood in her streets
The shedding of blood in the streets suggests a violent overthrow or invasion. Historically, Tyre was besieged multiple times, notably by Nebuchadnezzar and later by Alexander the Great. This imagery of bloodshed highlights the severity of the judgment and the chaos that would ensue, serving as a warning to other nations about the consequences of pride and sin.

the slain will fall within her
This phrase underscores the totality of the destruction. The "slain" refers to the inhabitants of Tyre who would perish during the judgment. It reflects the fulfillment of God's prophetic word, as seen in other instances where cities faced divine wrath, such as Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19). The internal collapse of Tyre signifies the inescapable nature of God's judgment.

while the sword is against her on every side
The sword symbolizes warfare and destruction. Being surrounded on every side indicates a comprehensive siege, leaving no escape for the inhabitants. This mirrors the historical sieges Tyre faced, particularly the prolonged siege by Nebuchadnezzar, which lasted 13 years. The imagery of being besieged on all sides also serves as a metaphor for the inescapable judgment of God.

Then they will know that I am the LORD
This concluding phrase is a recurring theme in Ezekiel, emphasizing the purpose of God's judgments: to reveal His identity and sovereignty. The recognition of God as LORD is not just for Tyre but for all nations, demonstrating that He alone is the true God. This acknowledgment is a call to repentance and faith, pointing to the ultimate revelation of God through Jesus Christ, who fulfills the law and the prophets.

For the people of Israel will no longer face a pricking brier or a painful thorn
This phrase uses the imagery of briers and thorns, which are often symbolic of obstacles, suffering, or enemies in biblical literature. In Genesis 3:18, thorns and thistles are part of the curse upon the ground after the Fall, representing hardship and struggle. Here, they symbolize the nations and peoples who have been a source of pain and persecution for Israel. The promise that Israel will no longer face these "briers" or "thorns" suggests a future time of peace and security, free from the harassment of hostile neighbors. This can be seen as a prophetic vision of restoration and divine protection.

from all around them who treat them with contempt.
The phrase "from all around them" indicates the surrounding nations that have historically been adversaries to Israel, such as the Philistines, Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites. These nations often treated Israel with contempt, as seen throughout the historical books of the Old Testament. The contempt could be due to Israel's unique covenant relationship with God, which set them apart from other nations. This promise of relief from contempt suggests a reversal of fortunes, where Israel will no longer be scorned or oppressed by its neighbors. This aligns with prophecies of Israel's future exaltation and the subjugation of its enemies, as seen in Isaiah 60:14.

Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD.’
This concluding phrase emphasizes the recognition of God's sovereignty and power. The repeated biblical theme of knowing that He is the Lord underscores the purpose behind God's actions—whether in judgment or blessing. In Ezekiel, this phrase often follows declarations of divine intervention, serving as a reminder that God's ultimate goal is to reveal Himself to His people and the nations. The acknowledgment of God as "the Lord GOD" signifies His authority and covenantal faithfulness. This recognition is not just intellectual but relational, calling Israel and the nations to acknowledge His rightful place as the sovereign ruler. This theme is echoed in other prophetic books, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, where God's acts lead to a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of His divine nature.

The Restoration of Israel

This is what the Lord GOD says:
This phrase emphasizes the authority and divine origin of the message. It is a common prophetic introduction, underscoring that the words are not from the prophet himself but from God. This establishes the seriousness and certainty of the prophecy.

‘When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they have been scattered,
This refers to the regathering of the Israelites, a recurring theme in prophetic literature. Historically, the Israelites were scattered due to invasions and exiles, notably by the Assyrians and Babylonians. This gathering is seen as a future event, often associated with the Messianic age, where God will restore Israel to its land. It reflects God's faithfulness to His covenant promises.

I will show Myself holy among them in the sight of the nations.
God's holiness is demonstrated through His actions, particularly in fulfilling His promises. The regathering of Israel serves as a testament to God's power and faithfulness, witnessed by other nations. This act of restoration is not just for Israel's benefit but also to reveal God's character to the world, aligning with the theme of God's glory being recognized universally.

Then they will dwell in their own land,
This promise of dwelling in their own land is significant, as land is a central aspect of God's covenant with Israel. It signifies peace, security, and divine blessing. Historically, the land of Israel is a tangible sign of God's promise to Abraham and his descendants.

which I have given to My servant Jacob.
The reference to Jacob connects the promise to the patriarchal covenant. Jacob, later named Israel, is the father of the twelve tribes. This phrase underscores the continuity of God's promises from the patriarchs to the future restoration of Israel. It highlights the unchanging nature of God's covenant and His commitment to fulfill it.

And there they will dwell securely
This phrase speaks to the promise of safety and peace for the Israelites. Historically, Israel faced numerous threats from surrounding nations, including the Philistines, Moabites, and Edomites. The promise of dwelling securely indicates a future time of divine protection and stability. This security is often associated with the Messianic age, a time when God’s people will experience peace under the reign of the Messiah, as prophesied in Isaiah 11:6-9.

build houses, and plant vineyards
Building houses and planting vineyards symbolize permanence and prosperity. In ancient Israel, these activities were signs of settled life and blessing, contrasting with the nomadic or exilic experiences of the Israelites. The imagery recalls the blessings of the Promised Land described in Deuteronomy 6:10-11, where God promised a land of abundance. It also reflects the restoration themes found in Amos 9:14, where God promises to restore the fortunes of His people.

They will dwell securely when I execute judgments against all those around them who treat them with contempt
This phrase underscores the divine justice that God will enact against Israel's enemies. The surrounding nations often oppressed and scorned Israel, as seen in the historical accounts of Assyria and Babylon. God's judgments are a recurring theme in the prophetic books, where He promises to vindicate His people and punish their oppressors, as seen in Isaiah 34:8 and Jeremiah 25:31. This divine intervention ensures the security and peace of Israel.

Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.’”
The recognition of God as LORD is a central theme in Ezekiel. This acknowledgment comes through His acts of judgment and restoration. The phrase emphasizes the covenant relationship between God and Israel, where God’s actions reveal His sovereignty and faithfulness. This recognition is not just intellectual but relational, leading to a deeper understanding and worship of God, as seen in similar declarations in Ezekiel 36:23 and 39:28. The ultimate fulfillment of this knowledge is found in the New Covenant, where God’s people will know Him intimately through Jesus Christ, as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:33-34.

This is a draft of the Berean Study Bible. Please send all comments and recommendations to [email protected].

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