What People Are Saying
“They told me I was unrealistic to apply for the jobs I was applying for and that I should consider a new career”
“Job ad said ‘remote’ but they want you in the office 4 days a week”
“The recruitment agent pretty much gave me the impression I got the job. Then she ghosted me for 2 weeks, only to come back and tell me that someone with more experience got it.”
“They spam me on LinkedIn with inappropriate jobs because my job title matches a random keyword”
“I went through six stages of interviews before they told me I didn’t have enough experience for the advertised salary. They wanted to pay me $5K less and have me come into the office every day instead of the remote arrangement they had advertised. They completely changed the offer.”
“Recruiter thought they could fill the job I have now with someone who could get a higher salary and therefore get them a higher commission. I applied directly and got the job, then found out that the recruiter tried it on with the company after I was hired trying to get a cut of commission. That’s when I found out that they purposely never put me forward for the job (and obviously they got no commission as a result).”

Meet The Author
Nick Hardman has a background in psychology as well as extensive experience in manufacturing, engineering, and defense as an industrial design consultant. He knows the career struggles that uniquely gifted professionals who don't fit the 20th century, post-industrial, corporate 9-5 work model, go through firsthand. Drawing on both psychology and design backgrounds (left and right brain thinking), Nick brings clarifying insight to his clients’ career concerns, and a nuts and bolts wisdom for translating their deepest aspirations into practical reality. If you’re a uniquely gifted professional struggling in your career, feeling like you should be doing something different with your natural talents and abilities, and that you’re wasting your time, you need to talk to Nick.
Some of Nick’s professional engagements include…