I am not sure if this dream/vision took place last night or this morning, because I woke up at 4am and then fell asleep again. I also struggled to remember the dream when I woke up again - I had completely forgotten it. It wasn't until I read the Word that I remembered it again, it all instantly came back to me very clearly. This is what took place in the dream/vision from all that I can remember again:
I was flying on what I think was a table/wooden platform. I looked below me and saw a beautiful view. It looked like paradise, the water was fresh and blue and there were beautiful trees. I felt every sensation as I flew on this wooden platform. When I was falling, I lifted the front section of the wooden platform and was lifted up again, so I learned in the dream/vision that I was in control of my direction. I then flew lower and went into the water, but I noticed that I didn't feel any sensation of being in the water, it wasn't even cold. I hardly felt that I was in water, it just felt like air. In the dream I was amazed how I couldn't feel the water, and when I flew up out of the water I thought to myself something along the lines of "we must go there to feel more of a sensation then?" (referring to the physical earth). I then looked down again and saw from a very far distance a man on a white horse. He looked so small from far, but I could see extremely clearly that it was a man on a white horse. I was then taken closer to him and I was back in the water again. He was near to me and had his back to me, and I was watching in anticipation waiting for him to turn around so that I could see his face. He turned around and I saw his face clearly. I wasn't expecting to see his face, but I saw it. When I looked at his face I thought "Yes, he is handsome" and then after thinking that I thought "wait, but the scriptures say that he (the Messiah) had no appearance that we should desire him?" and I stayed in the water for a while and he was near and we did not talk (or at least that is all I can remember of it).
I normally pray for God to speak to me in my dreams "if it is Your will only" and sometimes I wake up remembering (I have had some disturbing dreams also) and other days I wake up and I know that I had a very busy dream, but cannot seem to remember what it was. I am not sure what this dream is about (and I feel many things coming against me everyday to make me doubt a lot of things I never used to doubt before) but I do recall reading scriptures about a man on a white horse (I will place them below for you to read) and so I decided to share this one on my Blog. Read the scriptures below:
"I looked up and saw a white horse. Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed on his head. He rode out to win many battles and gain the victory" (Revelation 6:2).
Revelation 19:11-16: "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords."
Again, what this means, or whether this was Christ or not, I do not know. All I know is what I saw and how real it felt, and all I can do is share it exactly as it took place.
Open the Word of God, and read!

My name is Sydney and as a follower of Christ, I am called to share the gospel with the world (Mark 16:15-18) so that all who hear it and believe will be saved from their sins. I am called to share my testimonies to the Glory of God. On this Blog I have recorded every experience worth sharing for the restoration of faith of the unbelieving, to remind the world that Christ is the lamb of God who was sent to take away the sin of the world to bring us back to God.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Today I write about an experience I had a week ago, which proves that the devil does not want people to be baptized and also does not want to be exposed (everything is done in secret, otherwise people will begin to believe and therefore all be saved).
I was sitting in my room typing a post for Root of Tree Ministry and I noticed purple light around the screen area where I was typing, and as I typed "Be baptized" the words "Be baptized" disappeared completely. I retyped it and again they disappeared as if someone had backspaced it on my laptop. I then typed a few random letters and waited, but they did not disappear. So I left them on the screen and began to again type the words "Be baptized" and they disappeared while the rest of the random letters remained. I then backspaced all the letters and retyped some random letters again which read something like this: "Hellolalalala" and once again the words "Be Baptized" disappeared and the letters "Hellolalalala" remained. After laughing at how strange this was, I then prayed "God if it is Your will for me to share this post then please cast away from me whoever or whatever is interfering with my laptop, through Christ I pray, Amen". I then took out my phone to film the screen to capture this strange event, once again typing the words "Be baptized" and they did not disappear and so I typed the full verse out "Repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38) and shared it.
Brother/sister how amazed would sinners be if I had to catch this all on tape? Would they not begin to question their beliefs? Would they not begin to see? The reason many sinners do not turn away from their sins is because the devil has mentally manipulated their minds into believing that there is no battle happening in the world, that sin is just a random natural thing in our world, that there aren't spiritual and fleshly deceivers in the world who's job is to make people sin. The enemy does not want to be exposed, otherwise people will turn away from evil and no longer be a slave to sin. So if you are reading this and you are not saved, then I have bad news and good news for you. The bad news is that you are being controlled by demons - demons of lust, seduction, greed, sickness, of every kind of evil. The good news is that God sent us Christ, who is called the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29) because that is exactly what he was sent to do. This is why when people come to Christ, they are changed and no longer do the evil things they used to do (I am an example). This does not mean that you will no longer be tempted by the devil, this means that you are no longer blind to it and that you have received the strength to resist. The reason the devil does not want you to be baptized is because: "Those who believe and are baptized shall be saved; but those who do not shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16)
I was sitting in my room typing a post for Root of Tree Ministry and I noticed purple light around the screen area where I was typing, and as I typed "Be baptized" the words "Be baptized" disappeared completely. I retyped it and again they disappeared as if someone had backspaced it on my laptop. I then typed a few random letters and waited, but they did not disappear. So I left them on the screen and began to again type the words "Be baptized" and they disappeared while the rest of the random letters remained. I then backspaced all the letters and retyped some random letters again which read something like this: "Hellolalalala" and once again the words "Be Baptized" disappeared and the letters "Hellolalalala" remained. After laughing at how strange this was, I then prayed "God if it is Your will for me to share this post then please cast away from me whoever or whatever is interfering with my laptop, through Christ I pray, Amen". I then took out my phone to film the screen to capture this strange event, once again typing the words "Be baptized" and they did not disappear and so I typed the full verse out "Repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38) and shared it.
Brother/sister how amazed would sinners be if I had to catch this all on tape? Would they not begin to question their beliefs? Would they not begin to see? The reason many sinners do not turn away from their sins is because the devil has mentally manipulated their minds into believing that there is no battle happening in the world, that sin is just a random natural thing in our world, that there aren't spiritual and fleshly deceivers in the world who's job is to make people sin. The enemy does not want to be exposed, otherwise people will turn away from evil and no longer be a slave to sin. So if you are reading this and you are not saved, then I have bad news and good news for you. The bad news is that you are being controlled by demons - demons of lust, seduction, greed, sickness, of every kind of evil. The good news is that God sent us Christ, who is called the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29) because that is exactly what he was sent to do. This is why when people come to Christ, they are changed and no longer do the evil things they used to do (I am an example). This does not mean that you will no longer be tempted by the devil, this means that you are no longer blind to it and that you have received the strength to resist. The reason the devil does not want you to be baptized is because: "Those who believe and are baptized shall be saved; but those who do not shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16)
The world is being distracted, deceived and controlled, but:
"The Truth will set you free"
(John 8:32)
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Today I write about a demonic attack I experienced at a church connect. I had thought about cancelling plans to go to a church connect, but reminded myself that tiredness should not stop me from learning more about God. I began experiencing a strong feeling that I shouldn't go, and just as I was about to give in to it and message the person that would be fetching me I heard the bell ring and they were already outside. I quickly grabbed all I could grab, got into the car and was on my way. The whole way there I was wishing I had just stayed at home, so much that I wanted to ask the driver if he could rather drop me back at home, but I didn't. When I arrived, after some praise and worship, the group leader announced that we would be practicing the spiritual gift of prophecy. I thought to myself "Ah, that must be why the enemy didn't want me here tonight?"
We broke out into groups to lay hands on one person per group. I then asked God to show me anything about the girl my hands were touching, but only if it was His will. As I sat in silence I thought about what looked like a door and then said to the girl "A door has come to my mind and I'm not sure what it means, but I feel like it could be a door that you should walk through. Maybe it's a door that you want to walk through, but something is stopping you, holding you back from walking through that door." The other woman then said "Yes, I saw a gate, with rust on it!" I then thought about the word "hope" and felt she was lacking it. So I told her "I feel like the enemy is trying to steal your hope from you, so that you feel like there is no way and hope is that voice telling you everything is going to be okay keep going, which is why he wants to take your hope." Our group leader then came to prophecy over her as well and said to her "I see doors (Confirmation?) there are many doors that lead to wrong places, but there's one that you must walk through and in the other doors are all the wrong things and you keep walking into a door and feeling disappointed." She later shared her struggles with the whole group in tears and I could just hear the lack of hope in her voice.
After she received advice from everyone in the room we ended off with prayer and then all had some tea as usual before leaving. A while later someone then asked me if I want another cup of tea and although I didn't really want more tea, I thought sure why not. This is immediately when the attack on my mind started. Something kept telling me that I shouldn't drink the tea, that something bad would happen if I drank it. Once again those paranoid thoughts from my very first attack in New York came back and were telling me the tea is drugged. I ignored these thoughts and knew they were from the enemy trying to get me to accept a lie, and believe it, but as soon as I took a sip the attack became worse and I started feeling dizzy and just as I was about to ask everyone to pray for me, something told me you cannot trust them. I ignored this thought from the enemy and said "Guys, I don't feel well, something's wrong." and as I was putting the cup of tea down I was about to ask them to pray for me until one of the people said (as a joke) "What's wrong, is it the tea, hey who poured the tea did you poison Sydney." which really could not have been said at a worse moment lol someone then asked if I want water and I said yes and I got up to walk to the bathroom to pray alone. However as I walked towards the bathroom through the kitchen area I was so dizzy that I just fell onto the girl in the kitchen and something again was telling me not to trust her, but I had no choice but to ignore it and asked her to pray for me. She began praying and rebuking as I rested with my eyes closed upon her left shoulder. As she prayed I was shaking and really felt something or someone evil coming up strong against me, really trying hard to cripple me, but I just kept praying in my mind as she prayed and eventually after what must have been about 5 minutes I felt better. Tears began rolling down my face in my own weakness, mostly just trying to process what had just happened so suddenly, and why. Later when I arrived home safely, just before sleeping I prayed as usual, giving thanks to God, and then I asked God for help to set me free from whatever this was. I climbed into bed ready, very ready lol, to finally sleep and just before dozing off I saw a picture of a red star. Which appeared quite vividly like this (Only it was red):
I knew it was extremely evil (obviously) and I just knew in my heart that I had to pray against it. I immediately prayed against all demonic curses, hexes, spells, charms, witchcraft/dark magic that was ever used against me, cancelling them in the name of Jesus and I felt even better. I slept peacefully and woke up feeling excited, because I feel like God is showing me all of these things for a very good reason, and sometimes God takes us through a hard time so that we can help others who are going through it. How else would we be able to relate to them? (Jesus was lead into the wilderness by the Sprit to be tempted by the devil, so that he could resist and so that he could teach us how to resist).
So if you currently are facing any hard battles, I promise you that there is a reason for this season of your life and I can assure you that it won't last forever. A season does not last forever, it comes and it goes. Later you will look back at these struggles and you will smile in understanding of why it all had to happen, you will see how much stronger it made you, you will see how it humbled you and brought you closer to God. Remember that God will never have the intention of harming you, He only wishes to cause you to grow.
To GOD be the Glory, our faithful God who always hears our prayers and answers. He is the MOST POWERFUL and nothing and no one stands a chance against Him. I hope that this post helped you and I ask God to protect you, heal you and guide you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. God is with you right now!
We broke out into groups to lay hands on one person per group. I then asked God to show me anything about the girl my hands were touching, but only if it was His will. As I sat in silence I thought about what looked like a door and then said to the girl "A door has come to my mind and I'm not sure what it means, but I feel like it could be a door that you should walk through. Maybe it's a door that you want to walk through, but something is stopping you, holding you back from walking through that door." The other woman then said "Yes, I saw a gate, with rust on it!" I then thought about the word "hope" and felt she was lacking it. So I told her "I feel like the enemy is trying to steal your hope from you, so that you feel like there is no way and hope is that voice telling you everything is going to be okay keep going, which is why he wants to take your hope." Our group leader then came to prophecy over her as well and said to her "I see doors (Confirmation?) there are many doors that lead to wrong places, but there's one that you must walk through and in the other doors are all the wrong things and you keep walking into a door and feeling disappointed." She later shared her struggles with the whole group in tears and I could just hear the lack of hope in her voice.
After she received advice from everyone in the room we ended off with prayer and then all had some tea as usual before leaving. A while later someone then asked me if I want another cup of tea and although I didn't really want more tea, I thought sure why not. This is immediately when the attack on my mind started. Something kept telling me that I shouldn't drink the tea, that something bad would happen if I drank it. Once again those paranoid thoughts from my very first attack in New York came back and were telling me the tea is drugged. I ignored these thoughts and knew they were from the enemy trying to get me to accept a lie, and believe it, but as soon as I took a sip the attack became worse and I started feeling dizzy and just as I was about to ask everyone to pray for me, something told me you cannot trust them. I ignored this thought from the enemy and said "Guys, I don't feel well, something's wrong." and as I was putting the cup of tea down I was about to ask them to pray for me until one of the people said (as a joke) "What's wrong, is it the tea, hey who poured the tea did you poison Sydney." which really could not have been said at a worse moment lol someone then asked if I want water and I said yes and I got up to walk to the bathroom to pray alone. However as I walked towards the bathroom through the kitchen area I was so dizzy that I just fell onto the girl in the kitchen and something again was telling me not to trust her, but I had no choice but to ignore it and asked her to pray for me. She began praying and rebuking as I rested with my eyes closed upon her left shoulder. As she prayed I was shaking and really felt something or someone evil coming up strong against me, really trying hard to cripple me, but I just kept praying in my mind as she prayed and eventually after what must have been about 5 minutes I felt better. Tears began rolling down my face in my own weakness, mostly just trying to process what had just happened so suddenly, and why. Later when I arrived home safely, just before sleeping I prayed as usual, giving thanks to God, and then I asked God for help to set me free from whatever this was. I climbed into bed ready, very ready lol, to finally sleep and just before dozing off I saw a picture of a red star. Which appeared quite vividly like this (Only it was red):
I knew it was extremely evil (obviously) and I just knew in my heart that I had to pray against it. I immediately prayed against all demonic curses, hexes, spells, charms, witchcraft/dark magic that was ever used against me, cancelling them in the name of Jesus and I felt even better. I slept peacefully and woke up feeling excited, because I feel like God is showing me all of these things for a very good reason, and sometimes God takes us through a hard time so that we can help others who are going through it. How else would we be able to relate to them? (Jesus was lead into the wilderness by the Sprit to be tempted by the devil, so that he could resist and so that he could teach us how to resist).
"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling
of our infirmities;
but was in all points tempted like as we are,
yet without sin."
but was in all points tempted like as we are,
yet without sin."
(Hebrews 4:15)
So if you currently are facing any hard battles, I promise you that there is a reason for this season of your life and I can assure you that it won't last forever. A season does not last forever, it comes and it goes. Later you will look back at these struggles and you will smile in understanding of why it all had to happen, you will see how much stronger it made you, you will see how it humbled you and brought you closer to God. Remember that God will never have the intention of harming you, He only wishes to cause you to grow.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
(Jeremiah 29:11)
To GOD be the Glory, our faithful God who always hears our prayers and answers. He is the MOST POWERFUL and nothing and no one stands a chance against Him. I hope that this post helped you and I ask God to protect you, heal you and guide you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. God is with you right now!
About a month ago I was sitting in my room rebuking evil spirits, because I felt ill and the thoughts in my mind were all negative and confusing again. I thought I would start rebuking to see which unclean spirits were getting in the way of my happiness, they needed to go. So I said "Spirit of depression I rebuke you, leave now in Jesus name." but I didn't feel any sensation and nothing happened. Then I waited in silence and said "Spirit of lies leave now in Jesus name!" and I felt a bit of a weight off of my mind and a physical headache also left immediately. Apart from being healed, what is amazing is that just when I said it, hardly declaring out loud just whispering the words, (God hears whispers) I caught my dog Chaplin who was also in the room looking up fast at nothing to the left side of me, immediately when I rebuked in Jesus name. At first I thought this a coincidence, but when I rebuked the next spirit he looked fast down to the ground and his head followed whatever he was looking at upward fast. As I rebuked the third spirit he looked up again at a different area and looked at me and when he noticed I was watching him he put his head down. I want you to know that I don't need my dogs actions/reactions to tell me that demons are real (Read testimony 15) the word of God declares that they are real and that is enough for me. Just because we cannot see them, does not mean they are not there. (We cannot see wind, nor love but we feel it and know it is real). If you believe in Heaven and angels, you must also believe in demons and hell, because it is also written. I share this to make you aware that we have the victory and it is finished at the cross. We have received the authority through Christ and the enemy knows it more than you:
Now that I have made you slightly more aware of what evils are to be found in the spiritual realm (if you were unaware) I am going to share my experience with angels. I have never seen an angel with my physical eyes, but I have felt their presence and also their light. I am not sure when I first noticed this, (and it will never be able to go unnoticed now every time I pray) but one day I decided to ask God to send angels into my room to protect me and speak to me, because the word of God declares:
As I was praying for God's angels to come and join me in my room I felt and saw a bright light enter my room while my eyes closed. I then opened my eyes and saw nothing, but when I closed my eyes I saw/felt a bright light near/around me. To give you more understanding of what I mean, the way I saw it was as if I was sitting in darkness and then someone had turned on a light, so it was not a vision of light, but it felt like a light had been turned on as my eyes were closed, but the room light was already on, so it just got brighter out of nowhere proving that God does really send us His angels. It's the truth! It is all real! Again, just because we cannot see them, does not mean they are not there. I see this light every time I pray now for angels to come to my rescue. In my next testimony which I am going to share right now on the next post I will speak about what happened last night at a church connect. It is also to do with the demonic side, and the victory I received in this battle gives Glory to our faithful God who truly does hear our prayers, and He answers. I hope that this post helped you and I ask God, the one true God creator of Heaven and Earth to bless you, protect you, heal you and guide you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. God's angels are with you right now!
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony"
(Revelation 12:11)
and by the word of their testimony"
(Revelation 12:11)
Now that I have made you slightly more aware of what evils are to be found in the spiritual realm (if you were unaware) I am going to share my experience with angels. I have never seen an angel with my physical eyes, but I have felt their presence and also their light. I am not sure when I first noticed this, (and it will never be able to go unnoticed now every time I pray) but one day I decided to ask God to send angels into my room to protect me and speak to me, because the word of God declares:
"For he shall give his angels charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways."
(Psalm 91:11)
(Psalm 91:11)
As I was praying for God's angels to come and join me in my room I felt and saw a bright light enter my room while my eyes closed. I then opened my eyes and saw nothing, but when I closed my eyes I saw/felt a bright light near/around me. To give you more understanding of what I mean, the way I saw it was as if I was sitting in darkness and then someone had turned on a light, so it was not a vision of light, but it felt like a light had been turned on as my eyes were closed, but the room light was already on, so it just got brighter out of nowhere proving that God does really send us His angels. It's the truth! It is all real! Again, just because we cannot see them, does not mean they are not there. I see this light every time I pray now for angels to come to my rescue. In my next testimony which I am going to share right now on the next post I will speak about what happened last night at a church connect. It is also to do with the demonic side, and the victory I received in this battle gives Glory to our faithful God who truly does hear our prayers, and He answers. I hope that this post helped you and I ask God, the one true God creator of Heaven and Earth to bless you, protect you, heal you and guide you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. God's angels are with you right now!
"Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared."
(Exodus 23:30)
Monday, June 22, 2015
I should have posted this long ago, but I finally found an opportunity to sit down and type this today. A lot has been stopping me from writing lately. Not just on my blogs and pages but in my journals, I feel as though something has blocked my mind and I want you to know that life has been anything but easy during this stage of growth in my life - and that is exactly why - it is a stage of growth. As the word of God says:
All these trials I have been overcoming are only making me a stronger person, so that I am able to easily endure whatever challenges are to come my way in the future. I have many stories to share about various spiritual attacks I have been experiencing and many prayers being answered, but today I would like to share something that is going to help someone reading this, and may it Glorify the One true God, creator of Heaven, Earth and mankind.
Recently my little cousin, Lenay, was staying with me for a weekend. We decided to head to the movies, at Grand West's cinema and I just need to speak to God while we were both sitting on the back seat. So I said a prayer to God in my mind, with a very desperate heart that went something like this: "God almighty, please help me, I need a change. Show me what I must do to stop suffering like this. There must be a way I can still be happy throughout all of this. In Jesus name. Amen" and it was then that this thought came to my mind "Familiar spirit" I didn't know what a familiar spirit was, but I felt like it had something to do with a spirit that was familiar lol don't know how I came to this. So I said in my mind: "I rebuke you familiar spirit, in Jesus name! I believe that Jesus was crucified, that he was buried in the tomb and rose again. Leave my life now in the name of Jesus! You will no longer manipulate me!" and immediately after this prayer I started feeling physical sensations on my body - mostly on my legs. I'm not sure how to explain it perfectly so that you understand it, but it felt like a Goosebumps, like something was indeed leaving my body, or my spirit. The strangest part was that when I got out of the car and started walking I physically felt lighter. It was like I always felt heavy while walking around everyday without noticing, and I only realized that heaviness when it left me. The biggest miracle is that all the negative thoughts/ delusions and confusions were 100% GONE! It was like I entered a new world, because my perception (the way my mind interpreted it) changed instantly.
I walked around Grand West in shock at this immediate change in perception and began thinking about how real all of this is (this spiritual battle). While we (Lenay and I) were in the cinema I left to the bathroom alone, to say thank you to God and just to pray because I was feeling a bit afraid. I carry my Bible with me everywhere so I took it out of my bag and opened it at a random section after praying, and it opened at Proverbs and my eyes were immediately drawn to the following verse:
You can choose not to believe in a lot of things, as God has given you the gift of free will, but whether you believe in demons and curses etc or not, there are in fact devil worshippers in our world, who practice magic (which God's word forbids) and go around cursing people. I've learned that not all devil worshippers do go around burning churches and killing Christians, most of them are just deceived by, who Jesus calls "the father of lies" into thinking that they are God's themselves and that they have self-power - which is what the world is being taught today. So I pray that God blesses you, heals you and protects you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In Jesus name! Amen
"My brothers and sisters, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
(James 1:1-4)
All these trials I have been overcoming are only making me a stronger person, so that I am able to easily endure whatever challenges are to come my way in the future. I have many stories to share about various spiritual attacks I have been experiencing and many prayers being answered, but today I would like to share something that is going to help someone reading this, and may it Glorify the One true God, creator of Heaven, Earth and mankind.
Recently my little cousin, Lenay, was staying with me for a weekend. We decided to head to the movies, at Grand West's cinema and I just need to speak to God while we were both sitting on the back seat. So I said a prayer to God in my mind, with a very desperate heart that went something like this: "God almighty, please help me, I need a change. Show me what I must do to stop suffering like this. There must be a way I can still be happy throughout all of this. In Jesus name. Amen" and it was then that this thought came to my mind "Familiar spirit" I didn't know what a familiar spirit was, but I felt like it had something to do with a spirit that was familiar lol don't know how I came to this. So I said in my mind: "I rebuke you familiar spirit, in Jesus name! I believe that Jesus was crucified, that he was buried in the tomb and rose again. Leave my life now in the name of Jesus! You will no longer manipulate me!" and immediately after this prayer I started feeling physical sensations on my body - mostly on my legs. I'm not sure how to explain it perfectly so that you understand it, but it felt like a Goosebumps, like something was indeed leaving my body, or my spirit. The strangest part was that when I got out of the car and started walking I physically felt lighter. It was like I always felt heavy while walking around everyday without noticing, and I only realized that heaviness when it left me. The biggest miracle is that all the negative thoughts/ delusions and confusions were 100% GONE! It was like I entered a new world, because my perception (the way my mind interpreted it) changed instantly.
I walked around Grand West in shock at this immediate change in perception and began thinking about how real all of this is (this spiritual battle). While we (Lenay and I) were in the cinema I left to the bathroom alone, to say thank you to God and just to pray because I was feeling a bit afraid. I carry my Bible with me everywhere so I took it out of my bag and opened it at a random section after praying, and it opened at Proverbs and my eyes were immediately drawn to the following verse:
"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the Godly are as bold as lions."
(Proverbs 28:1)
I then prayed again giving thanks and asked for one more sign, I'm not sure why, but I felt like I had to and so I again opened my Bible at another random section and my eyes were drawn to the following title only:
I'm not sure what that means yet, but my spirit became excited as I read it. I then messaged a fellow youth leader to pray for me, because I was feeling a bit light headed and generally I just wanted to speak to someone, because I was going through all of this alone (with God of course, but with no other people) I couldn't obviously talk to my little cousin about this lol so there is nobody standing beside me saying "Sydney I'm going through the same thing" or "I went through, the same thing, this is what you have to do" yet at the same time I am thankful for it, because it has caused me to put my full reliance on God and not on human beings, it has proven to me that God is indeed faithful, God indeed hears and answers our prayers and I am grateful for every experience - good and bad. I later researched what a familiar spirit was and it was indeed a spirit/demon that is assigned to people to make their lives difficult. The definition is: "A demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch, often said to assume the form of an animal." And I just thought, that is so rude lol how dare anyone or anything attempt to write my life with their curses and bad wishes. God is the author of my life! So I encourage you as fellow children of God to read the word of God, do the research, become wise and stand up strong against the enemy, because without taking it personally remind yourself that the enemy of God is simply trying to stop God's will from happening, by distracting you with worthless temptations to get you to sin, and using people to discourage you. The next day I shared this whole experience in our youth leader group and finally today (22 June 2015) is the day I managed to share it on my Blog after a prayer for God's will to be done and for this to be a productive day. I hope this post has helped you. Remember that YOU have the authority now:
"Esther becomes queen."
I'm not sure what that means yet, but my spirit became excited as I read it. I then messaged a fellow youth leader to pray for me, because I was feeling a bit light headed and generally I just wanted to speak to someone, because I was going through all of this alone (with God of course, but with no other people) I couldn't obviously talk to my little cousin about this lol so there is nobody standing beside me saying "Sydney I'm going through the same thing" or "I went through, the same thing, this is what you have to do" yet at the same time I am thankful for it, because it has caused me to put my full reliance on God and not on human beings, it has proven to me that God is indeed faithful, God indeed hears and answers our prayers and I am grateful for every experience - good and bad. I later researched what a familiar spirit was and it was indeed a spirit/demon that is assigned to people to make their lives difficult. The definition is: "A demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch, often said to assume the form of an animal." And I just thought, that is so rude lol how dare anyone or anything attempt to write my life with their curses and bad wishes. God is the author of my life! So I encourage you as fellow children of God to read the word of God, do the research, become wise and stand up strong against the enemy, because without taking it personally remind yourself that the enemy of God is simply trying to stop God's will from happening, by distracting you with worthless temptations to get you to sin, and using people to discourage you. The next day I shared this whole experience in our youth leader group and finally today (22 June 2015) is the day I managed to share it on my Blog after a prayer for God's will to be done and for this to be a productive day. I hope this post has helped you. Remember that YOU have the authority now:
"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord [Jesus] even the demons submit to us in your name.” He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
(Luke 10:17-20)
You can choose not to believe in a lot of things, as God has given you the gift of free will, but whether you believe in demons and curses etc or not, there are in fact devil worshippers in our world, who practice magic (which God's word forbids) and go around cursing people. I've learned that not all devil worshippers do go around burning churches and killing Christians, most of them are just deceived by, who Jesus calls "the father of lies" into thinking that they are God's themselves and that they have self-power - which is what the world is being taught today. So I pray that God blesses you, heals you and protects you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In Jesus name! Amen
Saturday, February 21, 2015
On Tuesday something told me to fetch my Bible before my first youth leader connect group meeting. Before opening my Bible, though, my dad asked me to message my brother to tell him to pick up some luxuries on his way home. So I left my Bible closed on my desk, grabbed my phone and as I was about to click on BBM, my phone's screen shifted to the left and I instead accidentally clicked the Bible app. I thought, well God must want to show me something right now because I don't believe in accidents lol and I read: "Today's verse" which said:
I thought this was just the perfect verse for the day, being that I was going to be at a Hillsong church connect the night in which I knew we would end off with prayer. I then messaged my brother, put my phone down and opened my Bible at a random spot. I read about Jesus and just as I was about to stop reading, something told me: "don't be lazy, don't end here, just read one more page." I then paged over and listened to this thought and there stood the same verse without me even realising was at in the Bible: "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” I jumped back into my seat, looked up while pointing my finger up at God with a smile on my face saying "Whoa! God...you are good" lol when I arrived at our connect group I shared this experience with everyone. (We ended up having a spontaneous picnic underneath the stars.)
When we wrapped up and all held hands to pray I asked the leaders of our connect (Michka and Adrian) if they could pray for my family. I really want them to know God like I know God now. I want them to be saved. I just want us all in Heaven when it's our time, you know. It's something I've been praying for a lot lately, but I thought I would ask our connect group leaders to pray too, because of the verse God had shown me. 3 people praying the same prayer is better than just one. The Wednesday I woke up early for no reason and walked into my mothers room and I caught her on her knees at the side of her bed, praying! What a great God we serve, but it doesn't stop here, the real goosebump material is still coming up!
It was Thursday evening that I said a desperate prayer to God almighty. I asked God for a sign. I said "God almighty, please show me something. I need to see something to fill me with hope. I feel so lost tonight. Please God, show me something. I want to be favoured by you like you favoured Mary. I want you to be pleased with me and I need to know that you are pleased with me. I need to hear from you or I will carry on doubting. Am I doing the right thing? Please show me a sign in the book I am about to open. Please God. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen"
When I opened my book of daily readings at a random spot, expecting to see a verse, my eyes were instead drawn to a picture of Jesus preaching on the mountains. He had a ray of light around his head and I immediately thought back to when I saw a ray of light around my head in the water's reflection (Testimony 16). I thought to myself 'My word, how could I have forgotten about such an incredible experience? Is this world so distracting that it would make me forget about such a miraculous moment in my life?' I was immediately filled with an incredible amount of hope, I knew that I was on the right path and that God was reminding me about this moment, because the words on that page were like a blur in the background and that picture is what stood out to me as bright as the light around the head of Jesus. Below is the picture I randomly opened my book at:
The amazing things is that I could have opened at any other picture of Jesus in this book but I opened at the page in which he has a ray of light around his head. This is the only picture in the whole book in which Jesus is shown with a ray of light. All the others just have a ball of light surrounding his head, or a cross. I thanked God for this sign, but guess what, I still had some natural human-doubt in me. I still was unsure as to why God showed me the ray of light around my head in the first place as well, and whether it meant that I am chosen/anointed or not. So I prayed another prayer from my heart and I fell asleep happy that night, because I had indeed been filled with hope like I had asked - but still felt I needed another clear sign. The next day (God didn't wait a week or even 3 days, God showed me the very next day) I received a message from a stranger on Facebook. Below is the message that sent Goosebumps all over my body and caused my eyes to water up from joy:
Praise the LORD God almighty because this is as clear as it gets lol thank you GOD! You see, all you have to do is pray and God will answer your prayers. Say a prayer right now and see for yourself :) God bless you.
"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18:19-20)
I thought this was just the perfect verse for the day, being that I was going to be at a Hillsong church connect the night in which I knew we would end off with prayer. I then messaged my brother, put my phone down and opened my Bible at a random spot. I read about Jesus and just as I was about to stop reading, something told me: "don't be lazy, don't end here, just read one more page." I then paged over and listened to this thought and there stood the same verse without me even realising was at in the Bible: "Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” I jumped back into my seat, looked up while pointing my finger up at God with a smile on my face saying "Whoa! God...you are good" lol when I arrived at our connect group I shared this experience with everyone. (We ended up having a spontaneous picnic underneath the stars.)
When we wrapped up and all held hands to pray I asked the leaders of our connect (Michka and Adrian) if they could pray for my family. I really want them to know God like I know God now. I want them to be saved. I just want us all in Heaven when it's our time, you know. It's something I've been praying for a lot lately, but I thought I would ask our connect group leaders to pray too, because of the verse God had shown me. 3 people praying the same prayer is better than just one. The Wednesday I woke up early for no reason and walked into my mothers room and I caught her on her knees at the side of her bed, praying! What a great God we serve, but it doesn't stop here, the real goosebump material is still coming up!
It was Thursday evening that I said a desperate prayer to God almighty. I asked God for a sign. I said "God almighty, please show me something. I need to see something to fill me with hope. I feel so lost tonight. Please God, show me something. I want to be favoured by you like you favoured Mary. I want you to be pleased with me and I need to know that you are pleased with me. I need to hear from you or I will carry on doubting. Am I doing the right thing? Please show me a sign in the book I am about to open. Please God. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen"
When I opened my book of daily readings at a random spot, expecting to see a verse, my eyes were instead drawn to a picture of Jesus preaching on the mountains. He had a ray of light around his head and I immediately thought back to when I saw a ray of light around my head in the water's reflection (Testimony 16). I thought to myself 'My word, how could I have forgotten about such an incredible experience? Is this world so distracting that it would make me forget about such a miraculous moment in my life?' I was immediately filled with an incredible amount of hope, I knew that I was on the right path and that God was reminding me about this moment, because the words on that page were like a blur in the background and that picture is what stood out to me as bright as the light around the head of Jesus. Below is the picture I randomly opened my book at:
The amazing things is that I could have opened at any other picture of Jesus in this book but I opened at the page in which he has a ray of light around his head. This is the only picture in the whole book in which Jesus is shown with a ray of light. All the others just have a ball of light surrounding his head, or a cross. I thanked God for this sign, but guess what, I still had some natural human-doubt in me. I still was unsure as to why God showed me the ray of light around my head in the first place as well, and whether it meant that I am chosen/anointed or not. So I prayed another prayer from my heart and I fell asleep happy that night, because I had indeed been filled with hope like I had asked - but still felt I needed another clear sign. The next day (God didn't wait a week or even 3 days, God showed me the very next day) I received a message from a stranger on Facebook. Below is the message that sent Goosebumps all over my body and caused my eyes to water up from joy:
Praise the LORD God almighty because this is as clear as it gets lol thank you GOD! You see, all you have to do is pray and God will answer your prayers. Say a prayer right now and see for yourself :) God bless you.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Last Tuesday I went to Caledon with my two best friends, (Keegan Basil and Jandro Saayman). If you have been there you will know that they have several pools, the higher you go the hotter it gets. It's actually really beautiful, you should make your way down there lol anyway! The point is while we were sitting in the bottom pool, I noticed a light around my head. This light came in the form of long lines. My first thought was 'wow that's so beautiful'. I assumed it was just the sun shining behind me, but as I moved the light followed me everywhere, and it only surrounded my head, not the rest of my body. Keegan then came swimming toward me, and I was trying to see if he had this light around his head too, but he didn't. "What are you looking at in the water, you're making me scared" he laughed. "Tell me I'm not crazy Keegs, do you see a light around my head?" "Where?" "Just look inside the water around my heads shadow, there are long lines of light coming from my head. Do you see it?" "Oh there! Yeah. So?" "Well how come no one else has this light?" he looked down at his reflection and looked a bit confused. He then moved away from me still looking at his reflection, but he didn't have this light. I then showed Jandro and he too just said casually "Oh, that's weird?" I then told Jandro: "Go grab my camera quickly I want to capture it so I can put it on my Blog!" Jandro took the picture (below) but the light cannot be seen? This is the picture we took below:
We then made our way to the higher pool and as I got in, still thinking about how strange this was, I looked down and the light was still there. As I climbed into the pool from the steps it followed the shadow of my head once again, and once again no one in the pool (there were two ladies) had this reflection of light around their heads. I just thank God for giving me two witnesses because I feel that no one would have believed me if I was the only one who saw it lol I also would love to know what explanation science could possibly come up with for this strange event, because if it were a reflection of the sun, why would only ONE person have it and not all the others in the pool, and why was it only shining from my head? Everything happens for a reason and I believe that it was shown to me for a reason - it definitely helped my faith. This was truly one of the most supernatural experiences I have ever had in my life, so far and I am grateful to have seen it. I hope that this also filled you with faith, reminding you that there is more to the physical, there is a Spirit, a heaven, and a God who loves you - believe!
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