Sunbeam History

This is the history of the brand Sunbeam since the establishment of the company and up to the most modern of vehicles produced under this brand.
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This car in the 50-ies has won prizes in the race. This was the cheapest model of the car with stunning high technical data. This Is The Sunbeam. Its engineers-designers were Mebberli Smith, Charles Pallinger, Louis Kotalen and others. But when they began the production of cars В«SanbimВ»?
Historical milestones of the sunbeam
In 1899 the company the sunbeam under the leadership of John Marston has released the first full-fledged car. Before that the company was engaged in manufacturing of various metal ornaments, as well as production of bicycles.
In 1901, under the leadership of designer Mebberli Smith was released model with a 2-cylinder engine. She had a name of the sunbeam-Mabley.
In 1909, the engineer-designer became Louis Kotalen. He developed a car В«SanbimВ» with a 4-cylinder engine and the designer of the racing model of the Nautilus. Its peculiarity was that applied the upper valve and the engine. The body was made according to all the requirements of aerodynamics.
In 1923-x, 1924-ies of the car the sunbeam had gained victory in the Grand Prix.
In 1954 was founded the new sports model the sunbeam Alpine. This car had a good tough front suspension, a solid arc security of the frontal glass, as well as the power of the engine 77 horsepower. At that time it was a technical innovations and high achievement.
In the 60-ies of concern Chrysler began to produce sports, as well as family car under the brand name of the sunbeam. One of them was, for example, the sunbeam Stiletto.
In 1970, the company has passed under the management of В«PeugeotВ». At this time, was released on the model of the sunbeam Talbot-Lotus, which in 1981, took the first place in the championship rally.
So, the sunbeam, this is the car, the history of which is connected with strong sports performance.
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