Bleach Couples Wiki

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bleach couples wiki bleach ships bleach pairings

Hello everyone. I’m Abprep, one of the current administrators of the Bleach Couples Wiki. This wiki is dedicated to the various relationships of the popular shounen manga BLEACH by Tite Kubo. Whether the pairing is canon or fanon, het or yaoi/yuri, plausible or crack,...


Bleach Couples Wiki

I like how this wiki fails just by existing. Who gives a shit about pairings THAT HARD that it merits making a wiki about it?


Considering that there’s a fan wiki for pretty much almost anything you can think of, including a shipping wiki for Naruto and Fairy Tail, it’s not surprising that someone would make a wikia for Bleach couples.

Also, please learn to be more considerate and not make rude comments when someone requests not to.


Bleach Couples Wiki


Hello everyone. I’m Abprep, one of the current administrators of the Bleach Couples Wiki. This wiki is dedicated to the various relationships of the popular shounen manga BLEACH by Tite Kubo. Whether the pairing is canon or fanon, het or yaoi/yuri, plausible or crack, we’ll do our best to give you the information and insight on these couples. 

We don’t have many active editors, so I though it would be nice to have a blog on tumblr to collect questions, suggestions, concerns, criticisms, etc. So please check the wiki and share your thoughts.

Please note that the admins of this wiki, including myself, are still learning the coding for wiki-building, so the Bleach Couples Wiki is currently lacking in important features. Please be patient as the admins will be improving the wiki as fast as time allows us.

Feel free to use the ask box.

Just remember, haters will be ignored, so don’t even waste your time if all you want to do is to be rude to me or the wiki without a decent reason.

Thank you.


I like how this wiki, via proof that the opening fucking page is a poll for who Ichigo should end up with (Rukia is winning), and the fact literally ZERO OF THESE PAGES except for IchiRuki has any effort or substance put into them- you can tell was made by some IchiRuki fan trying really too hard to be like “see we aren’t all terrible”, and yet failing overall in their attempts.

Like if you want to make it seem like an unbiased database can you at least fill out something in the other pages, like at least make an attempt at pretending will you?


I want to state that I am not an IchiRuki shipper. The IchiRuki entry was done by this editor who put a lot of work and effort into that page. The only other active editors for the wiki is me and TRP-SLS. We try to contribute to the other pairing entries, but because of our busy lifestyles we can barely make time to add more content to the wiki. So decided to make this blog to advertise the wiki to attract any potential editors who would like to make any contributions to the mostly empty wiki.

If you would like to express any more complaints over the wiki, I would prefer to take it over PM. Thank you.


Bleach Couples Wiki

Hello everyone. I’m Abprep, one of the current administrators of the Bleach Couples Wiki. This wiki is dedicated to the various relationships of the popular shounen manga BLEACH by Tite Kubo. Whether the pairing is canon or fanon, het or yaoi/yuri, plausible or crack, we’ll do our best to give you the information and insight on these couples. 

We don’t have many active editors, so I though it would be nice to have a blog on tumblr to collect questions, suggestions, concerns, criticisms, etc. So please check the wiki and share your thoughts.

Please note that the admins of this wiki, including myself, are still learning the coding for wiki-building, so the Bleach Couples Wiki is currently lacking in important features. Please be patient as the admins will be improving the wiki as fast as time allows us.

Feel free to use the ask box.

Just remember, haters will be ignored, so don’t even waste your time if all you want to do is to be rude to me or the wiki without a decent reason.

Thank you.

bleach couples wiki bleach ichiruki ichihime bleach ships