It's a spoon. It's a fork. It's a knife. Some call it a splade-- sold commercially in Australia for the last 50 years under the Splayds brand name-- but I prefer sporkfe. Really, when was the last time you ate your food with a blade?
With a 13 billion year head start on evolution, why haven’t any other forms of life in the universe contacted us by now?
(Arrival is a fantastic movie. Watch it, but don’t stop there – read the Story of Your Life novella it was based on for so much
If you haven’t been able to keep up with my blistering pace of one blog post per year, I don’t blame you. There’s a lot going on right now. It’s a busy time. But let’s pause and take a moment to celebrate that Elon Musk
It’s my honor to announce that John Carmack and I have initiated a friendly bet of $10,000* to the 501(c)(3) charity of the winner’s choice:
By January 1st, 2030, completely autonomous self-driving cars meeting SAE J3016 level 5 will be commercially available for passenger use