I recently finished these two aqua chairs that I found at a flea market here in Nashville. Aqua is not a normal color I use, but for whatever reason it was on my mind and I used it!
The color was a little much (to me) when the chairs were all painted, so I decided to distress the chairs a bit, which is something I usually do not do...but I felt that it "mellowed" this aqua color a bit! I am still trying to get used to variants of aqua...but really love it!
I was wondering how I became so "aqua" inspired...since I do not use this color in my home...but I have found that I do love it when I see it. Such a happy color and what a statement! So here are some of the pics of aqua/turquoise/azure that have inspired me:
Image 1: Patricia Gray Image 2: Suzanne Kasler via Southern Accents
Patricia Gray has a wonderful blog posting on turquoise/aquamarine and Southern Accents has a wonderful article on the use of turquoise also.
Image: Southern Accents
Just love the combination of aqua/azure with this dusty pink...so lovely...cool, happy and relaxing to me!
Image: Traditional Home

I also like how aqua plays off of red really so well....look at that lamp and how it is set off by the red! And I would have never thought of putting those two colors together!

Wouldn't this door make going to work every day just a little bit better! To see this beautiful color on my front door every day....would be so nice!