IAS Preparation

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Welcome to the BYJU’S Civil Services Hub. Preparing for the prestigious UPSC Civil Services examination is a demanding yet deeply enriching experience. It is an examination that aims to choose the best talent for a career in public services of the Union of India. Clearing this exam will enable candidates to embark on a very rewarding and satisfying career in the service of the nation. Aspirants, who begin their IAS preparation journey, naturally find themselves having many questions and few answers. They are usually in search of the best IAS coaching study material. Common questions by IAS aspirants include:

  • How do I start my UPSC preparation?
  • What are the Study Materials for GS preparation for IAS?
  • How do I choose an optional?
  • Is one year enough to clear this exam?
  • How do I cover current affairs when the IAS preparation syllabus is so vast?
  • Where to download UPSC study materials/IAS study material PDF?
  • Is self-preparation for the IAS exam enough to clear it? 

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In fact, a good period of 3-4 months of valuable study time can easily be wasted away if such questions are not answered at the beginning of a preparation cycle. To begin with, the aspirants who have been preparing to appear for CSE 2024, can check out the UPSC Notification. To answer all your questions about UPSC Civil Services Exam 2024 and how to buy IAS study material PDF/IAS notes online, we at BYJU’s, have launched a website which brings together all the UPSC-related news, current affairs notes, video-based lectures on trending topics in the news, exam strategy focused articles (UPSC notes online) and much more in a single and convenient space for you to browse at leisure and read in a way that you won’t forget. We offer the best online IAS preparation for candidates who are serious about cracking the UPSC exam. Our IAS study material is compiled keeping in mind the UPSC syllabus and the latest IAS exam trends and question paper pattern. UPSC Prelims & Mains Notes 2024 – Check BYJU’S free UPSC Notes PDFs for IAS 2024 [GS 1, 2,3]!

Quiz of the Day!

What will you find in Free IAS Prep?

Aspirants looking to buy IAS study material online will be able to download them for free on our website. The below-mentioned topics and features are provided for UPSC preparation.

Complete UPSC Civil Services Exam Syllabus
Daily and Comprehensive News Analysis
Video lectures on Trending Topics for comprehensive UPSC IAS preparation online
Sample Question Papers across Prelims and Mains
Daily and Weekly Current Affairs Quiz for Prelims GS and CSAT Preparation
Topic-specific articles from the General Studies Syllabus
Strategy Articles that can help formulate a study plan along with tips and tricks to crack the exam
List of NCERT and other reference books etc.
Timely & Updated UPSC Notifications
IAS Study material for UPSC 2024
Past Years’ Question Paper Analysis
Detailed Information on Various Services and Departments Recruiting Through the UPSC Exam
The Best and Absolutely Free Study Material for UPSC exam/Free Study Material for IAS Pdf/Free IAS Study Material

The process of UPSC exam preparation is an involved process. It is a deeply enlightening experience that expands your horizons and exposes you to a wealth of information about the country and the world at large. For the latest information on UPSC 2024, refer to the linked article. During this journey, an aspirant would need to traverse through the pages of history, march in lockstep with developments in current affairs by following international developments that can have far-reaching implications on India and the world in general, keep abreast with the cutting-edge developments in the field of science and technology, and finally be aware of the latest government initiatives and welfare schemes that further the objectives of the Preamble and the vision that our constitution-makers and freedom fighters had for our country. Aspirants can find the best UPSC notes online in the table given at the end of this article. Best IAS Study Material at BYJU’S Free IAS Prep!




BYJU’S Free IAS PREP Monthly Magazine:

BYJU’S monthly current affairs magazine is the ideal way to prepare for the current affairs segment in the UPSC exam. Featuring a monthly compilation of the important current affairs topics for IAS preparation + more than 150 sample MCQs for UPSC prelims preparation & mains practice questions. All you need to do is download the magazine PDF and start reading! Its crisp content also makes it perfect for revision. We wish you all the very best during this journey, and hope that together, your dreams of joining the civil services come true! For more on the comprehensive tablet learning program from BYJU’s, and also about IAS preparation in Hindi, contact: +91- 9980837187; Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Happy Learning with Team BYJU’S!

UPSC Related Articles

IAS Exam UPSC Syllabus UPSC Exam pattern
Upcoming PSC Exams 2024 IAS 2024 UPSC Mains Syllabus
IAS Full Form UPSC Online 100 Difference between Articles for IAS Prelims Preparation
Important Govt. Schemes UPSC Mains 2021 Question Papers Environment Conventions & Protocols for UPSC
Important Supreme Court Judgements for IAS Exam Important Judicial Doctrines for IAS Constituent Assembly Debates for UPSC
UPSC Admit Card UPSC Results UPSC Notifications
UPSC Recruitment UPSC Civil Services Posts IAS Salary

Mayur Hazarika AIR-5 | UPSC 2022 Topper

The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

The Hindu Newspaper Analysis (Hindi)

Aniruddh Yadav AIR-8 | UPSC 2022 Topper


  1. How could I get free test series of civils in byjus???

  2. good lectures.

  3. Lovely Post. Helpful and Informative blog. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. How could we get online lectures

  5. How could we get online lectures

  6. Which year’s economic survey should I prepare for UPSC CSE 2020 exams?

  7. How can we get the notification of upsc

  8. which book is best for English literature in optional paper?

  9. Can i complete the syllabus of upsc by ncert book or i need to have more books for general studies, like for science ,social science, etc.

  10. Hey! I am an architect and want to pursue civil services. Could you please guide me as to how to begin and which optional subjects should I take?

    • You can start with reading NCERTs. For reference, you can check NCERT Notes for UPSC. Also, you can choose scoring optional subjects like Sociology, Public Administration, History, or any other which suits your interest.

  11. मैं 5 मई 2021 को 21 साल का हो जाऊँगा तो क्या मैं 2021 में अाई. ए. एस. एग्जाम दे सकता हूं ।

    • Hi Anuj
      हाँ, आप UPSC २०२१ में IAS का एग्जाम दे सकते हैं. अधिक जानकारी के लिए UPSC Eligibility Criteria का पेज चेक कर सकते हैं.

  12. what is the age limit for IAS exam for sc candidate

  13. HI, I AMAN

  14. HII

    what is the age limit for IPS exam for bc candidate.

  15. i am in 3rd year of my graduation and i want to start preparing for ias exam please tell me which books and magazines i should read except ncerts

  16. Sir I’m perusing my graduation in Arts from correspondence Thru a open university , am I eligible for UPSC or Not ? Some rumors are making me worry.
    Please help !!!

    • Hi
      As long as the open university is recognized by the government, your correspondence degree will count in UPSC Exam.

  17. what is the age limit for BC category ?

  18. Hi
    For optional subjects paper 1 and 2
    can we take different subjects for paper 1 and paper 2 ?
    ex: if i selected optional paper 1 is electrical subject then can i choose paper 2 different subject i,e Sociology?
    clear my doubt
    thank you

  19. Presently I am in 2nd sem of graduation
    Should i have to start current affair to be appear in 2023

    • Hi,
      Mostly a year old current affairs are asked in the IAS Exam. However, it is a good practice to start reading a newspaper from an early stage. Hence, you can start your current affairs preparation starting from today.

  20. How can i get free monthly magazine??

  21. I wish to prepare for CSE for 2022 and i’m totally confused regarding the NCERT books. So Could i know how many NCERT books are there to read for upsc