before you b00k
Lip blushing is the newest semi-permanent procedure that enhances the natural shape of the lip by creating symmetry and adding color. This treatment delivers very natural results once healed. Colors are chosen based upon clients desired results and skin/lip tone.
What to Expect from your Lip Blushing Appointment
- Lip blushing procedures require two treatment sessions as it is a 2 step process. Please keep in mind that everyone’s skin is different and this could vary per client. For best results, clients will be required to return for one re-touch appointment. This will take place between 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure.
- Please be aware that for some the color intensity will be significantly darker and sharper immediately after the procedure. This will reduce by 30%-40% as the lips heal and fade.
- A topical anesthetic is placed over the treatment area for 15 minutes, then carefully removed prior to the start of your lip blushing treatment.
- We CANNOT guarantee that there won’t be some discomfort. Some people numb up better than others depending on their skin. The majority say it’s tolerable. This also depends on the client’s Individual pain tolerance as that can also vary.
- Right after the procedure, the lip area will be swollen, tender and feel similar to that of a sunburn. Some are red around the lip and some are not. Swelling is more intense if the client has lip filler. Regardless, swelling subsides within 24-48 hours.

What Factors can affect my Permanent Cosmetics?
- SMOKING: Smokers may notice that their semi-permanent cosmetics will fade faster.
- ANEMIA AND IRON DEFICIENCY: Your body will absorb these iron based pigments more quickly.
- SUN EXPOSURE: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. You will want to use a special sunscreen for your semi-permanent cosmetics; I recommend color guard. You can find it on Amazon.
- AGE AND METABOLISM: The faster your metabolism the faster the pigment will fade.
- BLEEDING DURING THE PROCEDURE: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. While this is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow before care instructions to help minimize bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinning medications, alcohol, and caffeine 24 hours before your procedure.
Pre-procedure Instructions & Precautions
- Discontinue use of any anti-aging products that contain retinol at least 2 weeks prior to your lip blushing appointment.
- Chemical, laser peels or Retin-A should not be utilized 6 weeks before the procedure.
- Discontinue use of Vitamin A or Fish Oil supplements about 2 weeks prior to your lip blushing appointment.
- AHA preparations should be undergone no less than 2 weeks before the treatment.
- Electrolysis treatment should be undergone no less that 5 days before the treatment.
- Please do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment.
- No aspirin or ibuprofen or anything containing aspirin at least 72 hours prior to your appointment.
- Please do not drink caffeine the morning or day of your appointment.
- Please wear your normal make-up to the salon on the day of your session.
- No lip filler 1 month before appointment
- Should not be on antibiotics during the time of appointment
- Avoid exercise right before appointment! Exercising increases blood flow and will cause excessive bleeding, leading to poor healed results.

How to prep your lips for blush procedure
Lips MUST be exfoliated and hydrated!!
- Take one tablespoon of white sugar in a bowl and add one tablespoon of honey to it
- Apply to lips with fingertips and gently message using small, circular finger motions for about one minute
- Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
Repeat the exfoliation process 1 to 2 times per week if very dry, or 2 to 3 days prior to your appointment for normal/dry lips
Apply a hydrating and moisturizing balm (ex. Vitamin e/jojoba) daily and don’t forget to drink lots of water. The more hydrated you are, the easier it will be to work on your lips and the better the retention!
Ever had a Cold sore?
If you have ever had a fever blister or a cold sore in your life, even at a young age, and never had a reoccurrence, there is a high probability you will break out with fever blisters on your lips after and lip procedure. In order to help prevent a breakout, it is advisable that you premeditate. The two options recommended are
- Obtain a prescription for Zovirax and take as prescribed at least a week prior to the procedure
- Obtain a prescription for Valtrex (14 capsules/500 mg) and take twice daily, 3 days before the procedure or 4 days after or as physician prescribed
Failure to follow these recommended protocols may result in a break out of fever blisters, which may last up to 6 weeks
Wait to Schedule your Lip Blushing Appointment if…
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding (No Exceptions)
- You are currently using any acne medication (for example, Retin-A or Accutane)
- Undergoing Chemo or another major health therapy as certain meds may affect healing/results (We recommend discussing this procedure with your doctor as some will give the OK depending on your situation. We would need a permission note from the doctor)
- Diabetic (Doctor’s note required)
- Are on prescribed blood thinners or prescribed an aspirin once a day (Would need a note from your Doctor saying you’re OK to go off the blood thinners or aspirin 7 days before each session)
- Exceptions can be made if a legitimate Doctor’s note is provided.
- Those with serious heart disorders, blood infections, HIV, Hepatitis or liver disease are not candidates for this procedure.
- If you’ve had your lips blushed previously and want them done again they need to be significantly faded (70%) and pics need to be sent to determine if you’re a candidate.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Please call with questions.
How to Care for your New Lips
Blushed lips are expected to last between 2- 4 years depending on your skin, lifestyle, and how you care for them.
Aftercare Instructions
- Immediately after the procedure, blot gently with a lint free tissue twice during the first hour. After an hour, proceed to apply with a q-tip a light coat of the ointment provided (aquaphor) for the next 2 weeks or longer if desired.
- Before bedtime, rinse the area gently with warm water. If makeup is on the surrounding area, you may use a gentle soap (cetaphil) to clean the area. No antibacterial soaps on the area. Pat dry.
- Apply Aquaphor before bedtime.
- Rinse the area the following morning and reapply aquarphor all day long. Thin coats, not heavy application. Make sure to keep it occluded throughout the entire peeling process
- After all peeling is complete only, switch to using a deep moisturizing balm with SPF
- Right after treatment on day 1- Plan to eat foods that can be cut into small pieces as not to touch your lips. Avoid big sandwiches, messy or saucy foods right after. Drinking out of a straw is also recommended on day 1.
*NO makeup, Retin-A, and glycolic acids on pigmented areas while healing*
Avoid touching with fingers, sunscreens, direct sunlight, tanning beds and self tanners on pigmented areas.
Avoid swimming pools, oceans, hot tubs, saunas, and hot steaming showers until all peeling is complete. Shower with back to shower head to avoid water, shampoo, and conditioner getting into pigmented areas.
Avoid extreme perspiration while on the peeling stage
Never use topical antibiotics unless given to you at time of the procedure.
Post Lip Blushing Appointment
An allergic reaction can occur from any anesthetics used during the procedure. Although this is rare, if you do suffer from an allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor immediately. Allergic reaction response may show through redness, swelling, rash, blistering, dryness or any other symptoms associated with an allergic reaction.
- You might find that your lips will scab or become slightly dry following your blushing treatment. If they itch, it’s very important that you do not scratch them. To relieve the itch, just tap them with your finger.
- If your lips get wet during the healing process, pat them dry with a towel. It’s very important that you do not rub them.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure as this can affect the healing process as well as cause the pigment to fade.
- Avoid submerging them in water for 14 days post procedure.
If you have upcoming medical procedures
- If you are due to or are having an MRI scan, please inform your doctor that you have had lip blushing/semi-permanent makeup done.
- If you are planning a chemical peel or any other medical procedure, please inform the therapist of the lip blushing procedure you had. A new peel or medical procedure should only be done once the healing process is complete.
- If you are due to give blood after the procedure, please inform your nurse about the lip blushing treatment you had done as this might alter the results.
Healing Process
- Day 1: moderate swelling, soreness, and possible light bruising. An ice bag can be applied for the first few hours and the next morning be sure to apply Aquaphor and then a tissue to prevent condensation from the bag of ice touching lips. Lips will have a thick, deep, reddish look. They will be approximately 20% darker than expected right after the procedure
- Day 2: slight swelling, reddish thicker lipstick texture, sore
- Day 3: exfoliation commences; lips feel very chapped, lips will continue to lighten and shed
- Day 4: exfoliation continues lips feel very chapped
- Day 5: lips feel very chapped, most of the scabbing has flakes off, end of the first chapping stage
- Days 6-13: lip color appears to look much lighter than initial application. Second chapping stage begins
- Day 14-29: the color will continue to bloom from within more