From the Edge of the Map

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

What you’ll find here (refreshed Intro post, 14 December, 2024)

I generally post whatever is on my mind, especially contemplative and/or silly. Disability rights, queer rights, literature and the arts are perennial subjects.

Rest Assured: I will never make a “Reblog, or else you’re a bad person,” or “Reblog, or else bad things will happen.” post.

(Though I may ask for signal boosts, if someone is asking for specific help / advice, and needs to get their message out)

What counts as “Good Manners” around here:

  1. Don’t be mean. There’s no need to be mean. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
  2. Praise what you enjoy before criticizing what you don’t.
  3. When you do give criticism, let it be reasoned (“It sucks!” isn’t reasoning).
  4. Don’t belittle, or mock, people for the things they enjoy (or what they don’t enjoy, either, respect people’s squicks, even if they seem odd to you).
  5. If you must post provocative things, aim for provoking laughter, and provoking thought.
  6. Remember that anger can splash onto innocent bystanders, and people “reading over your shoulder.” If you must have an argument with someone in particular–rather than an argument for or against an idea–take it somewhere else (Send a private message or ask to the person)
  7. When in doubt: Puns!

My blocking policy: When I get a notification that I have a new follower, I check, and I will block

  1. Blogs I suspect of being a bot.
  2. Ableists . (Link to the American Wikipedia article on Ableism). This includes anyone who supports for Autism Speaks; I see a blue puzzle piece, I block immediately. I will also block people who repost images, and remove the Image Descriptions.
  3. TERFs.
  4. Self-appointed LGBTQ+ Gatekeepers: Those who want to exclude Asexual, Aromantic, and Bi- (or Pan-) folk in M/F relationships, from the Queer Community.
  5. Speaking of the Queer Community: Any user that tags my posts with “q-slur.“ Since "Queer” is widely accepted through academic consensus, I use it freely. If that word makes you uncomfortable, you would not be happy here.
  6. Any blog (or Anon who sends a message to my Inbox) that discourages voting in United States elections.

And Finally:

With help and suggestions from many others (some of whom wished to remain anonymous) I designed the Disability Pride Flag (Which is different from the Disability Rights Flag of the U.N.). Here is the flag as designed for computer monitors, mobile phones, and other backlit screens:

The Disability Pride Flag in muted colors (for use online). A charcoal grey flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up / left to right) in red, gold, pale grey, cyan, and green.ALT
Official ‘Copyright Zero’ (Public Domain) mark from Creative Commons.ALT

To the extent possible under law, Ann Magill has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Visually Safe Disability Pride Flag. This work is published from: United States.

I also designed a version in fully saturated colors, which I recommend for physical media, such as actual flags, tee-shirts, print materials, etc. (Since physical media is more likely to be viewed at a distance, and atmospheric haze naturally filters bright colors).

I’ve put the full saturation version behind the cut (But please use the version above for online art):

Keep reading

Pinned Post image description in alt house rules Introduction queer disability disability pride flag updated for Tumblr's new format wikipedia links about me

I also think that all the "um okay knives out & glass onion were good. Wrap it up now" posts are so funny. You're tripping if you think there's not going to be at least five Benoit Blanc films lol


What part of "the detective franchise is back babey" did you not get. There were 14 Poirot films and that's not counting the show which was a standard season for most of its run. 69 Columbo episodes. Like it or hate it you are going to be seeing Benoit Blanc until the day he stops making money and then some.


He hasn't even been on a train yet for fucks sake




The thing about world-famous detectives that's true both in character and out of character is that it's annoyingly difficult to make them go away.


arthur conan doyle found that out the hard way



[Image Description: the Shrek/Donkey/Puss "They don't even have Dental" meme. The usual text has been replaced with "Benoit Blanc hasn't even been on a train yet." Description ends]

Now I want to reread Lord Peter Wimsey stories by Dorothy L. Sayers.

... I wonder how that fandom's doing...


I know nothing about the Lord Peter Wimsey series, except that someone wrote a pre-series canon-compliant fic in which he was kidnapped by aliens.

I have not read the fic in question, I just know of its existence.


Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries were my comfort reading as a teenager, especially a paperback edition of all the short stories, which Wikipedia tells me was published in 1972, so I probably picked up a copy that my mother had bought, after she had finished with it– probably after watching the TV adaptations of a few of the novels on PBS.

I think of Lord Peter Wimsey stories as a mash-up of Jeeves and Wooster, because of the tongue-in-cheek satirical tone (except the ‘Wooster’ character is a polymath genius, with shell shock from WWI) and Sherlock Holmes.

image description lord peter death beton wimsey master detectives detective characters


I'm fed up with "maybe later".


[Image description: a transparent digital collage of Web pop-up windows that all have some variation of the option between signing up/giving consent and "maybe later." Over this, in large, all capital letters, in bright pink and orange, are the words: "Let Me Say No!" Description ends]


Just this evening, Windows™ forced a reboot while I was in the middle of a puzzle game, and when I logged back in, the options were: “Complete setting up your computer” (with features I never wanted) and “remind me in three days”

Don’t remind me!

Let me say “no.” And let it stick!!

image desciption loss of privacy loss of consent late stage capitalism

no-nic asked:

you are a cop (or cop-adjacent guy) who hates robots. really hates them. i bet there's a tragic backstory for that. unfortunately you live in a cyberpunk-ish society where humanoid robots are normal.

what is a more probable twist?

  • you are actually a cyborg
  • your new work partner, an attractive & mysterious female, is actually a robot
  • something else

prokopetz answered:

I’ve never been a huge fan of the whole “protagonist who’s grotesquely prejudiced against some oppressed minority (but it’s okay because he Has Trauma™) learns to be somewhat less racist” story arc in general, but having the catalyst of that personal transformation be the discovery that either his love interest or he himself is secretly part of said hated minority is a particularly tedious variant. Like, let’s at least substantively confront our own premise, buddy.


Agreed. Especially since the "being a little bit less of a bigot"* so-called 'lesson' is still only happening because the target is now seen as "belonging to My Tribe." So how has the character actually grown?

See Also: The history of anti-immigration politics in the U.S., when the Irish, Polish, and Italian immigrants were hated and vilified until demographic classifications were changed, and those people were now classified as "White."

*In futuristic science fiction, bigotry against robots and cyborgs is used a metaphor for racism. But in the present day real world, "they're robotic!" & "Like cyborg!" pop culture rhetoric is leading to actual discrimination against the Disabled (especially those on the autism spectrum, and/or those who use prosthetics, tracheostomy tubes, speech synthesizers, even motorized wheelchairs). No metaphor or symbolism needed.


I hate this trope like every other leftist - because I am a leftist. But, genuine question, how else are you going to write a story about a bigot coming to realize: bigotry = bad?

Leftists can hold bigoted views as well but let's analyze this from the perspective of a more conservative protagonist first:

This protagonist is going to hold these views because they hold certain internalized prejudices by default. They live in a society(TM) coloured by bigotry. Their school system, friends, family, boss, elders, culture, religion all teach them certain values.

From whom is the impulse for change realistically going to come from?

  • Not themselves. By far most people do not practice introspection on a deeper level. Expecting a significant portion of people to have a Heureka moment is unrealistic. (Yes, the protagonist can be *special* but will the average reader be able to relate?)
  • Maybe media? They stumble upon a book or article somehow. But how is that positive propaganda supposed to gain traction in a society that is stacked against it? Sure, you can put flyers in people's letter boxes but so can neo-nazis. Why should a person listen to your ideas if you do not belong to their tribe - but their nazi aunt does?
  • The most likely candidate is word of mouth from the immediate social circle. If you look at how advertisers are trying to keep advertising to a consumer market that is increasingly more resistant to advertisement, you will see that they agree. People work on tribe logic and listen to their tribe first.

So why is the trope mentioned by prokopetz specifically so annoying?

  • Hollywood generally foregoes deeper analysis of bigotry by focusing on the cringe love story. The problem is romance washing.
  • Tribalism is an unspeakable horror floating through all these stories that is never addressed as what it is - because workers of the world unite is a socialism slogan. Anti-tribalism is portrayed as a globalist agenda. The problem is capitalism washing.

In conclusion: I've seen this trope in literally every genre, in every time period. I argue, the trope itself is not the problem and allows for very nuanced discussion. The problem is that the modern capitalist washed version is constipation inducing. It's revolution as fast food, zero nourishment or substance.


“The problem is that the modern capitalist washed version is constipation inducing.”

Okay: that sentence made me laugh.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to remember why I thought the TV series Alien Nation used the police procedural with a “human cop/alien cop partnership” premise to discuss bigotry so well. Maybe it’s 'cause I was just starting out parsing out the politics of popular culture. Maybe it’s 'cause it tackled the subject over 22 hour-long episodes, instead of a single movie. Maybe it’s cause it talked about bigotry and acceptance through a wide cultural lens, instead of just between two individuals.

Unfortunately, it was canceled after one season (I never saw the movie it was based on), though it was “continued” via TV movies; I was disappointed with the first movie, and didn’t bother with the others.

sci-fi tropes racism and other bigotries alien nation (TV) police procedural 1989-'90 TV

no-nic asked:

you are a cop (or cop-adjacent guy) who hates robots. really hates them. i bet there's a tragic backstory for that. unfortunately you live in a cyberpunk-ish society where humanoid robots are normal.

what is a more probable twist?

  • you are actually a cyborg
  • your new work partner, an attractive & mysterious female, is actually a robot
  • something else

prokopetz answered:

I’ve never been a huge fan of the whole “protagonist who’s grotesquely prejudiced against some oppressed minority (but it’s okay because he Has Trauma™) learns to be somewhat less racist” story arc in general, but having the catalyst of that personal transformation be the discovery that either his love interest or he himself is secretly part of said hated minority is a particularly tedious variant. Like, let’s at least substantively confront our own premise, buddy.


Agreed. Especially since the "being a little bit less of a bigot"* so-called 'lesson' is still only happening because the target is now seen as "belonging to My Tribe." So how has the character actually grown?

See Also: The history of anti-immigration politics in the U.S., when the Irish, Polish, and Italian immigrants were hated and vilified until demographic classifications were changed, and those people were now classified as "White."

*In futuristic science fiction, bigotry against robots and cyborgs is used a metaphor for racism. But in the present day real world, "they're robotic!" & "Like cyborg!" pop culture rhetoric is leading to actual discrimination against the Disabled (especially those on the autism spectrum, and/or those who use prosthetics, tracheostomy tubes, speech synthesizers, even motorized wheelchairs). No metaphor or symbolism needed.


I hate this trope like every other leftist - because I am a leftist. But, genuine question, how else are you going to write a story about a bigot coming to realize: bigotry = bad?

Leftists can hold bigoted views as well but let's analyze this from the perspective of a more conservative protagonist first:

This protagonist is going to hold these views because they hold certain internalized prejudices by default. They live in a society(TM) coloured by bigotry. Their school system, friends, family, boss, elders, culture, religion all teach them certain values.

From whom is the impulse for change realistically going to come from?

  • Not themselves. By far most people do not practice introspection on a deeper level. Expecting a significant portion of people to have a Heureka moment is unrealistic. (Yes, the protagonist can be *special* but will the average reader be able to relate?)
  • Maybe media? They stumble upon a book or article somehow. But how is that positive propaganda supposed to gain traction in a society that is stacked against it? Sure, you can put flyers in people's letter boxes but so can neo-nazis. Why should a person listen to your ideas if you do not belong to their tribe - but their nazi aunt does?
  • The most likely candidate is word of mouth from the immediate social circle. If you look at how advertisers are trying to keep advertising to a consumer market that is increasingly more resistant to advertisement, you will see that they agree. People work on tribe logic and listen to their tribe first.

So why is the trope mentioned by prokopetz specifically so annoying?

  • Hollywood generally foregoes deeper analysis of bigotry by focusing on the cringe love story. The problem is romance washing.
  • Tribalism is an unspeakable horror floating through all these stories that is never addressed as what it is - because workers of the world unite is a socialism slogan. Anti-tribalism is portrayed as a globalist agenda. The problem is capitalism washing.

In conclusion: I've seen this trope in literally every genre, in every time period. I argue, the trope itself is not the problem and allows for very nuanced discussion. The problem is that the modern capitalist washed version is constipation inducing. It's revolution as fast food, zero nourishment or substance.


I wrote a reply to this a couple of hours ago, and put in my queue. It’s left my queue, but didn’t show up in my posts.

So here’s an abbreviated version:

  1. This sentence made me laugh:

“The problem is that the modern capitalist washed version is constipation inducing.”

2. I remember liking the TV series Alien Nation (Fox; 1989-'90, cancelled after one season) for how it used the human cop/alien cop partnership trope to discuss racism and other bigotries, but I don’t remember in detail why I liked it.

sci-fi racism tropes robots aliens cop shows / movies alien nation (TV)

I also think that all the "um okay knives out & glass onion were good. Wrap it up now" posts are so funny. You're tripping if you think there's not going to be at least five Benoit Blanc films lol


What part of "the detective franchise is back babey" did you not get. There were 14 Poirot films and that's not counting the show which was a standard season for most of its run. 69 Columbo episodes. Like it or hate it you are going to be seeing Benoit Blanc until the day he stops making money and then some.


He hasn't even been on a train yet for fucks sake




The thing about world-famous detectives that's true both in character and out of character is that it's annoyingly difficult to make them go away.


arthur conan doyle found that out the hard way



[Image Description: the Shrek/Donkey/Puss “They don’t even have Dental” meme. The usual text has been replaced with “Benoit Blanc hasn’t even been on a train yet.” Description ends]

Now I want to reread Lord Peter Wimsey stories by Dorothy L. Sayers.

… I wonder how that fandom’s doing…

image desciption detective fiction knives out glass onion benoit blanc agatha christie hercule poirot Sir Conan Doyle sherlock holmes lord peter wimsey dorothy l sayers

no-nic asked:

you are a cop (or cop-adjacent guy) who hates robots. really hates them. i bet there's a tragic backstory for that. unfortunately you live in a cyberpunk-ish society where humanoid robots are normal.

what is a more probable twist?

  • you are actually a cyborg
  • your new work partner, an attractive & mysterious female, is actually a robot
  • something else

prokopetz answered:

I’ve never been a huge fan of the whole “protagonist who’s grotesquely prejudiced against some oppressed minority (but it’s okay because he Has Trauma™) learns to be somewhat less racist” story arc in general, but having the catalyst of that personal transformation be the discovery that either his love interest or he himself is secretly part of said hated minority is a particularly tedious variant. Like, let’s at least substantively confront our own premise, buddy.


Agreed. Especially since the “being a little bit less of a bigot”* so-called ‘lesson’ is still only happening because the target is now seen as “belonging to My Tribe.” So how has the character actually grown?

See Also: The history of anti-immigration politics in the U.S., when the Irish, Polish, and Italian immigrants were hated and vilified until demographic classifications were changed, and those people were now classified as “White.”

*In futuristic science fiction, bigotry against robots and cyborgs is used a metaphor for racism. But in the present day real world, “they’re robotic!” & “Like cyborg!” pop culture rhetoric is leading to actual discrimination against the Disabled (especially those on the autism spectrum, and/or those who use prosthetics, tracheostomy tubes, speech synthesizers, even motorized wheelchairs). No metaphor or symbolism needed.

media tropes robots racism disablism bigotry scifi real world

A couple of related folk music & folklore (mythology) pet peeves:

One: when singers today perform a folk song from a couple hundred+ years ago, and post it to YouTube, calling it a “Cover.”

It is a folk song. The song is as much truly yours as it ‘belongs’ to the performer you learned it from (“House of the Rising Sun” is not, in fact, 'by’ the folk-rock group The Animals; they just put one of the many versions on one of their albums, and it’s now the most famous).*

Two: Essays (video or otherwise) that claim to 'uncover’ the “True History” of a legendary figure, such as King Arthur, or (especially this time of year) St. Patrick. Or even the “twisted true origin” of famous fairy tales.

People, listen to me: these songs, these stories are the result of cooperative imaginations. Every person who heard the stories, or learned the songs, passed them on with their own embellishments. The stories of King Arthur, for example, (probably) started being told by people almost Two Thousand Years ago.

Some linguists, tracing changes in language the way biologists trace changes in DNA, have dated some of our most famous stories back to before the invention of writing:

(Note: the image in that link, of an inaccurate model of a T. Rex, does not appear anywhere in the article. The claim made in the study is that some stories can be traced back to the Bronze Age–not the cretaceous. I suspect some A.I. just latched onto the word “prehistoric.” {le sigh}).

*Wikipedia article about the song and its history

folk songs storytelling it's a human thing

Bread and Roses

Opening title card:

Bread and Roses

‘Bread for all, and Roses, too’ was a political slogan attributed to a speech by Rose Schneiderman, which inspired a poem by James Oppenheim published in 1911. It was set to music by various composers, having been rediscovered after WWII. This version is based on the melody by Margarita Mimi Baez Fariña in 1974.


As we come marching, marching, in the beauty of the day,
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill-lofts gray
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,
For the people hear us singing, “Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses.”

As we come marching, marching, we battle, too, for men—
For they are in the struggle, and together, we will win.*
Our days shall not be sweated from birth until life closes—
Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses.

As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient song of Bread;
Small art and love and beauty their trudging spirits knew—
Yes, it is Bread we fight for—but we fight for Roses, too.

As we come marching, marching, we’re standing proud and tall—**
The rising of the women means the rising of us all.**
No more the drudge and idler—ten that toil where one reposes—
But a sharing of life’s glories: Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses.

*Alternate lyrics; the original line by James Oppenheim was: “For they are women’s children, and we mother them again.”

**Original: “[…] we bring the Greater Days– | The rising of the women means the rising of the race.”

women's history month bread and roses art and beauty & access to “the arts” are a human right 1911 poem women's suffrage Music video lyrics in post Youtube

man it sucks so many people on here have absolutely convinced themselves that entire categories of consumer goods like perfume are bougie. you are depriving yourself of little treats by just assuming you cant ever afford anything! this isnt an avocado toast post either im not saying 'just save up and buy it lol', i would never say that, what im saying is perfume (that is: scents in liquid, paste, oil or solid form intended to be worn as a personal adornment) as a commodity starts at "free" and gradually increases in price from there. my favorite perfumes are priced everywhere between $0 and $300. one of the most lauded amber scents in the world (regrettably JUST discontinued), "Amber Paste" by Kuumba Made, is one of those little hippie oils you get at Whole Foods and it cost $10.

and im not telling you to wear perfume, obviously people have allergies and shit, or just dont care for it, im talking to the people who WANT to own fragrances. im saying they aren't all going to cost $150.

you can also get unlimited (unlimited over a long enough timeline, they limit you to a couple or three per visit) free samples at a lot of sephoras and nordstroms if you live somewhere that has those stores (this depends on the location and a lot of other organic factors, you'll have to check ahead of time or just try it if you're nearby, it's sort of random). if you're actually buying something at sephora (and they have a lot of stuff that isn't a million dollars as well, despite their branding) ask for every free sample at checkout that they have. they will often load you up, and not just with perfume. secondhand outlets like Value Village and Goodwill also do huge business in perfume because people are ALWAYS donating it.

sephora also does perfume refills. if you actually do buy a full size bottle, they can refill it for much less than buying a whole new bottle of the stuff. i don't know exactly how much it costs because i havent used this service myself. and idk how careful yiou have to be about reeceipts either, but look into it if you bought a full size and its running out

idk it just bums me out there are all these people who actually want perfume and seem to think it's out of their price range. the really basement-tier dupes of popular brand scents are so good these days it's often worth dropping the $10 at Walmart or Rite Aid too.

some of my favorite ever perfumes were some weird crap i got in a crystal wizard store, or a drug store, or a goodwill, or whatever. if you want perfume you can get it


Sorry to hijack this post, but I've frequently encountered similar attitudes when it comes to attending the opera or a live classical music performance. Ask any regular opera patron and they'll tell you that opera companies desperately need young people to come out to performances, that they can't keep solely relying on the financial support of a rapidly shrinking circle of upper class patrons. I'll hear "oh but it's so bougie going to the opera", no it's not, there's a reason why "Va, pensiero" from Verdi's Nabucco became an anthem for the Italian revolutionaries during the Risorgimento. "Opera only caters to elite tastes, besides I don't know Italian/French/German/Russian etc." I guarantee that it doesn't, and most modern opera houses use some kind of subtitle technology in their performance. "Attending the opera or symphony is too expensive." If you're under 30 or a student I guarantee that you can get absurdly cheap tickets. The Canadian Opera Company here in Toronto used to (they still might, I don't know) offer $25 tickets to under-30s, $35 if you wanted the best available seats the day of, which is how I wound up with seats that would've cost me hundreds of dollars otherwise on more than one occasion. Just go, please, it's always a wonderful experience.


Folks need to read more Emma Goldman:

“I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody's right to beautiful, radiant things.' Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world — prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own closest comrades I would live my beautiful ideal.”

Don’t fall into this trap of thinking pleasure and beauty are bourgeois. The whole fucking point of reforming the world is so we can all have pleasure and beauty and leisure time to cultivate them. You’re not a martyr to the cause by denying yourself pleasure. You’re just miserable, and your misery only serves the upper class, not the people you should be fighting alongside.


The Hollywood Bowl offers tickets for as low as a dollar for classical and jazz performances. I used to go with my parents ten times a summer because thursday shows were $5 for the cheap seats, and you can show up early with a picnic packed for dinner. People tend to think that the classical events are expensive and exclusive, but you have no idea how many times I listened to Mozart sitting on a bench with a chicken sandwich in my hand because it was cheaper to go see the LA Phil conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen at the Bowl than it was to go to the movies.


I work for a Reasonably Well Known Regional Theater.
We're *dying* out here, and there's usually a way to get tickets around $35 if not lower to most if not all of our shows. Call the box office and tell them you're on a budget, be kind, but make it known that you very much want to see a show. Usually there's a way.


Center Theater Group in LA, which has multiple venues, including the Ahmanson, where a lot of the national touring productions of Broadway musicals are staged, does $20 ticket sales on Tuesdays for a bunch of different dates and shows. You just have to sign up for their email list. There are wonderful regional and national shows for less than $40, which isn't *cheap*, but it's a wonderful night out for a special occasion.


If you don’t let yourself experience moments of beauty and comfort, how can you (successfully) fight for a world full of those things for everyone?

And If you’re not fighting for a world full of beauty and comfort, for crying out loud, what are you fighting for?!

Art for all Beauty for all class struggle don't buy into the propaganda from the elites

I think it would be really fucking funny to write a piece of fiction set entirely in real life but using lazy fantasy worldbuilding talk. I gather coin* for the road west** - I will need it to enter the Capital.***

* two quarters and two dimes

** Interstate 64

*** Richmond, Virginia


I must traverse the treacherous way north* to visit my lover at their place of learning. This city is a crossroads, positioned near the boundary point of a dark land we try not to visit.** It is an ancient place, riddled with the memory of the War.***

* Interstate 95

** Northern Virginia

*** American Civil


The road north is blocked by enemy forces.* I fear we will be overpowered if we continue,** and never reach our destination.*** Let us abandon the road and take the ancient mountain pass.**** We will mind the cruel structures of bygone years***** as you go.

* northern virginians

** get vehicular manslaughtered by a tesla driver just outside the mixing bowl

*** west maryland

**** cut through loudon county

***** mcmansions

laugh rule fantasy fiction phrases modern world Virginia (US state)