What milk is the healthiest between raw milk and milk that has been pasteurized? A lot of people think that raw milk is gross and not safe to drink because its not pasteurized. Have you ever thought that many people use to drink raw milk before pasteurization was created and they have survived. When Louis Pasteur come up with the idea of pasteurizing milk in 1864, all he wanted to do is make drinking milk health friendly and destroy harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. By pasteurizing milk it can let the milk last longer and not spoil in a day or two. The process of pasteurization was debated in the House of Commons and
the suggestion made that no raw milk should be sold for human
consumption. This would mean installation of expensive machinery by
every supplier, and if it should become compulsory there is little doubt
that many small firms would shut down and the business pass in the
hands of a few big dealers. By obtaining the milk at a temperature of 145
degrees to 150 degrees F. for half an hour and then reducing
the temperature to not more than 55 degrees F. Besides destroying part of the vitamin C contained in raw milk and
encouraging growth of harmful bacteria, pasteurization turns the sugar
of milk, known as lactose, into beta-lactose. This method of pasteurization tends to be used for products such as ice cream.
Pasteurization is effective only until the product is exposed to the air. Then microorganisms from the air can be carried into the product and growth of microorganisms will occur. The chance of this contamination is lessened by storage of milk and milk products at the appropriate storage temperatures after they have been opened. Even ultra-pasteurized milk needs to be stored in the refrigerator once it is in use. There is more than one method of pasteurization. The Ultra-Pasteurization method, it has a higher applied pressure. The higher pressure greatly increases they temperature that can be achieved, and so that decreases the length of the time that a product (mostly milk) needs to be exposed to the heat. The advantage of ultra- pasteurization is the extended shelf live of the milk that results. The milk which is essentially sterile, can be stored unopened at room temperature for several weeks without compromising the quality.
Do you like to drink milk? Do you want good fresh milk? I
know that I want fresh milk when I wake up in the morning and drink some coffee
or with my chocolate milk. Farmers that milk cows, have a really special and
important job. The milkers have to take their job serious and must be very
conservative. If they don't make sure that they pre dip and strip the tits to
check for mastitis then when the milk company comes to get the milk and there
is any mastitis then the truck driver from the milk company must dump out the
whole tank of milk. Mastitis is an infection in the tit of a cow. You can tell
if the cow has mastitis by looking at the milk when you strip it if the milk is
bloody and chunky. After the milk gets dumped out the farmer must buy the whole
tank of milk and usually when that happens the farmer goes bankrupted. Mastitis
is something that is treatable if you catch it and treat it at the very
beginning of the disease. Do you like to eat bacon with your eggs in the
morning? Well there is a Virus called Porcine
Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV). This virus had its first outbreak in
the United States in 2013. This was a horrible virus it killed thousands of
pigs. Farmers lost a lot of animals and money. As soon as one pig got it almost
immediately all pigs got it and died it less than an hour because they have
very bad diarrhea and that drains out all of the fluids and the pig runs out of
energy and dies. I love showing swine. I remember my first year showing in the
summer of 2013. The leaders of my group were very protective about making sure
the animals are always healthy. All swine was not to be hauled on trailer and
exported to any other farms or butcher shops. We all love eating turkey and
chicken on Thanksgiving right? Still going on today is a Flu called Avian Flu. The
disease clobbered the state's turkey and chicken industries last spring with
over $600 million in losses. Researchers are still not sure how this disease
could have traveled to over 100 farms just in one state. Most poultry farmers
are now getting smarter and are controlling the farms better and becoming more
cleaner and protected on what goes on around the farms.
Bullying is occurring right now... At this minute... At this second... It can happen to anyone at any age, any race, and gender, anyone. Bullying is a crime that we all need to get under control. There is more than one type of bullying. Cyber bullying is now today most of the common bullying type. Its so easy for children to get bullied social media. Nearly half of students have experienced getting bullied or have been intimidated. Cyber bullying is type of bullying that everyone can see. It can be on any social media center, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,Snap chat and Instagram. Even though Cyber bullying still happens, the rate has dropped to 21.5 percent.
That's down from 27.8 percent in 2011, and a high of 31.7 percent in
2007. The percentage of students who reported being cyber bullied also
fell to 6.9 percent in 2013, down from 9 percent in 2011.
Female students also still consistently experience higher-than-average rates of victimization. Female students are significantly more likely than male students to be
made fun of, called names or insulted (14.7 percent compared with 12.6
percent), to be the subject of rumors (17 percent compared with 9.6
percent) and to be excluded from activities on purpose (5.5 percent
compared with 3.5 percent). Male students who were bullied were more
likely than female students to be pushed, shoved, tripped or spit on. Text messages spread like wildfire, messages and pictures can get sent to anyone with a phone. It can get sent in things called "group messages". Children who get bullied are scared to go to school and when they do go to school they are most likely found with a weapon so they can feel safe. Young kids are getting bullied at school on playground, in classes and in the halls. Teenagers are getting bullied online, and at school. Adult are getting bullied at work or in stores. There are plenty of movies that teach us about bullying. I have watch a movie called "Mean Girls" for a long time this movie is about 4 teenage girls in high school and they are called the "plastics". Everyone looked up to them like they are some type of treasure. The Plastics have a burn book. The burn book is a book where they write things about every girl in the junior class and some teachers and then they glue the picture of the person they are talking about in the book. None of the rest of the school knew about the burn book until one day on of the plastics got mad at the other plastics and made over 5000 copies of the whole burn book and went and told the principle about it. At the end of the movie all of the junior girls had to meet in the Gym and they had to say something that was on their mind and then they had to do a trust fall. I think this movie teaches a lot about bullying. My personal opinion on bullying is that we have all done it before but its all none sense. I don't think that anyone personally needs to be bullying anyone it doesn't matter what its about. A lot of children get greatly affected by bullying. I just think we all need to get along and find the greatness in everyone instead of picking out all of the negativity in someone. If people didn't classify people and put people in to groups then I think the world would be some what better.
The windmill is one of the oldest ways to use and save
energy. Farmers used windmills to pump water, mill grain by just using the
power of the wind. The windmill is controlled by power. Its like a huge fan,
and fans move things automatically and that's why there's a fan in a vehicle.
If a car doesn't have a fan or your fan in the car stops working then you have
no power. Windmills move because of the power of the wind. The British were the
first to invent a windmill because they needed to find a quicker way to pump
water. Windmills are everywhere they are on farms they are in random field they
are behind big buildings. The help from windmills helped grow agriculture and
make it a bigger boom. Windmills are still used today on farms. Windmills can
help the lagoon and the water in the lagoon so they stay together in a liquid
form. In World War Two was one of the windmills useful times because it was
used to fed electric power to local utility networks and they called the
Windmill "Grandpas Knob". In 1950s they used wind electric turbines
to get cheaper energy and oil. Some people didn't think that was fair so they
pushed the windmill to the sideline.