
Get Involved

Impact of BioLogos

We at BioLogos are grateful for the many friends we have across the world. Our community is growing fast, thanks in large part to the collective advocacy of our network. Below are some ways you can contribute to the BioLogos mission in your local or online community.

Follow us on social media

Follow us on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, and like/share/comment on our posts.  Most people encounter BioLogos for the first time on these platforms, and your engagement amplifies our reach!


Join the online community

Help us keep the Online Forum thoughtful and civil. The BioLogos Forum is a great place to discuss a recent article or start a brand-new thread. BioLogos staff and scholars in our community frequently chime in, and volunteer moderators encourage participants to stay on topic and be kind.


Start a small group

Check out our Small Group Resources, or choose one of our recommended books to read with friends.  BioLogos hosted online book clubs for The Language of GodOrigins, and The Lost World of Genesis One, so there are study questions, videos, and other supplementary materials available for these books.


Attend a BioLogos event

Bring a friend to a BioLogos event. BioLogos leaders and friends speak frequently on science and faith at churches, universities, and conferences around the world. You can also organize your own event by featuring a BioLogos Voices speaker, which includes some of the top scientists and scholars in the BioLogos community.

April Maskiewicz Cordero

Share your story

If you’ve been impacted by BioLogos, please let us know—you can send us your story by emailing [email protected]. With your permission we may use it to encourage others.


Pray for our ministry

Pray for our staff and community. Pray for scientists and science-minded skeptics of Christianity. Pray for students.


Donate to BioLogos

As BioLogos grows into a donor-driven ministry, we depend upon individual donors like you! Support BioLogos today!
