The tissues of two or more types combine to form an organ. An organ is an organized part of the body which performs one or more special functions. Several organs unite for a common function constitutes a human organ system. Organs of a system function in a coordinated manner to carry out major life processes of human beings. The body of human (or any Invertebrate) has the following human organ systems, which work as an integrated unit for the normal functioning of fire body.
Integumentary system
It is a human organ system which includes skin and its associated structures. It covers the outside of the body and is protective in function. It also provides shape to the body, regulates the body temperature and helps in excretion of metabolic wastes and excess water.
Digestive system
This human organ system includes alimentary canal and associated glands and carries out digestion and absorption of food.
Skeletal system
It is the human organ system that consists of bones and cartilage. It supports and shapes the body, protects the softer internal organs from external injury, provides sites for attachment to muscles and produces red blood cells.
Circulatory system
This important human organ system consists of heart, blood and lymph vessels and the blood and lymph that flows through them. It is responsible for the transport of nutrients, respiratory gases, metabolites hormones and waste products to different parts of the body.
Respiratory system
It consists of lungs (or gills) and respiratory tract through which gaseous exchange takes place from the external environment of human organ system.
Muscular system
This is the human organ system includes several types of muscles and participates in the movement of various parts and locomotion of the organism. It also protects the internal parts.
Nervous system
This includes brain, spinal cord, associated nerves and various receptors. This human organ system is concerned with receiving information of external and internal changes to give rise to sensations and transmits information among different parts of the body.
Endocrine system
It consists of endocrine glands which secrete hormones that are powerful coordinators of various body functions ranging from the development of sexual characteristics to everyday utilization of food.
Urino-genital system
Urino-genital system includes excretory (urinary) and reproductive systems. The former consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, and the latter of gonads and accessory reproductive organs. This human organ system is mainly concerned in the elimination of waste products and reproduction.
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