Over 100 followers?!?!? Huwahhhh you are all so nice! And we barely have many posts up! Grrr, thank you thank you! So long as you keep sending in headcanons, we’ll keep making them!
Sorry for the lack of posts everyone, We’ll get to postin’ real soon here. ;w; Lots of things happened in the last month, but we got some headcanons to post! Thank you again everyone ;;
((104 Follows, your all loved! ;w; And feel free to send in Headcanons, we haven’t had any for a while, our message box is quite lonely. c: Thank you again everyone, we love you! ;w;))
Long headcanon = GIF file :3
Q:I just want to tell you that I adore this blog so much and that it is making me want to rewatch Black Butler right now. Thank you for the laughs and the smiles.
(( A;SLKDGH;ASJ ;w; Thank you so muuuuuuch~! Your comment made my sister and I smile very much, it truly means a lot, honestly! We hope you enjoy rewatching Black Butler. ;w; Please continue to enjoy our headcanons, thank you again. ;//^//; <3 ))
Edit by Plaid-Backpack~ That should totally say symptoms. *dies*