In our previous blog post we introduced you to ORCID. The ORCID iD is a free, unique, persistent identifier that you own and control which distinguishes you from every other researcher across disciplines, borders, and time.
You can connect your iD with your professional information such as affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more. You can use your iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and hassle, and reducing the risk of errors.
Now that you have registered your ORCID iD, it is time to use your iD to make life easier for you and the institutions and organizations you connect with throughout your research career.
In this post we are going to take you through the steps of adding works to your ORCID record. Works are your research outputs, including publications, data sets, conference presentations, and more.
There are different ways to add these works, including:
1. Adding works by direct import from other systems. You can import links to your publications and other works to your ORCID record from other databases. This is the recommended process because it reduces or eliminates errors and enables a reliable connection between your ORCID iD and your works.
2. Adding works using an identifier. You can add a work using any of the following identifiers: DOI (not ISTIC and CNKI), ArXiv, or PubMed ID.
3. Importing works from a BibTeX file. Using the BibTeX import tool, you can import your research works from systems that have not yet built a connection with ORCID. We test our import tool with BibTeX generated from standard BibTeX providers, including Google Scholar Citations.
4. Adding works manually. To add a work yourself, click Add works, then +Add manually, and a box will appear enabling you to complete for a manual work citation.
There is a current maximum number of 10,000 works that you can add to your ORCID record. This helps prevent performance issues on the ORCID Registry. If one exceeds this limit, you will see an error message asking you to remove some works and try again.
While it is possible to add works manually, ORCID recommends that you permit trusted organizations to add/update this information to add and update them for you. By allowing trusted organizations to add information to your record, this will ensure that the data connected with your ORCID iD is authoritative and trustworthy, as well as save you time entering information manually. The organization that added the work to your record will be listed as the source of the item.
Once you have added works to your ORCID record, you are able to edit the works that you have added to your record (manually or via BibTeX) yourself. Your name will be shown as the source for these works (for more information, see
Works added by another source, such as via a Search & Link wizard, cannot be edited directly by the researcher. The edits must be made using the copy and edit icon to create a copy of the information added by the third party source, which you can then edit. This copy will be saved as a new version of the work, with you as the source. Only works that have an external identifier can be copied.
Adding works to your ORCID record increases your benefits as a researcher by ensuring your research outputs and activities will be correctly attributed to you as well as improving your discoverability and recognition. Your ORCID record belongs exclusively to you, is free, and it exists forever.
Visit to register for your ORCID iD today.
Take a quick video tour of your new ORCID record and learn how to add your biography, place of employment and how to use the Search & Link wizard!.