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Best Book Review Blogs in 2025

Showing 223 blogs that match your search.

I promise on this blog, I will give my honest review and probably try to insert some humour along the way….which will probably fail. I can’t win them all! If you love reading then you have come to the right place!!

Blogger: Zoé

Genres: Contemporary Fiction and Mystery/Thriller

🌐 Domain authority: 19

👀 Average monthly visits: 600 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Book Nation by Jen features book reviews, recommendations and author Q & A. Jen also hosts a Book Nation Book Club to meet authors and discuss their books live on Zoom.

Blogger: Jennifer Blankfein

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, and Non-Fiction

🌐 Domain authority: 7

👀 Average monthly visits: 2,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Social media

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

We review books, conduct author interviews, and have monthly book awards.

Blogger: Thomas Anderson

Genres: Children's, Christian, Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Erotica, Fantasy, Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humor, LGBT, Mystery/Thriller, New Adult, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Sports, Urban Fantasy, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 30

👀 Average monthly visits: 12,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The Crimson Review blog is a compilation of children's and young adult book reviews composed by graduate students enrolled in the Children's and Young Adult Materials and Services courses at the University of Alabama's School of Library and Information Studies. These reviews can assist librarians, teachers, and parents as they select novels, picture books, and informational books for their children or students to read.

Blogger: Dr. Jamie Campbell Naidoo

Genres: Graphic Novel, Children's, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 12

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

I focus mainly on independent/small press and self published literary fiction. My preferred format is printed/bound books, though I have reluctantly moved into the digital age and accept ebooks for review (PDF and .mobi). I am open to working with various authors, publishers, publicists, and literary agencies - reading and reviewing ARC's and backlist titles. I would love to hear about your book as well.

Blogger: Lori

Genres: Contemporary Fiction

🌐 Domain authority: 35

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Shari Sakurai is a British author of paranormal, horror, science fiction and fantasy novels that almost always feature a LGBT protagonist and/or antagonist. She has always loved to write and it is her escape from the sometimes stressful modern life!

Blogger: Shari

Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror

🌐 Domain authority: 20

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

We typically read Young Adult, New Adult (relatively clean please, some explicit content is okay), and some fantasy or thriller/mystery novels. We may branch out and consider other novels, but it just depends on if it seems like something we might enjoy.

Blogger: Haley and Becca

Genres: Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 32

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Website contact form

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Books and Bindings specializes in reviewing FICTION, mainly women's fiction, spicy romances, cozy mysteries, some suspense, contemporary fiction, literary fiction, and some paranormal. But Empress DJ is not really a fan of horror or zombies. Zombies are just so tiresome — they are horrible conversationalists and only seem to want me for my brains. Review requests outside these genres will be up for consideration.

Blogger: Empress DJ

Genres: YA, Contemporary Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, and Children's

🌐 Domain authority: 34

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Quill & Quire is the magazine of the Canadian book trade. The magazine reviews around 400 new titles each year, offering the most comprehensive look at Canadian-authored books in the country.

Blogger: The Q&Q Team

Genres: YA, Crime, Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance, Mystery/Thriller, Science Fiction, Paranormal, New Adult, Children's, Christian, Non-Fiction, LGBT, Humor, Horror, and Urban Fantasy

🌐 Domain authority: 57

👀 Average monthly visits: 81,500 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

Started at the beginning of 2012, Ana's Attic brings honest romance book and audiobook reviews, as well as new releases, sales, freebies and preorders. We continue to post at least 4 times a week.

Blogger: Ana

Genres: Romance

🌐 Domain authority: 35

👀 Average monthly visits: 34,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Mail

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

If you are an author who would like a book review, please send me an email and please include the following information: Your name, Title of your book, Topic of book, including the sport, Any media links, Contact information.

Blogger: Lance

Genres: Sports

🌐 Domain authority: 20

👀 Average monthly visits: 5,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

If you are an author/publisher, we would be happy to feature your book on Bookwyrming Thoughts. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read our review policy - we look forward to working with you! If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to contact us. :)

Blogger: Sophia, Lupe & Anelise

Genres: YA, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, Paranormal, and Humor

🌐 Domain authority: 33

👀 Average monthly visits: 3,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

The Bibliofile is a book blog. I mostly review new releases, bestsellers, literary fiction, mysteries, and popular non-fiction. You can also get updates on bookish news and find other book-related content.

Blogger: Jennifer

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Non-Fiction, and Romance

🌐 Domain authority: 30

👀 Average monthly visits: 7,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? No

Hey, thanks for joining! We're so happy you're here! We accept review requests from indie authors (small press, independent press, and self pub) and traditionally published authors. We do not guarantee reviews. IMPORTANT: Do not contact our staff reviewers directly with review requests. They will not respond. Repeated contacts will result in your email being blocked.

Blogger: YA Books Central Team

Genres: YA

🌐 Domain authority: 47

👀 Average monthly visits: 45,000 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Submission manager

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

Gayathri loves reading, recommending books and talking about bookish things in real life. Her blog is just an extension of that habit. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she freelances as a beta reader. She lives currently in Dubai.

Blogger: Gayathri

Genres: Contemporary Fiction, Crime, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Mystery/Thriller, New Adult, Romance, Science Fiction, and YA

🌐 Domain authority: 29

👀 Average monthly visits: 1,500 p/mo

💌 Preferred contact method: Email

⭐️ Accepts indie books? Yes

So you want to find a book blog?

If you’re a voracious reader, you might think of a book blog as an oasis in the middle of the desert: a place on the Internet that brims with talk about books, books, and more books.

Well, good news — we built this directory of the 200 of the best book blogs to satiate your thirst. Take a walk around, use the filters to narrow down your search to blogs in your preferred genre, and feel free to bookmark this page and come back, as we do update it regularly with more of the best book blogs out there. 

If you’re an aspiring author, you might see a book blog more as a book review blog: a place where you can get your yet-to-be published book reviewed. In that case, you’ll be glad to know that most of the book blogs in our directory are open to review requests and accept indie books! We expressly designed this page (and our book marketing platform, Reedsy Discovery) to be useful to indie book authors who need book reviews. If you’re wondering how to approach a book blog for a review request, please read on. 

You’ve found a book blog. Now what? 

Let’s say that you’re an author, and you’ve found a couple of book blogs that would be perfect fits to review your book. What now? Here are some tips as you go about getting your book reviews:

  • Be sure to read the review policy. First, check that the book blog you’re querying is open to review requests. If that’s the fortunate case, carefully read the blog’s review policy and make sure that you follow the directions to a T.  
  • Individualize your pitches. Book bloggers will be able to immediately tell apart the bulk pitches, which simply come across as thoughtless and indifferent. If you didn’t take the time to craft a good pitch, why should the blogger take the time to read your book? Personalize each pitch to up your chances of getting a response. 
  • Format your book in a professional manner before sending it out. Ensure that your manuscript isn’t presented sloppily. If the book blogger asks for a digital ARC, you might want to check out apps such as Instafreebie or Bookfunnel. 
  • Create a spreadsheet to track your progress. Wading through so many book blogs can be troublesome — not to mention trying to remember which ones you’ve already contacted. To save yourself the time and trouble, use a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of your progress (and results). 

Looking to learn even more about the process? Awesome 👍 For a detailed guide, check out this post that’s all about getting book reviews. 


Discovery | Pro Book Review | 2021-03

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