Nota: Després de publicar, possiblement necessitareu refrescar la memòria cau del vostre navegador per a veure'n els canvis.
- Firefox / Safari: Premeu Majús i alhora cliqueu el botó Actualitzar, o pressioneu Ctrl+F5 o Ctrl+R (⌘+R en un Mac)
- Google Chrome: Premeu Ctrl+Majús+R (⌘+Shift+R en un Mac)
- Internet Explorer / Edge: Premeu Ctrl i alhora cliqueu a Actualitza o pressioneu Ctrl+F5
- Opera: Premeu Ctrl-F5.
* Keep code in MediaWiki:Common.js to a minimum as it is unconditionally
* loaded for all users on every wiki page. If possible create a gadget that is
* enabled by default instead of adding it here (since gadgets are fully
* optimized ResourceLoader modules with possibility to add dependencies etc.)
* Since Common.js isn't a gadget, there is no place to declare its
* dependencies, so we have to lazy load them with mw.loader.using on demand and
* then execute the rest in the callback. In most cases these dependencies will
* be loaded (or loading) already and the callback will not be delayed. In case a
* dependency hasn't arrived yet it'll make sure those are loaded before this.
'use strict';
/*jshint shadow:true, undef:true, latedef:true, unused:true, es3:true */
/*global jQuery, mw, importScript, importStylesheet, $ */
// &preloadtext= (usat a Usuari:Vriullop/creation.js)
// portat de
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'edit')
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var wpTextbox1 = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if (!wpTextbox1)
var preloadtext = mw.util.getParamValue('preloadtext');
if (preloadtext && !wpTextbox1.value)
wpTextbox1.value = preloadtext;
// categories amb direcció rtl, adaptat de de.wikt
// s'activa amb class="catrtl"
var ns=mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber");
if((ns==14) && mw.config.get("wgAction")=="view")
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("catrtl");
if (elements.length > 0)
$("#mw-pages h3").attr("dir", "rtl").attr("style", "margin-right: 1em").wrapInner("<span dir='ltr'></span>");
$("#mw-pages ul").attr("dir", "rtl").attr("style", "margin-right: 2em");
$("#mw-pages li").wrapInner("<span dir='ltr'></span>");
// The rest of the scripts are at [[MediaWiki:Gadget-legacy.js]].
// Most of them should be converted into gadgets as time and resources allow.