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Shout-Out to Kotlin for Server-Side Content Creators!
If you’re using Kotlin for server-side development and sharing your experiences – whether through blog posts, videos, or sample projects – know that we see you, and we want to highlight your work!
Recent picks from the community
📖 [Article] From Java to Kotlin — a practical example of how to convert code – Paul Newport shows how to convert Java code to idiomatic Kotlin, improve null safety, and migrate tests to Kotest.
🎥 [Video series] Ktor Server Fundamentals – Akash Kamati covers Ktor fundamentals, routing, authentication, and more to help you build robust backend applications with Kotlin.
🎥 [Video series] Ktor and MongoDB – Akash Kamati walks through setting up MongoDB with Ktor, covering CRUD operations, full-text search, aggregation, and query optimization for scalable Kotlin applications.
💻 [Project] Kotlin WoT & Agent ReaCtor (ARC) Framework – Robert Winkler is developing a Kotlin-based client/server framework for AI agents and tools, integrating W3C WoT compatibility with Ktor.
📖 [Article] Integrating Firebase JWT token verification in Ktor – Part 1 – Jamie Craane explains how to integrate Firebase JWT authentication in Ktor, covering secure token verification, authentication setup, and best practices for handling JWTs.
📖 [Article] Integrating Firebase JWT token verification in Ktor – Part 2 – In part two, Jamie Craane explores linking Firebase users to a database, using custom tokens, Exposed SQL, and Kotlin context.
💻 [Project] Stove – E2E Testing for JVM Backends – Oğuzhan Soykan introduces Stove, a Kotlin-based framework for testing Ktor, Spring Boot, and Micronaut, with built-in support for Kafka, PostgreSQL, and more.
If you’re creating something like this, we’d love to see it!
What’s in it for you?
Creating high-quality content takes time and effort, and we want to make sure it gets the recognition it deserves. Every few months, the Kotlin team will pick standout content and help amplify it by:
- Featuring it on the Kotlin blog.
- Sharing it on @Kotlin X, Kotlin Slack (get an invite here), and YouTube.
Need content ideas?
Not sure what to cover? Here are some of the most requested topics:
- Best practices for using Kotlin in backend development.
- Migrating an existing Java Spring backend to Kotlin.
- Optimizing microservices with Kotlin.
- Building with Ktor or Spring Boot in Kotlin.
- Using Kotlin for AI-powered backend systems.
Of course, these are just suggestions – if you’ve got insights or experiences to share, we’d love to see them!
How to share your work
To make your content easier to find, use the tag #KotlinServerSide on platforms that support it.
We’re excited to see what you create!