Tag Archives: hasbro

Nerf Super Soaker XP55 Review
March 10, 2025Nerf has seen decent success with their “reimagining” of classic designs in the soaker space. I was especially fond of the XP100 which, naming conventions aside, balanced tribute and performance quite well.
This year’s XP55 is less successful in that regard. The overall looks are there, and the blaster shoots up to 30′. So for the casual user, it works. But as the odd person who still has three original XP55s from their childhood, the blaster leaves me unsatisfied.

Toy Fair 2025: Peeking at the Hasbro Booth!
March 4, 2025
Nerf Announes the Loadout Line, New Gelfire!
March 1, 2025Here I am sitting down at Toy Fair, trying to make a post on my phone, because we’re already seeing big things!
Nerf put out a 2025 Lookbook with a bunch of new things being planned – this post doesn’t cover everything from Hasbro, but it does have the big stuff. More posts later as time permits!
Let’s take a look at Loadout. Modulus 2.0?

Nerf Super Soaker Power Drench XL Review
February 26, 2025Power Drench marks the return of both Constant Pressure System (CPS) blasting and the Quick-Fill Device (QFD), two things that have been missing from water warfare for a while. The smaller of the two blasters in the line, sadly, was largely a disappointment, between the low volume, tiny shots, and the price.
Luckily, the Power Drench XL is a far better buy. Between appreciably large shots and a true “flood” mode, the Power Drench XL is not just capable in battle, but it also makes the user feel like they’re actually doing something. When a soaker has actual kick to it, you know you have a winner.
Hasbro January 2025 Press Release…In Feb?
February 12, 2025Apparently we’re all behind on posting! I got this info emailed yesterday from Hasbro, wanting to post a press release…and some of it lists estimated store dates as 01/15/25. Glad I’m not the only one busy with life!
To that end, I’ll go ahead and post the PR text, along with some photos, and a link if I already have a review posted! Here we go!

Nerf Super Soaker Mega Dunk-Fill Revew
January 23, 2025The work schedule hasn’t been friendly for making it to Nerf wars That’s left me having as much fun as I can with soakers and gel ball blasters at home – and letting the wife shoot me a lot. In that spirit – and even when it’s freezing outside – let’s review the next soaker from this spring’s selection!
The Nerf Super Soaker Mega Dunk-Fill works exactly as advertised, and puts a fair bit of water downrange. Just don’t be tilting it up and down a lot unless you want to siphon out all your water!

See You at Toy Fair!
January 8, 2025Just the obligatory post saying I’ll once again be at Toy Fair this year! Follow the page this March 1-4 as I try to update it with the latest news!