Ida B Wells by Paul Collins
American investigative journalist, sociologist, educator, and early leader in the civil rights movement.
Shirley by Morgan Overton
American politician who, in 1968, became the first Black woman to be elected to the United States Congress.
Coretta Scott King by Melinda Hagman
American author, activist, and civil rights leader and wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black History Month Begins 2025!
Black Bow by Renske Karlien Hercules
A Peace Reclaimed by Arianna Holligan
Idara’s Cat by Merryl Jaye
No Fake Love by Akanji Bolaji
Saturday Morning by Yuliia Fomina
Patient by Yorjander Capetillo Hernández
Nubian Queen by Adebanji Alade
Emilcar Simillen
Fang Ling Lee