~Just a quick disclaimer out of my respect for religious differences: Forgive my silliness when discussing Christian-related theology and concepts, I tend to be kind of flippant about it because of my past, but I mean no disrespect to that religion’s practitioners and I respect their right to their beliefs.~
What is thaaaaaat?:
Ever since I saw that shiz on Sebby’s hand, I have been really intrigued by it and wanted to figure out the meaning behind it. As a witch, I’m really interested in anything pertaining to mysticism and spirits. I should probably also mention that witchcraft as a real-world spiritual practice is very diverse and so I can’t speak for every practitioner, but in my case it means I’m someone who likes to play around with plants and rocks, tarot cards, stuff like that. It’s not like the movies where people are standing around a huge cauldron with wartyass noses lol. People do use cauldrons though, but it seems like they tend to be really small? I dunno, it’s super interesting stuff even from an anthropology perspective, so if you’re curious to know more from that kind of a position, I can hook you up in the comments section with some research starting points.
What does “Tetragrammaton” mean?
I actually forgot about this aspect until I started researching this, but “Tetragrammaton” refers to the four letters (YHWH) of the name of the god Yahweh, who’s like, the entity most people refer to just as “god.” It totally makes sense that Yahweh would be evoked in this symbol, because it’s associated with Solomon, who was Yahweh’s bro and they were super tight homies.
Basically, Solomon was the son of one of god’s favorite humans, so he got some nepotism bennies like being the wisest man alive. I actually don’t know why Solomon is so frequently referred to in esoteric/occultic traditions, but it’s a thing. I guess because tradition states he had mad skills in dealing with different kinds of spirits? I’m still looking into it.
According to The Lesser Key of Solomon, which is a 17th century grimoire (a type of esoteric volume), this sigil can be used to “command the spirits.” Wikipedia informs me this is a grimoire specifically about demonology. Thanks, Wikipedia! You the real MVP.
What do those other, smaller words mean?
My first instinct is to side with the theory about these being the names of angels, because there’s those little sigils above each name. It’s common for people to use these things called sigils in magick to represent a name or phrase with a symbol and then charge that symbol with power… I could explain it better in another post if y’all really want lol. I guess the Solomon Pentagram itself is a sigil which incorporates preexisting sigils, actually. This has me like… why would a Christianized demon have the names of angels in his summoning sigil? XD But uh, I think Yana did research on the occult and was like “yeah that looks dank” and that’s probably the main reason for the use of Solomon’s Pentagram. I mean, I’m down with that though.
This is an example of some sigils that are associated with common archangels, just to give you an idea of what that’s about.
So like, there’s a bunch of different interpretations of what the hell those words mean that stretch beyond just summoning angels. Out of the various explanations, I kind of like this one from “Solomon’s Book of Magick,” despite my suspicious that it isn’t grounded in Hebrew translations. It also doesn’t explain the sigils, but hey.
:sparkles: From Carroll Poke Runyon’s “Book of Solomon’s Magick:” :sparkles:
“The pentagram can be drawn on parchment and glued to the back of the Spirit’s Lamen”
I dunno WTH a “lamen” is but yeah. I guess the idea is… you slap this on the spirit like a damn sticky note that says “kick me”… but general consensus dictates they’re aren’t physical beings, so like… they’d have to materialize first? lol what
Is the pentagram really just short-hand for “DA DEBIL?”:
Good lord, does this symbol get a bad rep! The pentagram is supposed to be a representation of the five traditional elements. It isn’t inherently spooky at all. Let me show you a good picture that illustrates the meaning of the pentagram.
See like, earth, air, fire, water, and aether are the “classical elements” which date back to ancient Greece. Of course, if you read up on the classical elements, you’ll find it’s very simplistic and the science back then obviously wasn’t so hot compared to now XD But the symbolism of the classical elements is useful, and they can be worked with.
The reason this is such a huge thing in witchcraft is because working with nature is very central to the craft. Herbs and shiz, man.
Bonus: Whut deemon iz Sebastian?
I saw people saying they think Sebastian is Mephistopheles, who’s the demon from the German Faust legend. Faust is like, the classic, archetypal “demon took me soul” story. Someone said that the Solomon’s Pentagram is associated with Mephistopheles, hence the theory that he is Sebastian. I have yet to find any evidence of that, though. I do like that name though, “Mephistopheles.” Like, Mephis would be a totally cute nickname, right? XD
Also, I’m biased here and I personally don’t engage in any sort of demon-related stuff but… isn’t it a super Christian concept to have your soul “taken?” Maybe there’s some aspect of this in other religions too, but just from my perspective on spirituality, I don’t get how the hell you could take a soul when in my tradition, the soul is really the personhood of someone, and the body i.e. the vessel is the thing which could be destroyed lol. Like, Sebastian is more selling his soul than Ciel than the other way around, given he’s devoting his life and very being to him and the soul is the being… nevermind I’m rambling LOL
Oh, also if you didn’t yet know about Faust, that’s where Claude’s surname(??) comes from.
:scroll: http://www.omega-magick.com/2012/01/pentragam-of-solomon.html
:sparkles: :+1: #curatorreview ‘cause you know what? I worked hard on this and I think it’s pretty freakin’ dank.