Pest, Weed & Fungus Control
Garden pests come in all sizes.
Few things can kill your plants faster than pests or fungal diseases. Unfortunately, if you have a beautiful landscape, chances are that you have these at some time throughout the year.
We can’t control nature, but we can try to maintain a healthy and attractive home landscape. With the increase of pests, weeds and fungus are in our urban environment it can be overwhelming to keep up with everything happening around us. Here at Buchanan’s Native Plants, we specialize in helping you take care of your lawn and garden so you can enjoy your home.
Mosquito Solutions
We’re here to help! The Bungalow and Plant Care Shed have tons of options to keep you safe from mosquitos.
One of our favorite wearable options is Parakito, a refillable wristband that lasts for up to 15 days and comes with extra pellets for extended use.
Looking to sit outdoors? Murphy’s Naturals has a fantastic line of citronella candles, incense and natural sprays that use essential oils instead of harmful chemicals.
Natural Mosquito Solutions
Our favorite picks
Orange Oil
Orange Oil is one gardening tool that is overlooked by many but loved by a cult following! This nifty oil has multiple uses and is a holy grail to many gardeners when it comes to pest problems.
So what exactly is it good for you may ask? We highly recommend orange oil for eliminating fire ant issues. Saturate the entire mound with orange oil to rid your yard of those pesky ants. Orange oil effectively breaks down the exoskeleton of hard-bodied insects which makes it a great organic pesticide! For this treatment, you’ll want to mix 2 oz. of orange oil into one gallon of water, then apply.
You can also use orange oil to destroy any mold or fungus that has appeared on your houseplant leaves.
Indoor Plant Care
Just like outdoor plants, indoor plants need fertilizers from time to time to help give them an extra boost!
Freshly potted plants should not be fertilized as they are working through the nutrients from their fresh soil. You’ll want to wait at least two to three months after potting to fertilize your indoor plants. We recommend using MicroLife Seaweed!
Mealy bugs and fungus gnats are two of the most common pests for houseplants. For mealybugs, you’ll want to apply Insecticidal Soap or Neem Oil to your affected plants. Fungus gnats can be eradicated with Mosquito Bits. We suggest either mixing bits into the soil, or soaking mosquito bits in water then watering your plants with the water. To rid your home of adult gnats you can set up sticky traps or vinegar traps near the plant.
Have other plant care questions?
Feel free to stop by the plant care shed or greenhouse to talk to one of our garden professionals!
Learn about fungicides and how to apply them in the garden!
Products We Love
For Pests
- Horticultural Oil
- Neem Oil
- Sluggo
- Orange Oil
- Diatomaceous Earth
- B.t
For Fungus
- Monterrey Complete Diesease Control RTU
- Copper Fungicide
- Monterey Garden Phos
- Monterey Consan 20
- Bonide Revatilize Biofungicide
For Weeds
- Nitro-Phos Barricade Pre Emergent
- Fertilome Dollar Weed Control
- Bonide Weed Beater Complete
- Weed Beater Southern Lawn
- Lawnweed Brew
- Deadweed Brew