Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats — We are on the porch, last night, Nov. 6, when a dark SUV pulled up. A bunch of excitedly chattering young adults poured from it.

Moi thought nothing of it. Maybe they were visiting a neighbor. Maybe they had to change the seating arrangement.

My GF had a better view, however.

“Hey, they are stealing your signs,” she said.

“That’s impossible,” I said. ” The election is over. Nobody would be that stupid. I am going to throw the signs out in the next collection. “

The youths poured back into the vehicle, which sped recklessly away.

I went out and checked.

Yes, they had stolen my Trump signs.

Did the fools realize they did me a favor? That they saved me work?

Kamala voters may be the dumbest people ever produced by our public schools.

Hopefully, they also took the signs on public right-of-ways so the GOP didn’t have to collect them.

Regardless, the unexpected triggering of morons was true entertainment.

Thank you, idiots.

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Post-Election Sign Stealing Or The Ultimate Triggering Of Democrats

Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking

Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking — An illegaI migrant from Venezuela left her receipt at the grocery store, so the cashier took a photo and TaraBull posted it on X.

Wouldn’t your life be a tad easier if someone gave you $13.4K worth of food and $5K worth of cash just for breaking the law?

Don’t just blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Blame all Democrats.

And the never-Trumper Republicans.

Government Subsidy For Lawbreaking

SEPTA Stupidity In Springfield

SEPTA Stupidity In Springfield — Once upon a time the SEPTA Route 101 trolley made all stops on the north side of Springfield Road at this station in Springfield. A while back, some genius decided it stop on the north side for trolleys bound for 69th Street and on the south side for trolleys bound for Media.

This means a round-trip commuter is always going to have to cross the busy street once whereas before the street would rarely have to be crossed.

Note the “do not cross” sign that directs one a block away to a crosswalk which makes sure the automobile traffic gets sated before one gets a walk signal.

Did any of the brilliant thinkers every consider that one rushing to catch a trolley might not be inclined to do things properly and risk a rather dangerous crossing?

The reason for the change was supposedly to take advantage of some parking. The second picture is the north side parking lot during the morning rush hour, today, July 11.

Not very strong thinkers are running things. Perhaps the idiocracy has arrived.

SEPTA Stupidity In Springfield

SEPTA Stupidity In Springfield

SEPTA Stupidity In Springfield

Lawnmower Ban Topic Tomorrow In Swarthmore

Lawnmower Ban Topic Tomorrow In Swarthmore — The Swarthmore Borough Environmental Committee Meeting is meeting 7 p.m., tomorrow, June 26, in Swarthmore Borough Hall., 121 Park Ave, and will include discussion of the the proposed ban on combustion powered outdoor power equipment (CPOME).

The ordinance was tabled at the last council meeting.

There is public comment both at the start and end of the meeting but is only open to Swarthmore residents. There is a three minute time limit.

The agenda is available at under agendas and minutes.

— Bob Small

Lawnmower Ban Topic Tomorrow In Swarthmore

DACA Foxes In The Police Hen House

DACA Foxes In The Police Hen House

By Bob Small

It’s rare when The Daily Mail (UK) focuses on the internal workings of a US City but a recent story concerns Seattle’s plan to use illegal migrants to bolster its depleted police force.

It’s encouraged via a law signed by Democrat Governor Jay Inslee in February that those who speak more than one language can be chosen above an equally qualified candidate.

The legislation took effect, June 6.

And the The US Justice Department now lets  DACA recipients have firearms and ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties.

Meanwhile, former Lieutenant Jessica Taylor, who resigned after almost a quarter of a century, sent a letter to Police Chief Adrian Diaz, saying “Your controlling, bullying, and gaslighting tendencies have wreaked havoc on this department, driving away talented and dedicated officers,

“On May 29, Diaz resigned amid charges of sexual harassment and racial discrimination. He was later to “come out” as a gay man.

DACA police are also being hired in California and Chicago.

According to state officials, “Washington is home to more than 14,000 DACA recipients, and “Dreamers” canhelp ease Seattle’s cop shortage.

DACA recipients are also considering allowing the DACA recipients to become county deputies, fish and wildlife officers, and Seattle firefighters.

In April, Seattle’s KTTH am station, had a report, from Jason Rantz, that alleged that the police were at a staffing level not seen in almost 70 years.

The Seattle PD has advertised for DACA recipients on Linkedin! Seattle Police recruiting DACA recipients to be cops.

It can be considered the fox guarding the en house never seemed so apt.

This has yet to be discussed by either Delaware County Council of Philadelphis there may soon be a market for the newly formed SSL (Spanish as a second language) classes. At least certain phrases in Spanish such as as “I have an alibi”, “it was my identical twin” or “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it”.

Note; Thanks to Scott from Vermont.

Swarthmore Stop Sign; It’s What Plants Crave

Swarthmore Stop Sign; It’s What Plants Crave — Bob Small sent us this photo of a stop sign at Kenyon and Yale avenues in Swarthmore, Pa., where everyone considers himself smarter than thou.

Someone should put an advertisement for Brawndo on it.

Hey, maybe it’s ironic Dada hipster art.

That just makes it better for a Brawndo ad.

Swarthmore Stop Sign; It's What Plants Crave

Quiet Boycott Month Begins

Quiet Boycott Month Begins –Today starts the traditional month-long quiet boycott of businesses expressing pride in destructive sex acts, the mutilation of children and the rejection of having progeny.

Fewer businesses will be expressing such pride this year as they lost hundreds of millions of dollars last June for doing so.

Some still have not recovered.

Of course there are institutions that really don’t care about profits or market share, and will continue to glorify this self destruction. One kind of wonders what motivates them.

Don’t take this as homophobia. The most legitimate reason for discrimination is character and there are plenty of gays with great character. Glenn Greenwald and Andy Ngo are journalistic heroes and hopefully Ric Grenell will be our next secretary of state.

We doubt any of them celebrate “pride month”.

Quiet Boycott Month Begins

Errectionists Stormed Capitol Hill Says Biden

Video is spreading on X of Resident Biden saying “errectionists stormed Capitol Hill” on Jan. 6, 2021.

It might explain why Pelosi fled in fear but it can’t account for Adam Schiff running away.

Hat tip @atensnut
Errectionists Stormed Capitol Hill Says Biden

Silly Soviet Graffiti Seen In Media Borough

Silly Soviet Graffiti Seen In Media Borough — Borough GOP Chairman Michael Straw sent us this scrawl seen in Media during a recent Dining Under the Stars. The old Soviet Union is what progressive Democrats want, though. Wonder how many of them heard of Solzhenitsyn Wonder if they get that they aren’t going to the ones running things, and that to be a serf “sucks,” to quote Kevin Madden.

Silly Soviet Graffiti Seen In Media Borough

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza?

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza? — Reports are flying that Biden is going to be bringing Gaza Palestinians to the United States.

No Arab country is willing to take them. Egypt has built a border wall to keep out these whackos.

So why is our leader going to bring them here?

It’s not compassion.

Stupidity possibly, corruption probably but not compassion.

A competent leader would begin talking of the fate of Gaza post war. The assumption that most of us have is that it would be modeled on West Germany after World War II.

West Germany was de-Nazified and rebuilt, and kept its independence.

Israel’s invasion of Gaza was not merely justified but necessary.

If, however, the result is ethnically cleansing and annexing the land it will go from good guy to bad guy overnight in the minds of its best friends.

What Biden is reportedly seeking to do is extraordinarily troubling.

The only Gazans who should fear peace– assuming it is compassionate and just — are the ones we definitely don’t want here.

They are the ones who should be hanged, actually

Egypt’s border with Gaza. They don’t want the Gazans and neither should we.

Biden Ethnically Cleansing Gaza?