Lagonda History

This is the history of the brand Lagonda since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
Classic Cars

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The company Lagonda - production of luxury cars, founded in 1906 in the UK. The founder of the company Wilbur Gunn before that was engaged in construction of motorcycles in fact "on the fly - in her garden. Already in 1907, he designed the first 6-cylinder Torpedo, with a capacity of 20 horsepower, up to 1914 eksportirovavshiysya in Russia. In addition, in the pre-war period, actively produced subcompact Lagonda with 4-cylinder engines per 1000 cubic meters. After the First World issue up continued with the implementation of electric lighting and equipment 1400 CC engine.
The first sports car company Lagonda Twin-Cam with 4-cylinder 2-litre engine was developed in 1925 engineer Arthur Davidson. Extended model vehicle with 6-cylinder engine was produced from 1926. Interestingly, the last car Lagonda 30-ies had a 3-liter engine. In 1933, the engine of the "grown up" to 3.2 liters, and the machine Lagonda began to recruit 8-speed transmissions the Maybach by special order. In 1934 also comes in compact elegance with the engine of 1.1 per liter.
Already in 1937 came model V12, developed in conjunction with the designer from the Bentley, had a 5-liter engine with a capacity of 180 HP and developing a speed of up to 170 km/hour! In 1938, was developed by the car LG6 from Lagonda, who had independent front suspension and hydraulic brakes. During the war Lagonda engaged in the manufacture of shells and torpedoes, and in 1947 the company became the property of the Aston Martin. Since the 50-ies of Lagonda no one remembered, while in 1961 was not renewed production of Rapide. In 1976, also produced Aston Martin Lagonda, however, had little to do with the original concept of the brand.
Lagonda cars, presented in our catalogue:
Latest classic Lagonda cars offered in listings:
$US $3,383.000
$US $6,861.000
$US $7,700.000
$US $5,100.000
$US $4,127.000
$US $7,100.000