Hah!! You knew we weren’t done, didn’t you?? It’s time for some bonus pics!! Here’s TEN more ways to get happy, just for you!
Let’s get this party started! Finished? You know what we mean… XD

Tasty reviews for tasty people
Hah!! You knew we weren’t done, didn’t you?? It’s time for some bonus pics!! Here’s TEN more ways to get happy, just for you!
Let’s get this party started! Finished? You know what we mean… XD
Hello and welcome to Tom Cruise Tuesday! It’s our favorite day of the week! We’re glad that you have come by to help us celebrate Tom Cruise.
Let’s take a look at some images from The Mummy! There’s something wonderful about Nick’s confusion face…
Like that? Why not a few more??
So! Wanna hear our theory on why American Made is killing it in theaters, while all the critics are acting like Tom hasn’t made a good movie in years?
Of course you do.
Wait for it…
Waaaaaaaait for it…
Melt that butter and read on!Welcome to another Tom Cruise Tuesday! “The Mummy” came out a week ago today, and (of course) we had our copy the same day! We’ve decided to celebrate Tom today by taking a look at the Amazon BluRay. We have reason to believe that this is the same as the Target copy. There is also a Best Buy exclusive that includes a graphic novel! We hope to buy this before the end of the month and share details of that one as well.
For now, if you haven’t purchased the movie yet, you can do so here:
Now let’s take a look!!
Welcome to Tom Cruise Tuesday!! This is a brand new feature we’re bringing to Buttered Popcorn, and we’re SO excited to share it with you!
Of course, we all know the truth: every day is Tom Cruise Day! But we’ve chosen Tuesday as a special day where each week, we will post a little feature: trivia, pictures, or mini character studies, all honoring Tom or one of his characters.
This week, in celebration of the digital release of The Mummy, we’ve decided to feature Tom Cruise’s character from the movie, Nick Morton. We’ve invited Nick to our virtual studio to answer a few questions for us. How does that sound, Nick?
Great! Let’s get started! First, here’s a bit of basic information about Nick:
Full Name: Sgt. Nick Morton
Age: About 40-ish
Occupation: U.S. Army: Long Range Reconnaissance Expert
Hobbies: liberating precious antiquities
Friends: Vail, Jenny
Enemies: Princess Ahmanet and her zombie army, mad scientists, evil crows, gravity
Ready for our questions now, Nick?
Great! Read on to find out more about our intrepid soldier!
If you’d like detailed information about him, click below for info:
What motivates you the most?:
Nice! Who is your favorite person?:
. . . Nick Morton, of course. What kind of…
Any advice for fledgling adventurers?:
Hmm. Yes, if someone calls something a “barrier chain”, don’t break it.
Sound advice! What would you most like people to know about you?:
It was WAY MORE than fifteen seconds!
Ha, okay we’ll put it on your tombstone.
Last question! What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What the… I have NO idea. But I know that demon crows can move pretty damn fast, does that count?
Er… sure!
Thanks for joining us, Nick! We appreciate your time, and hope to hear from you very soon!
~ ~ ~
XD Hope you had fun! Join us again next week for another Tom Cruise Tuesday!
Here’s another picture of our featured character:
~ ~ ~
Like to see more about Nick, and what on earth he’s talking about? Check out our full review of “The Mummy”!
Welcome to Buttered Popcorn! Our first review is for Tom’s latest blockbuster, The Mummy (2017). We had a great time watching this flick in theaters (several times), and we can’t wait to share our true and correct opinions with the world!
Smartass Summary: The OTHER OTHER one with the airplane stunt.
Slightly less smartass summary: A guy gets two girlfriends, but would rather be rich and single.
Ok ok, REAL summary: Bad guy tries to take over the world, unlikely hero saves the world instead.
Overall opinion:
Buttered Popcorn likes this movie a lot! It has action, humor, seat-jumping “scares”, and it even takes on themes of good and evil, life and death, love and sacrifice. In fact, there are so many feelings in this movie, we think some people might have a hard time holding them all in at the same time. But that’s okay! At Buttered Popcorn, we love complexity, and we aren’t scared to cry and laugh and hide our faces in the same theater session!
Haven’t seen this movie recently? Fix that, STAT! Click the link below for more information.
Now let’s get started!
***Spoilers highly likely beyond this point!***