Monday, June 23, 2014

Sweet 16 Birthday Party - Country, Rustic, Chillin' On a Dirt Road

Logo design. 
It all started one night at my house in front of the fire. I was sitting on the living room floor hanging out with my kids and their friends just goofing off on my computer. My oldest daughter, Zoe, who is fifteen, had her buddy Desiree over and we start talking about Desiree’s Sweet 16th birthday party that was coming up in a few months. Well, if you know me, that immediately lead to discussion about theme, colors, décor, what will make this the party of the year? After a few hours we had a color scheme, a logo just for her, a cool invitation draft and some discussion into the décor and social media teasers. Because we know, teens gotta have their social media. I loved doing this for them. I loved watching her face and then her mom’s when she walked in as I brought their party together on the screen in front of their eyes.

Logo design for the koozies with hashtag! 

Left to Right: Rhonda, Desiree, Myself
To back track a little, Desiree’s mom (Rhonda) is one of my good friends – we go back since grade school. It’s great to see our girls growing up together and become good buds. I especially wanted to help with this special event because some years back Rhonda lost her husband to a motorcycle accident, leaving her with two beautiful girls to raise on her own. I never met a woman who gave so much and expected so little. I couldn’t wait to give back to her. Who more deserving?

First on screen drafts of the logo and look.
So let’s start with the invitation. The theme was country, rustic, chic with some flare. Desiree’s favorite colors are orange, teal and blue. I can work with that, of course, I can work with anything. I was super excited over her color selection. Check out the invitation below. A fun fold out, square invitation with funky fonts and words themed after the country song “chillin’ on a dirt road.” The invitation sets the stage. Want to have a killer party? Don’t skimp on the invitation. The wording, the small details – it all counts!

The logo. I wanted a princess type logo since this is all about her and her “sweet 16” but she’s not a princess type girl so I added some rugged edges and a cute lowercase “d” in the middle. Paired with all the other elements, like the barbed wire and gingham in the background, it was perfect!

Invitation folded and ready to hand out!

Custom cupcake wrappers!

Custom cupcake toppers and invitation seals

The first drafts 

Once the invitations were made it was time for the social media teasers. We played around with words and copy for the actual post and then create the graphics for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram that she could post each week to get people pumped about the party and keep the momentum going, long after the invites were handed out. Don’t forget the custom hashtag just for the party! It’s cool to go back after the party and leading up to it and see all discussion and photos just by searching the hashtag #DeeRay16.

social media graphics

social media graphics

social media graphics

social media graphics

social media graphics

Next thing, and most important following the invitation – layout of the party floor plan and atmosphere! If the space the party is being held is too big and the crowd can be too spread out it will never “feel” like it’s a good time. The placement of the DJ, bull, food, candy bar, seating and entry area are so very important. Rhonda decided the party would be at their home so a quick hop on Google maps gave us a great aerial of the property so I could draw right over top of it.  Hay bales, parking structure, barrels, food tables, even placement of the port-a-john and garbage cans were all in place. Boom!

google maps party planning

Parking from meet mom, drop off and staying for the party was determined and roped off! Saved tons of time and a crazy parking nightmare with a small driveway and designated pakring area. 

At just three days before the party it’s time to get a feel of the rsvps. I asked Desiree, my kids, their friends how they felt the numbers were looking. What I heard was just what I wanted! “Everyone is coming!” “Party of the year!” “The whole school is talking about it!” Maybe Momma Rhonda was a little nervous about hearing all that, lol, but I’m after a 90% return on all the invitations handed out, which was 150. A quick search of Desiree’s custom hashtag told me a lot too. Her friends were counting down the days, out shopping for the perfect outfits, talking about their plans for the weekend. LOVE!

Now let’s get down to décor and details. Rhonda had the DJ booked and Desiree worked the play list. I told her, if you put one slow song on the list, remember, it will immediately change the mood. You want non-stop dance music if you want to keep the atmosphere popping. Bull riding. Check. Bull booked and ready. They had a pool so Rhonda gathered a big tub of water toys. Matching party towels, yes please. Don’t forget the adult area. This is a place all the adults can stash their belongings and have a spot to relax, have a cocktail, sit down and relax by the fire pit and eat in peace!

Dinner. All the husbands slow cooked pork butts, chicken quarters and hotdogs. I’d say we threw them in the briar patch. J

Found this little door stopper in the house - perfect decor for our BBQ table!

A few clamps and a full length mirror instantly gives you a selfie photo station or group photo station. This was a last minute idea but it was a hit!

Getting ready for this shin dig was a doozie. Nothing a clipboard and whistle can’t fix. I helped Rhonda by dividing list by the teens, children, men, women and Rhonda. Rhonda’s list had things on it only she could do – write checks, get herself ready, etc. The other lists included décor, balloons, yard work, setting up tables, etc. I also made a schedule of events. When each vendor was arriving and where Desiree needed to be that day – hair appointment, nails, make up, etc. When you’re having a party this big, it’s hard to do anything but walk around in a circle and run into each other so organized lists on the frig are the best. I worked super hard. I blew whistles and checked off each job was done. LOL – well I did more than that but I was definitely in my element. Being a boss. I’m a natural. It was all in good fun and in the end I think folks appreciated direction. Hopefully. Everyone is still talking to me so far!

Candy bar. I love some 90% after Easter sale at Target. We loaded up on candy of all kinds and separated all the colors and bagged them. Talk about saving a fortune. We pulled out all the orange, brown, shades of blue and white and started placing them in all different types of glass containers. I had some cupcake holders and misc items that weren't the right color but that was nothing a can of spray paint couldn't handle. Rhonda ordered some barrels off line and found a big “D” to go under the table. A 4’x 8’ piece of plywood and a roll of burlap – we are on! Check out the final results!

Just a few days before the party, we took inventory. What we had, what we needed – we had a craft night and even blew up all the balloons. Balloons will last forever with just regular air if you keep them in a dark cool area. I made some tags to die on candles, drink containers, buckets, gifts and our table décor. A few cans, burlap and a logoed tag – not to mention a trip to a field of wild flowers and the local grocery store – we have real flowers to match the décor!

The greeting table was perfect. Found an old wheel barrel around the yard and boom – gift holder! A sign in frame to save for memories, sharpies in a dollar store orange container with a bag of dollar store rocks and matching sharpie colors – how cute! Don’t forget your favor as you leave! Matching color and logoed koozies! A few bullet shells from the neighborhood gun range made the candle décor complete!

Table clothes and runners are really cheap. Especially neutral colors. You can buy them as cheaper than you can rent them. My mom and I bought a set of white, black and brown floor length tables cloths over the years and they instantly give your party a whole new look! Love how the dining table just for the kids! A bought these chic candle holders at the Goodwill years ago and they work well for about any event we are doing.

Here are some photos once the party started going!

Don't forget the photo booth!

Security is not an option with these many teens. Neither is a photo booth area!

Sportin' the custom koozie!

Waiting at the entrance for everyone to arrive! 


Dance off! Just warming up!

Desiree’s daddy used to drive an old mustang and of course, low and beyond. That’s just what she got for her birthday. Except a new model with a smaller motor in it! J She had no idea she was getting a car for her birthday. As the time drew closer to bring out her surprise I had such mixed emotions of excitement and wanting to cry! I thought about her Dad looking down on her and enjoying her face when she saw her new car.

Myself, my mom and Desiree’s grandma walked down to the neighbor’s house, were the car was hidden, to tie on the extra large tag and bow on the hood. As soon as we got back to the party and gave the word, Rhonda’s neighbor started heading our way. Rhonda (Desiree’s mom) was at the DJ booth with the cake getting everyone ready to sing. As everyone started to sing, Desiree’s new mustang slow crept up into the crowd of people. Her face, priceless! 

You know what I do this? Because at the end of the night, Rhonda comes up to me, hugs me and we stand and cry together. She said to me, “Thank you for all you did. It was so perfect. I know my husband is looking down on us tonight.” I was so proud to be there and help her do this for her daughter. The thanks goes to her for constantly reminding me what is important in life.

Great party and great vibes. Dancing, singing, eating, bull riding – what a celebration. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect night for this girl. I really got a kick out of my thank you note from this little gal. I’d say she had the party of the year. Mission complete. Now on to plan my own daughters sixteenth birthday in January of 2014. Get ready folks. It’s going to be amazing!

As always, God Bless America and GO BIG OR GO HOME! Until next time! 

I love designing custom birthday party themes, invitations, decor, planning the party - all that jazz! If you have a special birthday coming up and want a custom invitation design or anything along those lines, shoot me an email at [email protected]


1 comment:

  1. Woah! Rustic is what I have also liked always. A party venue must be like that. This post tells how much everybody must have enjoyed their time. Firstly, I have to look for an outfit like this for my birthday. Not a lot of people like my dressing style. I believe that I need a stylist.
