Skoda History

This is the history of the brand Skoda since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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Cars which became famous in the world auto. Today, they are available to almost everyone. Basically, this is a dynamic cars good design and configuration, with passive and active safety system. It is a popular Czech Skoda. What are the important dates in the history of this brand?
The historical path of the Czech Skoda auto
In 1895, two enterprising young Czech Vaclav Clement and Vaclav Larin became the ancestors of the company Skoda. They first engaged in the production of bicycles, then decided to release bikes, they even created a motorcycle, which developed a speed of up to 40 km/h. Then they have constructed a car.
In 1905, two other Clement and Larin released their first car, which became popular.
In 1907, owing to the attraction of investment is quite a new improved model of Faeton.
In 1925, is formed automotive company Skoda.
In the 1940s, Skoda specializes exclusively in military technology.
In 1964, is gaining popularity model Skoda Felicia. It was located behind the engine. Was recognized as the most popular car of the company В«SkodaВ», as was produced until 1988.
In the 1970s there was a strong stagnation of the car Skoda brand. Because the car was sold mainly in the countries of the socialist system, which did not show high requirements to the quality of the cars. At this time the company produces brands such as Skoda 100, Skoda 105 S, Skoda 136.
In 1991, Skoda become an integral part of the world-known company Volkswagen.
Skoda is a successful Czech car, which has gained considerable popularity. So how different is a pleasant design and maximum protection for the driver and passengers.
Skoda cars, presented in our catalogue:
Latest classic Skoda cars offered in listings:
$EUR 22.900
$EUR 26.950