Homeschoolers have some exciting options for learning and socializing thanks to Huron Academic Endeavors. The St. Clair County hybrid homeschool learning center is planning sports and skills camps for student-athletes from as young as three years old up through high school. Participants will focus on tennis for the next 10-week session. The session will be held at the Port Huron Tennis House in Port Huron. Click here for more information and to register:–2025. The tennis camp is part of the ongoing Play Endeavors sports camp series.
Huron Academic Endeavors is also offering a Donuts and Science Series where students can learn about a different topic each month while enjoying donuts. January’s topic is Animal Science featuring the popular owl pellet dissection presented by MSU Extension. There will also be a visit from Timber Creek Petting Farm. Feburary’s theme is Weather Science, while March’s theme takes a look at Earth Science. April’s theme is Plant Science, and May’s theme is Farm Science with field trips to local farms.
To register for the Donuts and Science Series, click here: and select the months you are interested in. The events are open to the public.