Missionaries to the Pacific

The Bowlin Family: Becca (Keeps us all in order),
Averie (3-comedic relief of the family), Tayt (1-picks on his
sisters), Cail (4-second in command), Josh (Asst. Area
Director and Principal of the Mt. Hagen Bible College).
November marks 8 years that
Becca and I have been serving
with Global Partners. We
have been extremely blessed to have
you on our team whether you have
been supporting us for eight years or
for eight days, you are vital part of the
ministry in the Pacific! Thank You!
Our prayer and anticipation is to leave
toward the beginning of October.
Upon arrival, we will hit the ground
running with cultural learning,
language study, and teaching classes at
the Bible College. We will also be
blessed with the opportunity to be on
ground with Randy & Linda Freeman
as well as fellow Aussie Missionaries
the Floyds. Freemans will be for a
limited time only and the Floyds will
be heading out for home ministries in
December, it is essential to be on
ground with them as long as possible.
September marks an incredible month
of ministry in PNG as the nation
celebrates 50 years of God’s
truth that has
changed a
nation. May
God continue to
bless the
ministries of
91% Funded!!!
Celebrate with us that 100% is right
around the corner! 9 more people/
churches supporting $50 a month and
we will be fully funded!
Hurry up and wait...
Our work permit application sits on a
desk in PNG and awaits approval. We
pray that it will come in a timely manner.
40 lbs. per person-Yikes!
Imagine condensing your home
into 40 lbs. We have begun our
packing process and planning
Bowlin Kids
They sure do grow up fast!
Cail Grayce is now 4 years old, Averie
Mae is 3, and Tayt Jebadiah just turned
1! The girls are both in pre-school this
year and will be home schooled once in
Prayer Requests
*Funding-October Departure Date!
*Preparation: Packing/Logistics/Visas
*50 Year Ministry Celebration in PNG.
*Pacific Area Ministries
hasellus sed sit sodales