Tag Archives: xshot

Xshot Pro Skins Fury-X Review

At long last, I’ve been able to both attend an actual Nerf war and test new things while I was there. To that end, let’s take a peek at the Xshot Pro Skins Fury-X!

There are already some other reviews out there (along with 3d printed parts and add-ons), but adding an experienced voice can’t hurt!

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Best Nerf Stocking Stuffers of 2024!

Back in November, I made a list for the best blaster gifts for the holidays. While some blasters on that list can get down to $20 or less, they aren’t necessarily the small things you can stuff in a bag – or a decorative holiday sock, for that matter. To that end, here are a few ideas, especially now that the days are limited!

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Xshot Insanity Clip Mania Review

Over the years, Zuru’s Xshot brand has been hesitant to introduce battery-powered blasters of any kind – having to source and wire up electrical components within a toy ultimately adds cost to what is historically a budget brand, one that has famously achieved near-total automation for their other blaster products. That changed with the introduction of the Insanity Rage Fire, a $50 chain-fed minigun that also serves as the base for the Insanity series of blasters, highlighting the building of fun blaster combos. Clearly, that’s been a runaway success, because Zuru is at it again with the Clip Mania.

Just in time for the holidays, we have a $25 box with a blaster, three magazines, 72 darts, and various attachments. And while issues with its construction prevent it from being truly great, it’s still a really good blaster that kids will enjoy annoying their parents and siblings with.

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Zuru Xshot Blastercorn Review

I’ll be honest – I have no idea who at Zuru’s marketing team looked at their blaster line and decided that what it needed most was a unicorn. But they deserve a raise.

It’s completely out of place compared with what surrounds it on the shelf, but it looks great, has all the cute effects you’d want (wings flapping on the trigger pull!), and is a great blaster even if you ignore the trappings. If there’s a blaster that screams stockings stuffer, it’s this one.

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Blasterhub’s 2024 Best Blaster List

Here we are, about a month and a half before Christmas, and I actually have time to put a list out before the holidays! Tons of parents (and kids) are looking for a great blaster, or at least a good blaster with a great deal. “Kidults” like me, as the toy industry calls us, are looking for items that appeal to us as well. So why not get this post out of the way before life gets too busy? Here’s the Blasterhub 2024 Best Blaster List.

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Zuru Xshot Caliber Review

Zuru doesn’t always make “new” blasters – many times, they simply repackage the same blaster in a different shell. Such is the case with the Xshot Caliber, a longer variant of the Reflex that has seen several versions over the years. That’s not a bad thing, in this case. Having a hand cannon with extra dart storage is a fun change of pace, especially for the price.

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