Lamborghini History

This is the history of the brand Lamborghini since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
Classic Cars

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The Golden calf Lamborghini known, perhaps, each driver - cars, manufactured under this trademark, have become a real legend. However, to the 47-th year of a life Ferruchio Lamborghini - founder of the company - not even thought about the fact, that after half a century, his name will be associated exclusively with the super-power sportkarami.
The company Lamborghini Trattori SpA, which belonged to Ferruchio, involved in the manufacture of tractors and agricultural machinery factory Automobili Lamborghini was opened only in 1963 year. This happened after the Ferruchio paid a visit to Enzo Ferrari, willing to discuss with them some of the disadvantages of Ferrari 250 GT, but the owner of a famous brand in the rough form cast out of the visitor. On the same day, Lamborghini sold his GT 250 and decided to create your own sports car - at least in order to harass Ferrari. It is noteworthy that the first plant Lamborghini was built just 15 kilometres from the factory Ferrari.
Already in October 1963 at the Turin motor show was presented to the first model, developed under the leadership of the Lamborghini: Lamborghini 350 " TV. In spite of the fact that some of the design ideas, which are realized in this model, have been innovative, 350 " TV had a lot of shortcomings, prishedshihsya public not to taste. All of them were taken into account, and in a year Lamborghini introduced a new model, which immediately became a hit: 350 GT. The car was immediately launched in the series, after which it became clear: in the market of sports cars Ferrari have to move over.
Already more than half a century cars Lamborghini deservedly considered one of the most powerful, expensive and respected sports cars of continuous Assembly, a symbol of speed and comfort.
Lamborghini cars, presented in our catalogue:
- Lamborghini 350 GT
- Lamborghini 350 GTV
- Lamborghini 400 GT
- Lamborghini Countach
- Lamborghini Diablo
- Lamborghini Espada
- Lamborghini Flying Star II
- Lamborghini Islero
- Lamborghini Jalpa
- Lamborghini Jarama
- Lamborghini LM002
- Lamborghini Miura
- Lamborghini Urraco
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