Moving during your pregnancy or with a newborn is not necessarily an ideal situation, but plenty of women to it, and so can you. Fair enough, you are probably tired. Plus, your back may ache and your ankles might be swollen, but moving does not have to exhaust you as long as you plan it through thoughtfully. Below are some tips that will help ensure a smooth move, which will keep additional stress to a minimum.
Plan Ahead for Childcare
The last thing you will feel like doing after the move is to search for a nanny or babysitter. If you are still pregnant you may assume you have plenty of time, but when the baby arrives early, you will be happy you lined someone up. Plus, if you wait until the last minute, you will feel rushed and stressed. This is a huge decision. You want to have the time to interview and call references. If your baby has already arrived, this is even more important.
Decide on Services
You should be able to enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. If you have been taking a prenatal yoga class, you will feel miserable, if you simply quit because of your move. If you have one lined up in your new area then you can continue to enjoy your practice, which will help keep you healthy, positive, and stress-free. If you are moving a long distance and will have to find a new OB, this needs to be done in advance. Your current doctor may give you a referral, but that does not mean the potential one is even accepting new patients. You want to do this far in advance so you can talk to a few and choose one without rushing.
Book Movers Far in Advance
The mover you choose will essentially dictate whether you have a positive or negative experience. You want to start this new exciting chapter in your life on the right foot. can help you find and compare companies and research prices. This is a huge decision. Research the company you are interested in on the internet and read reviews. Ask for references and actually take the time to call. If you go through Unpakt, you have peace-of-mind knowing the recommended full-service movers have already been screened.
Change Your Address
If you are an expecting or new mom, it is important that you change your address with the post office at least one week prior to the move. You do not want to miss important documents arriving in the mail, such as social security cards and hospital documents. Plus, friends and family may be sending you cards and gift cards in the mail. It typically takes about seven days for all mail to be forwarded, so these important items could end up getting delivered to an address you are no longer living at if you wait too long. Keep in mind that magazine subscriptions need to be changed individually as they are not forwarded. So, if you have subscribed to parenting magazines, make sure you contact them with your new address.
Know Where Important Documents Are
Important documents should be packed in your overnight bag or a box that you intend on transporting with you. These include birth certificates, social security cards, credit card information, health and renters or homeowners insurance, closing papers or rental lease agreement, and immunization records if your child has already been born. These are documents you should be able to access in an instant.
Pack an Overnight Bag
In this bag or box should be everything you absolutely everything you need to get you through at least 24 hours. You can’t predict how you will feel, so you may not want to open a dozen boxes just to find a shower curtain and some clean clothes. Your toiletries, snacks, vitamins, etc. should go in here. If you are moving with a baby, this box should also contain everything your bundle of joy needs from diapers to a few stuffed animals to bottles. On second thought, they will probably end up needing more than you, so pack them a separate bag.
Walk Down Memory Lane
If you are moving somewhere close then this step really will not apply to you. However, if you are moving a little further away, take the time to visit some of your favorite spots before you go. This could be your old ballet studio or your favorite café. If you already have a child, take them to their favorite park with the best swings or to go feed the ducks by the water like you usually do, and take pictures. You may want to create a scrapbook for your child later; these pictures will come in handy.
Get Older Kids Excited
Whether you have another child who is 5 or 15, there are tasks they can do. Not only will this relieve a little burden from you, but it will also allow them to feel a little more involved. Even having a child create labels or color and sticker the boxes in their room will keep them occupied so you can get more accomplished.
Unpack Logically
It can be tempting to want to unpack your living room or bedroom just to see how your stuff looks in your new place, but this is not recommended. If you are still pregnant, unpack the bathroom first and make sure your bed is made so you can lie down when you need to. If you are moving with a baby, their room should be unpacked first. You do not need to do everything right away, but have the crib put together and your basic supplies handy.
Stay Positive
Moving is stressful, but it is also exciting. It is common to become even more anxious and stressed if you are close to your delivery date because you want to do so much, but your body will not let you. Stay focused on the happiness of this event. This is especially important if you already have the baby or other children. They will pick up on your anxiety, and it will affect them more than you know.