It's always the little throwaway tweets that go picked up. Not the ones that we agonize over. I was doing some work at the command line and typed "dotnet --version | clip" to copy the .NET Core version number into the clipboard. Then I tweeted a little "hey, remember this great utility?" and then the plane took off. I landed two hours later and it had over 500 RTs. Madness.
总是捡到一些一次性的推文。 不是我们苦恼的。 我在命令行上做了一些工作,然后键入“ dotnet --version | clip”将.NET Core版本号复制到剪贴板中。 然后我发了一点推文“嘿,还记得这个很棒的工具吗?” 然后飞机起飞了。 两小时后,我着陆了,它有超过500次RT。 疯狂。
It's funny that 10 year old command prompt utility (this was added in Vista) that everyone's forgotten elicits such an enthusiastic response.
Since you all love that stuff, here's a few other "forgotten command prompt features."
Windows folk: Did you know you can pipe cmd prompt commands into the clipboard? pic.twitter.com/fSE7ZHBBbB
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)Windows people:您知道可以将cmd提示命令通过管道传递到剪贴板吗? pic.twitter.com/fSE7ZHBBbB
— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) June 20, 2016 2016年6月20日
Some of these have been in Windows since, well, DOS. Others were added in Windows 10. What did I miss? Sound off in the comments.
自DOS以来,其中一些已经在Windows中使用。 Windows 10中添加了其他功能。我想念什么? 在评论中听起来不错。
管道命令输出到剪贴板 (Pipe command output to the clipboard)
In Vista they added clip.exe. It captures any standard input and puts in the clipboard.
在Vista中,他们添加了clip.exe。 它捕获任何标准输入并将其放入剪贴板。
That means you can
- dir /s | clip dir / s | 夹
- ver | clip ver | 夹
- ipconfig /all | clip ipconfig /全部| 夹
You get the idea.

F7为您提供图形(文本)历史记录 (F7 gives you a graphical (text) history)
If you have already typed a few commands, you can press F7 to get an ANSI popup with a list of commands you've typed. 4DOS anyone?
如果您已经键入了一些命令,则可以按F7键以显示包含已键入命令列表的ANSI弹出窗口。 4DOS有人吗?

透明命令提示符 (Transparent Command Prompt)
After Windows 10, you can make the Command Prompt transparent!
在Windows 10之后,您可以使命令提示符透明!

全屏命令提示符 (Full Screen Command Prompt)
Pressing "ALT-ENTER" in the command prompt (any prompt, cmd, powershell, or bash) will make it full screen. I like to put my command prompt on another virtual desktop and then use CTRL-WIN-ARROWS to move between them.
在命令提示符(任何提示符,cmd,powershell或bash)中按“ ALT-ENTER”将使其全屏显示。 我喜欢将命令提示符放在另一个虚拟桌面上,然后使用CTRL-WIN-ARROWS在它们之间移动。
Windows 10命令提示符本机支持ANSI。 (The Windows 10 Command Prompt supports ANSI natively.)
The cmd.exe (conhost in Windows 10 1511+, actually) now supports ANSI directly. Which means BBS Ansi Art, of course.
cmd.exe(实际上是Windows 10 1511+中的conhost )现在直接支持ANSI。 当然,这意味着BBS Ansi Art。
Finally New Microsoft has its priorities straight. Early builds of ANSI Art support making its way into Windows 10! pic.twitter.com/UjWCrnrED2
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)最终,新微软公司将其优先事项一目了然。 早期版本的ANSI Art支持已进入Windows 10! pic.twitter.com/UjWCrnrED2
— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) February 5, 2016 2016年2月5日
自动换行(Word wrapping)
Oh, and the Windows 10 command prompt supports active word wrapping and resizing. It's about time.
哦, Windows 10命令提示符支持活动的自动换行和调整大小。 是时候了。
小拟合和完成命令 (Little Fit and Finish Commands)
- You can change the current command prompt's title with "TITLE" 您可以使用“ TITLE”更改当前命令提示符的标题
- You can change its size with MODE CON COLS=x LINES=y 您可以使用MODE CON COLS = x LINES = y更改其大小
- You can change the colors from a batch file with COLOR (hex)您可以使用COLOR(十六进制)从批处理文件中更改颜色
What did I miss?
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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/forgotten-but-awesome-windows-command-prompt-features