Aircraft Anatomy : A technical guide to military aircraft from World War II to the modern day - Paul E Eden

Aircraft Anatomy

A technical guide to military aircraft from World War II to the modern day

By: Paul E Eden (Editor), Soph Moeng (Editor)

Paperback | 14 January 2024

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With the aid of 232 extraordinarily detailed line drawings, Aircraft Anatomy shows how a wide selection of classic and modern military aircraft were put together - both inside and out. From World War II to the present day, each complex line drawing is annotated with an exhaustive key including up to 200 entries from air ducts to the nosewheel leg pivot mounting. The illustrations are complemented by colour photographs with extended captions, plus detailed information about each aircraft's operational specifications.
Featuring 232 aircraft - from the Messerschmitt Bf109k-4 to the North American B- 25 Mitchell, from the Polikarpov I-16 to the Hawker Hurricane to the Mitsubishi A6M Reisen 'Zeke', and from the Dassault Mirage to Sea King helicopters to Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 fighters, from B-52 bombers to U-2 spy planes to the Lockheed C130H Hercules - Aircraft Anatomy is an invaluable reference guide for anyone interested in how aircraft work.

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