Author: gangleri
Dear friends,
What's the problem: The majority of contributors to LTR wiki projects have
problems with the way edits are made in RTL projects.
In a RTL wiki
- you type "[[" and you see "]]"
- you type "}}" and you see "{{"
- you type "</span>" in the last line and you se "<</span"
- you type "Dear friend!" and you see "!Dear friend"
Beside these characters "|" display differently in the "editor", also all
punctuation characters as .,:;*#"' ... which would inherit RTL properties.
Feature request: It would be a great help for many contributors if the textbox
of the "edit window" could be set independend of the LTR / RTL nature of the
"content language" / selected user interface. Just let the choice to the users
what they prefer.
This should be achieved as follows:
a) as a parameter in [[special:Preferences]]
b) as a setting in monobook.css / monobook.js
Devlopers should decide about priorities if both ways are specified and
comunicate this to the community how it works as soon as the feature is implemented.
I assume that the feature about a *common LTR / RTL nature* should be "relevant"
for all type of objects used as "input mechanisms" also the "Summary" inputbox,
the "Search / Go" inputbox, the "<inputbox>" inputbox etc. (What I mean is that
no parameters / variables should be required for each box.)
I hope this would be a great improuvement / help for contributors who make minor
edits as inserting Interlanguage links, images, correcting or adding alternative
writings (Latin, Russian, ...) or spellings (IPA, ...).
*Finaly* I hope that most browsers would support to have on one hand one kind of
displaying text (LTR / RTL) for the "preview" but would allow in parallel to
chose the "oposite" way to edit the text in the textboxes, inputboxes etc. If
this is not the case please drop a note, mark this report as browser dependend
and open a bug report in the relevant racking system. Thanks in advance.
regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement