BizPeople – New Hires, Promotions, Accolades
Why Purchase a BizPeople listing?
BizPeople listings highlight the region’s movers & influencers and enhance employee engagement. Featured employee announcements inform the leaders of the southeastern Wisconsin business community of your news, build your presence online and in the pages of BizTimes Milwaukee, and let the business community know why they should do business with your company. Use BizPeople to share:
New Hires
Recent Promotions
Career Updates & Milestones
Board Appointments
Basic Listing
- Published on our website
- Featured on our website home page
- Published in the next print edition
- Featured in BizTimes daily newsletter
- Featured in BizPeople newsletter
- Include a photo with your listing
- Clickable links to your website and social media
- 250 characters included with your listing
- Company logo included with your listing
Enhanced Listing
- Published on our website
- Featured on our website home page
- Published in the next print edition
- Featured in BizTimes daily newsletter
- Featured in BizPeople newsletter
- Include a photo with your listing
- Clickable links to your website and social media
- 625 characters included with your listing
- Company logo included with your listing
To get started, fill out the form below. We reserve the right to edit your listing as needed. If your submission is not approved, we will provide you with a full refund. Prepaid or multi-BizPeople discount packs are also available. Questions? Call 414-336-7112 or email Read our frequently asked questions below.
BizPeople Submission Form
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently Asked Questions
How many people can I put in a BizPeople listing?
An individual announcement includes one person and one photo only. If you have multiple people you want to recognize, please post each person as their own listing.
When will my listing appear on the BizTimes website?
As soon as we are able to review and approve your listing, it will be published to our website. It will appear in the BizPeople section of our website and on our home page. Typically this is no more than 2-3 business days.
How long will my listing stay on the BizTimes website?
Your listing will stay published on our website in our BizPeople section in perpetuity. Our home page shows the four latest BizPeople listing, so typically your listing will be on the home page for at least a day or two.
When will my listing be published in your email newsletter?
Once approved, your listing will go out in the next edition of our BizPeople email newsletter (8,000+ circulation). If you purchased the Enhanced Listing, your listing will also go out in the next available BizTimes Daily email newsletter (20,000+ circulation).
When will my listing appear in the print edition of BizTimes?
Once approved, your listing will appear in the next available print edition of BizTimes (12,000+ circulation) on the BizPeople page.
What happens if my BizPeople is declined?
We reserve the right to decline any BizPeople submission at our sole discretion. If your listing is declined, we will issue a refund to your credit card and notify you via email.