Transport & Logistics Solutions
Keeping Australia’s road networks safe and operational requires communications programmes that meet the particular challenges presented by noisy, inaccessible and polluted environments. Leading transport and logistics operators rely on BTW’s experience and knowledge, trusting them to design, build, monitor and maintain their communications systems.BTW radio solutions for the road sector meet the needs of varied locations from confined spaces through to those requiring communications across thousands of miles of remote landscape. Using sector knowledge, specialist ability and bespoke products, BTW excels at confined space engineering.
BTW has a strong history of providing two-way radio and GPS solutions to transport and logistics companies. We have worked from the ground up from wheels on the ground to wings in the sky, helping our customers to better manage their network. We offer a wide range of industry specific products. Run your network on time with better two way and fleet management solutions. Transport services, and operations where there is a complex movement of people and goods, need a ‘multi-tasking’ two-way radio system. One that not only offers instant communication but can also provide tracking services, audit trails and automatic alarms.
Fleet Management
Better communication goes beyond two way radios; it is now more than ever imperative that businesses boost efficiency utilising GPS technology to manage on road assets. BTW has partnered with TomTom Telematics to offer cutting edge fleet management technology.