Home 9 Panther


portrait of a black panther

Panther is a general term used to describe various types of wild cats. The word “panther” comes from the Latin word “panthēra,” which comes from the Greek word “pánthēr,” a term that means “large spotted cat.” The word “panther’ is also similar to pundarikam, Sanskrit for tiger.

More about panthers

Panthera is a biological classification (the scientific identification of animals as individuals and in relationship to one another). It falls under the Felidae (cat) family and Pantherinae subfamily. Members of the Panthera include the lion, tiger, jaguar, and leopard.

black panther and cub

Types of panthers

Black panthers

black panther and a jaguarWild cats that have a dark (melanistic) color are often referred to as “panthers” or “black panthers,” including big and small wild cats such as jaguars, leopards, and jaguarundi. The word “melanin” means black or dark. Melanin is a type of pigment (coloring).

Looking closely at a melanistic cat’s skin, you will see the markings typically associated with that species. Large black (melanistic) wild cats in captivity are usually leopards or jaguars.

A litter can include both melanistic and non-melanistic cats.

Because most melanistic wild cats were found in jungles with less light than other environments, it was believed that melanism (dark coloring) was an inherited trait or condition that aided the cat’s survival—an evolutionary process of natural selection. New research suggests that melanism might be a helpful immune system mutation.

If you see a black panther in Africa or Asia, it is a leopard. A black panther in North, Central, or South America is a jaguar.

Black panthers in Asia and Africa (Leopards)

You will find black leopards amongst different African and Asian leopard species:

  • Javan leopard (Panthera p. melas)
  • African leopard (Panthera p. pardus)
  • Indian leopard (Panthera p. fusca)
  • Indochinese leopard (Panthera p. delacouri)
  • Sri Lankan leopard (Panthera p. kotiya)
  • Arabian leopard (Panthera p. nimr)
  • Amur leopard (Panthera p. orientalis)

Black panthers in the Americas (jaguars)

The offspring of jaguars can be either black or spotted.  Two spotted jaguars who mate will only have spotted cubs. A black jaguar would have either two black jaguar parents or one black and one spotted jaguar parent.

White panthers

Two white jaguar panthers.White panthers can refer to white cougars, white leopards, and white jaguars. The white condition can occur for different reasons, including:

  • Leucism – a reduction in pigmentation
  • Albinism – the absence of pigmentation
  • Genetic mutation

Florida panther

image of a Florida pantherPanther is one of the cougar’s many names. There is even a cougar named the “Florida panther. ” The Florida panther is a subspecies of the cougar that inhabits southern Florida in the United States.

Florida panthers are endangered—less than 100 are believed to exist in the wild. At birth, a Florida Panther has spots and blue eyes. As they age, the spots start to fade, the cat’s fur turns tan, and the eyes turn yellow. The cat has a black-tipped tail and ears. The underbelly is white. Males can be over 7 feet long and weigh up to 159 lbs.

Florida panthers prey on hares, mice, deer, feral pigs, storks, waterfowl, and alligators. Female panthers raise their kittens in dens. The kittens will stay in the den for the first 6 weeks and then start hunting with their mother. They become independent at around 2 years of age.

Famous panthers

the jungle book panther

In The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, a panther is one of the main characters (Bagheera). The Jungle Book has also been made into a movie. Bagheera is a black panther (Indian leopard). The word means “black panther” in Hindu.  Not all adaptions of The Jungle Book depict a black leopard. Sometimes, the image of an Indian leopard is used.


The Pink Panther is a film series about the escapades of a French police detective (Inspector Jacques Clouseau). There is an the pink pantheranimated pink panther that appears in the opening and closing credits. “Pink Panther” refers to the first film’s fictional pink diamond, which is extremely large and valuable.

The film series also has a “Pink Panther” musical composition written by Henry Mancini. David DePatie and Friz Freleng created the cartoon character. DePaie and Freleng formed their own animation company from 1963 to 1981. Their work included The Pink Panther and the lightsaber effects in the Star Wars film series.


The black panther movieThe Black Panther is a fictional superhero who has appeared in Marvel comic books and a recent film. His name is T’Challa, and he is the king of Wakanda (chieftain of the Wakandan Panther Clan), a fictional African country.

The character first appeared in the 1966 Fantastic Four comic book. For a short time in the 1970s, the Black Panther tried using the name Black Leopard to avoid being confused with the Black Panther Party. His abilities include enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, quick reflexes, acute senses, and healing.

In addition to comic books and movies,  Black Panther has appeared on TV and video games.


Research, references and quotes:

“The frequency of melanism was 10% for both species. In leopards, melanism was present in five subspecies and strongly associated with moist forests, especially in Southeast Asia. In jaguars, melanism was totally absent from open and periodically flooded landscapes; in contrast, forests displayed a frequency that was similar to the expectations.” – 2017 Ecology and Evolution of Melanism in Big Cats: Case Study with Black Leopards and Jaguars | Goncalves da Silva

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  1. Lori Smith

    Being a “country girl,” I, or my family, have lived in the Mississippi Delta or in south Louisiana, all of my life. As a child, I was with my grandfather and heard what he told me was a “panther” near the woods, just past his cotton field. It most definitely sounded more like a scream than a growl or roar. Fast forward to 2016 and living in rural Louisiana (just north of Baton Rouge), and coming home at approximately 4:30 AM one morning, a BLACK panther crossed the road in front of me. It was not a dark brown, not by any stretch; most definitely solid black. I don’t need a scientist or a wildlife agent to tell me that black ones don’t exist. I am 100% positive what I saw with my own eyes. It was incredibly fast and the tail was very thick. It was an amazing sight and one I will never forget.

  2. Nick

    I was driving back from Sarasota with my fiance at about 2am down a mountain side that had around a 10 ft divider on the road and there were signs saying don’t pull over and as I was driving unfortunately a beautiful black huge cat jumped over the median and ran right in front of my suv it was so sad and I couldn’t pull over by the time I turned around I got lost and couldn’t find that hill due to road work this happened in 21 100% there are wild black pantheres or whatever there called in the wild nobody in Missouri belives me and my fiance was asleep still messes with me today

  3. BigCatsWildCats

    Hi Russ,

    Not sure what you are referring to regarding black cats, but yes, there are panthers in Florida.


  4. Lindenman Robert

    ‘’ I was with a wolf that was tamed’’
    Wolves can be become attached to humans. But, there might be a time when the wolf will not obey all the rules as a dog will do. Emotionally, psychologically, genetically wolves are not the same animal as dogs. So, what you thought as being tamed is just the wolf reliance on the human for food and shelter. There might become a time that the wolf will not obey you and might be aggressive do to its genetic makeup. A wolf will never be tamed …unless there is significant interbreeding over successive generations;

  5. Russ

    I believe the assertion that a black cat in North America is a jaguar is incorrect. I have seen 2 black panthers in Florida about 20 years ago. My mother just saw 1 today in the same area.

  6. James

    It was 1976 Indian summer early fall Spalding county in north central Georgia approximately 2:00 am in the morning I was walking home from a friend’s house about.25 miles from mine. The road was long and hilly with forest on both sides when I was about 50 yards from my yard I noticed the large blazing yellow eyes of what had to be a rather large cat. The creature was larger than a dog and it was crouching in an indentation off the shoulder of the road there was no Moon that night and the dark gave perfect camouflage to the animal I was about 20 yards away when I saw the eyes blazing greenish yellow staring right at me the ditch was about two and one half feet deep and I could see the eyes road level on the opposite side of the road the ditch was about 10 feet deep so I stayed on the side the animal was on. When I was about 10 yards away from it; the creature growled so ferocious I ran down the ditch on the other side of the road. When I came back up the embankment I ran to the back door of my house composed myself found my keys and went inside. Nobody can tell me I didn’t walk up on a large cat.


    I have seen many examples of wild animals being raised from cubs by humans and bonding with them. I like the idea of being near a wild cat that is tamed. I was with a wolf that was tamed. Quite an experience. I takes dedication and understanding to raise a wild animal. There are dietary considerations, but bonding with them & socializing them takes much time & dedication. Most people don’t have either so it becomes a bad idea.

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