
Andrew “FoFo” Gilich



Office of the Mayor
[email protected]
P.O. Box 429
Biloxi, MS 39533
(228) 435-6254 voice
(228) 435-6129 fax

Andrew M. “FoFo” Gilich, Jr. was elected mayor of Biloxi by special election in May 2015 and was elected to his first full term in June 2017. He is now serving his second full term in office. 

Gilich succeeded Biloxi’s longest-serving mayor, A.J. Holloway, and came into office promising to provide 21st-century solutions to help to solve Biloxi’s challenges and move the city forward. He also promoted his Biloxi roots and appreciation of Biloxi’s 315-year history, proclaiming “I am Biloxi.”

Gilich is well-versed in both innovation and Biloxi’s history.


About that nickname: “FoFo” was tagged with his nickname as a young toddler because of his affinity for “Jack and the Beanstalk” (“fee-fi-fo-fo-fum”), and, as is the case with most nicknames for people in Biloxi, it stuck.

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