Audi History

This is the history of the brand Audi since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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Company Audi has been created as a result of the merger of four companies, producing motorcycles and cars under brands DKW, Horch and Wanderer and Audi.
The incentive for the Union of four factories became a local Saxon Bank, a lender of all four companies. Bankers were afraid for their large investments in the production of cars. At the end of June, 1932, the factory Audi, Horch, DKW United into a group Auto Union AG. Her trademark became world-famous 4 rings. Immediately after the unification of Auto Union took the second place in the rating of automobile manufacturers of Germany.
In the beginning of 1940 the production of all cars of the Corporation for civilian purposes was terminated, factory of Auto Union engaged in the production staff of the car Horch 901.
By the end of the Second world war almost all the factories Auto Union were destroyed because of the bombing, and the majority of employees and management of the Corporation had left the Soviet zone of occupation. The remaining equipment was also taken and taken away. The heads of the company before the capitulation of the fascists had moved to Bavaria.
In the beginning of September 1949 it was finally restored the production of motorcycles and light trucks. The Corporation re-registered under the name of Auto Union GmbH. In mid-1950, was released the first post-war car Corporation for civil needs. It was a model of DKW F89 P Master Class.
In the spring of 1958, the company Daimler-Benz AG acquired a package of 88% of the shares of Auto Union, and in 1960, has purchased the company completely. In 1965 it was decided to issue all new models has lost the independence of the concern under the brand Audi. The first years after the purchase of Audi, manual Volkswagen did not want the child brand himself was engaged in the development of new cars. It was planned at the facilities of the Audi collect the VW В«beetleВ». But the chief designer of the Audi Ludwig Kraus was't agree with it and created a new model secretly. As a result, in 1968 on the market was represented by the Audi 100.
Audi cars, presented in our catalogue:
Latest classic Audi cars offered in listings:
$US $2,000.000
$US $4,000.000
$US $6,500.000
$US $6,000.000
$US $6,601.000
$US $3,900.000
$US $5,000.000
$US $152.500
$US $5,225.000
$US $9,100.000
$US $950.000
$US $700.000
$US $25,000.000
$US $12,600.000
$US $2,550.000
$US $600.000
$US $7,100.000
$US $10,600.000
$US $7,500.000
$US $6,500.000
$US $28,700.000
$US $15,500.000
$US $50,400.000
$US $27,100.000
$US $500.000
$US $2,000.000
$US $7,600.000
$US $8,700.000
$US $26,100.000
$US $3,150.000
$US $13,500.000
$US $5,001.000
$US $65,100.000
$US $1,200.000