If these are the same adjectives you use to describe your own sales process, you might be turning off your agency’s prospects.
Don’t have a lot of confidence in the sales department? You’re not alone. Many creative leaders excel in producing stellar results for clients but struggle to keep enough business coming through the door.
The truth is, selling your services can feel uncomfortable. You may even think you're coming off as "pushy" or "sales-y." But when you approach sales with a service-based mindset and keep your focus on helping others, you will deliver a more authentic and genuine pitch, and ultimately, close more clients.
The sales fundamentals you can’t operate without

To get the “yes” at the end of a sales call, your prospect needs to feel confident you are equipped to solve their problems.
To make a stellar first impression, your sales pitch needs to satisfy each of these 5 fundamental criteria:
Transformational vs. Transactional: Instead of focusing on closing the sale, focus on your client’s goals. Do they have a specific revenue goal? Aiming for a higher profit margin? You need to know how the prospect defines success in order to help them get there.
Follow the 80/20 rule: Don’t steal the spotlight. Actively listen to your client's needs and concerns for 80%, and speak for only 20% of the conversation.
Be authentic: Don’t be embarrassed to show some excitement and passion. Your prospects want to work with an agency that is passionate about solving their problem.
Don’t oversell: Don't exaggerate or make promises you can't keep. Be honest and transparent with your clients to manage their expectations and avoid miscommunications.
Set meaningful expectations: Make sure your client knows what to expect from your product or service. Set realistic goals and deadlines to avoid missed expectations in the future.
Approaching sales with a service-based mindset takes practice, but when you implement these key fundamentals, you'll start to see more success with your sales pitch.
Extracting Information for a Service-Based Pitch
Now that you have the key sales fundamentals in your money-making toolbox, it's time to craft your pitch.
It’s important to know how to ask the RIGHT questions to better understand your prospect's needs and present your services in a way that aligns with their goals.
Here are some examples of questions to get the information flowing:
- What are your top 3 business goals? How do you define success?
- What are the biggest challenges blocking your success right now?
- What are your financial goals for the quarter?
- Who are your biggest competitors? What sets you apart?
- Who is your ideal customer?
- What pain points do they have that you are eliminating?
Use this data to tailor your pitch and highlight the ways your agency can help them achieve their objectives.
Remember, closing the sale is a secondary priority. Keep the focus on helping your prospect succeed, and the sale will come naturally.
Perfecting your pitch
Practice makes perfect, so be sure to review each of your sales calls and honestly evaluate how you did.
Be sure to complete this post-sales call evaluation checklist after your next sales call:
- Did I listen at least 80% during the call?
- Did I paint a picture of future opportunities for the client based on the goals they shared with me?
- Was I authentic and passionate about what I was offering?
- What expectations did I set for what my agency can deliver?
- Did I keep the focus on how I can help (not sell to) the client?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, it’s time to tweak your sales pitch for next time.
Remember, it's all about helping your clients succeed, and by doing so, you'll attract and close more deals. With practice and determination, your calendar will be full before you know it.