



 ICOM(International Council of Museums 国際博物館会議)の提携組織であるCIMAM(International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art 国際美術館会議)が、「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」内の「表現の不自由展・その後」展示中止に対し、声明文を発表した(全文は記事末尾に掲載)。名義はCIMAMの美術館監視委員会(The Museum Watch Committee)。







Statement CIMAM is greatly concerned about the 2019 Aichi Triennale’s decision to cancel the exhibition After ‘Freedom of Expression?'. The cancellation is an infringement of the artists’ freedom of expression, at the behest of politicians and the Mayer of Nagoya City, Takashi Kawamura, who made a direct request for the exhibition to be closed. On display in the exhibition was a collection of artworks that were excluded from museums in Japan or were included in exhibitions that were closed due to censorship or self-censorship. The closing of the exhibition itself is a serious violation of freedom of expression. CIMAM requests that the demands of the great majority of artists participating in the triennial, as expressed in their statement on August 6th, are met. The artists requested three things: the immediate restoration of the Aichi Triennale 2019’s autonomy from political pressure and intimidation; the continuation of the exhibition under the assurance of safety for all its staff and visitors; and the establishment of a platform for free and vigorous discussion open to all, including the participating artists. CIMAM strongly denounces that an exhibition has been closed as a result of political threats and intimidation. The issue is, however, wider than this and requires a meaningful reflection upon the curatorial premise behind the exhibition and clear recognition that the freedom of expression it sought to engender is now completely undermined. CIMAM calls on the Aichi Triennial to honour the commitments it has made – namely to put in place the appropriate security arrangements for the exhibition to reopen, and to lead in facilitating the open platform for reflection and free and vigorous discussion that the artists have called for. 27 August 2019 The Museum Watch Committee of the CIMAM Board 2017–2019: Bart De Baere, Calin Dan, Corinne Diserens, Sarah Glennie, Sunjung Kim, Jaroslaw Suchan and Eugene Tan. CIMAM – International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art – is an Affiliated Organization of ICOM.

Exhibition Ranking

束芋 そのあと

2024.10.04 - 11.15
丸の内 - 銀座|東京

モネ 睡蓮のとき

2024.10.04 - 2025.02.10
上野 - 日暮里 - 秋葉原|東京