Any Subject
CARE - CARE - PG Retirement Assisted Care
EATA - EATA - AP Electrician Apprent Level 1
EATB - EATB - AP Electrician Apprent Level 2
EATC - EATC - AP Electrician Apprent Level 3
EATD - EATD - AP Electrician Apprent Level 4
GAMZ - GAMZ - PS CICE Game-Design/Simulation
HINF - HINF - PG Health Informatics
HORT - HORT - PS Horticultural Technician
JEIB - JEIB - PG Justice Equity InclusionBel
PMED - PMED - UG Paramedicine
PSIZ - PSIZ - PS CICE Protect/Security/Inves
AACE - TS Academic and Career Entranc
AASL - PS Anishnaabemowin as Sec Lang
ACCF - PS Accounting - French
ACCN - PG Accounting
ACCT - PS Accounting
ACPT - PS Acupuncture
ACTG - UG Accounting
ACWK - NC Animal Care Worker
ACWR - TS Animal Care Worker
ADCT - PG Addictions
ADVE - PS Advertising
AGRI - PS Agricultural Business
AIDI - PG Artifical Intelligence
ALTM - PS Alternative Medicine
ANCA - PS Animal Care
ANLP - PS Anishnaabemowin Lang Prog
ANPD - PS AnishhnaabemowingAndProgDev
APDE - PS Applied Design
APDZ - PS CICE Applied Design
ARCH - PS Architecture
ARTL - UG Liberal Arts Elective
ASAA - AP Auto Service Tech App Adv
ASAB - AP Auto Service Tech App Basic
ASAI - AP Auto Service Tech App Int
ASSN - NC External Association
ASST - PS Assistive Technologies
AUBR - UG Auto Qualifying Bridge
AUDM - PG Auto Dealership Mgmt
AUTF - PS Automotive - French
AUTM - UG Automotive Management
AUTN - NC Automotive
AUTO - PS Automotive
AUTZ - PS CICE Automotive
AVIA - PS Aviation
AVIN - NC Aviation
BAKE - PS Baking and Pastry Arts
BASE - PG Building Automation and Sustainable Engineering
BDAT - PG Big Data Analytics
BESC - PG Behavioural Sciences
BINT - PG Business-International
BIOL - PS Biology
BIOZ - PS CICE Biology
BLCK - PG Blockchain - Cryptocurrency
BLDG - PS Building
BMGT - PG Business Management
BNTR - PG Entrep and Small Bus Mgmt
BSNS - UG Business
BTMN - PS Small Business Trades Mgmt
BTSD - TS Basic Trng for Skill Devel
BUSF - PS Business - French
BUSI - PS Business
BUSN - NC Business Studies
BUSZ - PS CICE Business
CAAD - AP Carpenter Advanced
CABA - AP Carpenter Basic
CABI - TS Cabinetmaking
CABT - PS Cabinetmaking
CABZ - PS CICE Cabinetmaking
CAIN - AP Carpenter Intermediate
CARP - TS Carpentry
CART - PS Carpentry Techniques
CARZ - PS CICE Carpentry
CCNI - PG Complex Care Nursing Intl
CDSI - PS Comm Dev and Social Innovation
CEMS - NC Chemistry
CHEM - PS Chemistry
CHEZ - PS CICE Chemistry
CHMH - PS Children's Mental Health
CHMS - PG Chemistry
CICE - PS CICE-Specific Courses
CIVL - PS Civil Engineering
CJSR - PS Community/Justice Services
CJSZ - PS CICE Community/Justice Serv
CKAA - AP Cook Advanced
CKAB - AP Cook Apprentice Basic
CMPS - NC Computer Studies
CMPT - PG Computer Studies
CMPZ - PS CICE Computers
CNCT - PS Computer Numerical Control
COAD - PS Community Advocacy
CODA - PG Communicat. Disorders Asst.
COLP - NC College Preparation
COMA - AP Communications
COMC - TS Communications
COMF - PS Communications - French
COMG - PG Communications
COMM - PS Communications
COMP - PS Computers
COMS - NC Community Studies
COMU - NC Communications
COMZ - PS CICE Communications
CONS - PS Construction
COOP - Co-operative Work Term
CORP - NC Corp Trng(Excluded frAudit)
COSC - UG Computer Sciences
COSM - NC Cosmetics
COST - UG Communication Studies
COUN - NC Counselling
CPGA - NC Cdn Professional Golf Assoc
CPHR - PS Co-op Hour
CYAF - AP - Child / Yth Work-LevFour
CYAH - AP - Child / Yth Work-LevThree
CYAO - AP - Child / Yth Work-LevOne
CYAT - AP - Child / Yth Work-LevTwo
CYWK - PS Child and Youth Work
CYWZ - PS CICE Child and Youth Care
DART - NC Design Arts
DENT - PS Dental
DEVS - PS Developmental Services
DEVZ - PS CICE Developmental Services
DGCC - PG Digital Content Creation
DIAL - PG Dialysis
DIGS - PS Digital Studio
DRAF - TS Drafting
DRFT - PS Drafting
DRFZ - PS CICE Drafting
DRVR - NC Driver Training
DRWG - PS Drawing
DRWZ - PS CICE Drawing
DSAA - AP Dev Serv Worker App Adv
DSAB - AP Dev Serv Worker App Basic
DVID - PG Digital Video
DVIR - PS Diversity/Intercultural Rel
EAAA - AP Educational Assist Advanced
EAAB - AP Educational Assist Basic
EAPC - PS Eng for Academic Purposes
EAPF - NC Eng for Academic Purposes 4
EAPH - NC Eng for Academic Purposes 3
EAPO - NC Eng for Academic Purposes 1
EAPT - NC Eng for Academic Purposes 2
EASL - NC English as a Second Lang
ECAA - AP Early Childhood Ed Advanced
ECAB - AP Early Childhood Ed Basic
ECED - PS Early Childhood Education
ECNM - UG Economics
ECOF - PS Economics - French
ECON - PS Economics
ELAA - AP Electrician Apprentice Adv
ELAB - AP Electrician Apprent Basic
ELAI - AP Electrician Apprent Interm
ELEC - PS Electrical Engineering
ELEN - PS Electronics
ELNZ - PS CICE Electronics
ENGL - UG English
ENGN - PS Engineering (General)
ENTP - UG Entrepreneurship
ENTR - PS Entrepreneurship
ENVR - PS Environmental Studies
ENVZ - PS CICE Environmental Studies
ESLG - NC General Eng as a Sec Lang
ETHC - PS Ethics
ETHS - PG Ethics
EUPT - NC European Pattern Mkg/Drftg
EVNT - PG Event Management
FDNM - PG Food and Nutrition Mgmt
FINA - PS Fine Arts
FINC - UG Fiinance
FINZ - PS CICE Fine Arts
FIRE - PS Firefighting
FITN - PS Fitness
FITW - NC Fitness and Wellness
FITZ - PS CICE Fitness
FLIE - PS Flight Services
FLIZ - PS CICE Flight Services
FNCE - PS Finance
FOOD - TS Food Preparation General
FOSR - PS Food Service
FOSZ - PS CICE Food Service
FSWR - NC Food Service Worker
FUND - PG Fundraising
GAAS - PS Genearl Arts Sci Elect Opti
GAME - PS Game-Design and Simulation
GARD - PS Gardening/Horticulture
GAST - PS Gas Technician
GBMT - PG Global Business Management
GEDP - NC GED Preparation
GEOG - PS Geography
GEOL - PS Geology
GERT - PS Gerontology
GINT - NC General Interest
GLDS - PG Goldsmithing/Silversmithing
GLFD - UG Golf Degree
GMAA - AP General Machinist Advanced
GMAI - AP General Machinist Intermed.
GMTD - AP Gen Mach/Mould Mkr/Tool+Die
GNAP - AP General Ed for Apprentices
GNED - PS General Education
GNEZ - PS CICE General Education
GOLF - PS Golf
GOVT - PS Government
GOVZ - PS CICE Government
GPCN - PG Gerontology Palliative Care
GRDN - NC Gardening-Home Landscaping
GRPH - PS Graphic Design
GRPZ - PS CICE Graphic Design
GSCM - PG Supply Chain Mgmt-Global
HAAA - AP Hairstylist Advanced
HAAB - AP Hairstylist Basic
HADM - PS Hospitality Administration
HAIR - PS Hairstyling
HLTH - PS Health
HMRF - PS Human Resources French
HOMP - PS Homeopathic Medicine
HOSP - NC Hospitality and Tourism
HRAC - PS Heating/Refrig/Air Cond
HRMG - UG Human Resource Management
HRMN - PG Human Resource Management
HSCI - NC Health Sciences
HSPM - UG Hospitality Management
HSTY - PS Art History
HSTZ - PS CICE Art History
HUMA - UG Humanities
HUMD - PS Human Development
HUMN - PS Humanities
HUMS - NC Human Services
HUMZ - PS CICE Humanities
HURM - PS Human Resource Management
HURZ - PS CICE Human Resource Mgt
ICAP - Institutional Cook Apprentice
IDEC - PS Interior Decorating
IMMA - AP Indust Mech Millwright Adv
IMMB - AP Indust Mech Millwright Bas
IMMI - AP Indust Mech Millwright Int.
INDE - UG Interior Design
INDG - PS Indigenous Studies
INDS - PG Interior Design
INDZ - PS CICE Indigenous Studies
INTD - PS Interior Design
INTS - UG Interdisciplinary
JELZ - PS CICE Jewellery and Metals
JEWL - PS Jewellery and Metals
JURI - UG Law and Justice
JUST - NC Justice and Public Safety
KBDE - PG Kitchen and Bath Design
LABS - NC Literacy and Basic Skills
LANG - PS Languages
LANS - NC Languages
LEGL - PG Legal Studies
LIAI - PG Leadership Artificial Intel
LIBA - PS College Foundations
LIBZ - PS CICE College Foundations
LIFS - NC Life Skills
LKEY - NC Learn Key Courses
MACH - NC Machinist
MAED - PS Marine Emergency Duties
MARE - PS Marine Engineering
MARI - NC Marine Studies
MASG - PS Massage Therapy
MATC - NC Mathematics
MATF - PS Mathematics - French
MATH - PS Mathematics
MATM - TS Mathematics
MATS - UG Mathematics
MATZ - PS CICE Mathematics
MCHN - PS Machining
MDEV - PG Mobile Applic Development
MDSC - PG Medical Skin Care
MEAA - AP Marine Eng App Advanced
MEMG - PG Marine Engineering Mgmt
MENG - PS Mechanical Engineering
MENZ - PS CICE Mechanical Engineering
METE - PS Meteorology
METR - PS Mechatronics
MGMT - PS Management
MGMZ - PS CICE Management
MHCC - PG Mental Health
MKMN - PG Marketing Management
MKTF - PS Marketing - French
MKTG - PS Marketing
MLAB - PS Medical Laboratory
MLDM - PS Mould Making
MMAA - AP Mould Maker App Advanced
MMAI - Mould Maker Apprent Intermed
MMAS - TS Microcomputer Maint/Support
MMEC - NC Millwright Mechanic
MNGM - UG Management
MRKT - UG Marketing
MUIS - PS Multimedia Install and Supp
MUSM - PG Museum and Gallery Studies
NATV - PS Native Education
NETS - PG Networks
NRSG - PS Nursing
NURS - UG Nursing
NUTR - PS Nutrition
OCHS - PG Occupational Health_Safety
OCPT - PS Occupational/Physical Ther
OFAD - PS Office Administration
OFAZ - PS CICE Office Administration
OMDP - NC Ontario Mgmt. Development
OPHT - PG Ophthalmic Practice
OPTI - PS Opticianry
OPTR - PG Opticianry Refraction
OPTX - PS Comprehensive Exams: OPTI
OSLT - NC Occupation Specific Lang Tr
PAET - NC Pre-Appr (Electrician) Trng
PAGC - NC Pre-Appr General Carpentry
PAPB - NC Pre-apprentice Plumbing
PAPH - NC Pre-Apprentice Hairstylist
PARA - PS Paramedic
PARM - PG Advanced Care Paramedic
PART - PS Performing Arts
PASE - NC Pre-Appre Small Eng Tcn/Wld
PATH - NC Pathways to Employment
PATT - PS Personal Attendant
PBAA - AP Plumber - Level 3
PBAB - AP Plumber - Level 1
PBAI - AP Plumber - Level 2
PENG - PS Power Engineering
PFPR - PS Police Foundations
PFPZ - PS CICE Police Foundations
PHIL - UG Philosophy
PHOT - PS Photography
PHOZ - PS CICE Photography
PHRM - PS Pharmacy
PHTO - NC Photography and Filmmaking
PHYS - PS Physics
PHYZ - PS CICE Physics
PLMB - PS Plumbing
PLMZ - PS CICE Plumbing
PNTG - PS Painting
POBR - UG Police Qualifying Bridge
POLC - UG Police Studies
POLS - PS Political Science
PRCC - PG Public Relations-Corp. Comm
PREA - NC Pre-Apprentice
PRJM - PG Project Management
PRNT - PS Printmaking
PROW - PG Comm and Profess. Writing
PSIN - PS Protection/Security/Invest
PSWR - PS Personal Support Worker
PSWZ - PS CICE Personal Suppt. Worker
PSYC - UG Psychology
PSYL - PS Psychology
PSYZ - PS CICE Psychology
PWMC - PreApp Weld,GenMach/GenCarp
RAPP - PG Research Analyst
REAL - NC Real Estate
REAS - PS Research
REAZ - PS CICE Research
RECR - PS Recreation and Leisure
RECZ - PS CICE Recreation
RNRS - PG Registered Nursing
ROBT - PS Robotics
RSCH - UG Research
RVAA - AP Rec Vehicle Mec App Adv
RVAB - AP Rec Vehicle Mec App Basic
RVAI - AP Rec Vehicle App Interm
SANI - PS Sanitation Safety
SCEN - UG Science
SCIE - PS Science
SCUL - PS Sculpture
SENG - PS Small Engine
SENP - PG Social Entrep-Not forProfit
SKIR - PS Ski Resort Operations
SMEN - AP Small/Marine Eng Tech App
SOCI - UG Sociology
SOCL - PS Sociology
SOCZ - PS CICE Sociology
SOSC - UG Social Science
SPAE - PS Spa and Esthetics
SPRT - PS Sport Administration
SPZE - PS CICE Spa and Esthetics
SSWK - PS Social Service Worker
SSWZ - PS CICE Social Service Worker
STAF - PS Statistiques
STAS - UG Statistics
STAT - PS Statistics
STCS - PG Statistics
SURV - PS Surveying
SUST - PG Sustainable Systems
TATA - NC Teaching / Training Adults
TCMP - PG Traditional ChineseMedicine
TDAA - AP Tool and Die Maker Appr Adv
TDAI - AP Tool and Die Maker Appr Int
TDIE - PS Tool and Die
TDTS - TS Tool and Die Maker
TEAS - Tea Sommelier
TECH - NC Technology and Trades
TECR - PS Technical Reports
THAN - PS Thanatology (Death Studies)
TOUR - PS Tourism and Hospitality
TOUZ - PS CICE Tourism / Hospitality
TREC - PG Therapeutic Recreation
TTRN - NC Teacher Training
UPCG - NC UPC at Georgian
VETA - PS Veterinary Assistant
VETC - PS Veterinary Technician
VETZ - PS CICE Veterinary Assistant
VICT - PG Victimology
WEAV - NC Weaving
WEBD - PG Web Design
WELD - NC Welding
WETC - PS Welding Techniques
WETZ - PS CICE Welding
WILD - NC Wilderness Experience
WIST - NC Women / Skilled Trades-WIST
WOOD - NC Woodworking and Carpentry
WPAC - NC WIST Pre-Apprent Carpentry
WWTR - PG Water/Wastewater Trtmt
Select Term
Select Term
Summer 2029 Winter 2029 Fall 2028 Summer 2028 Winter 2028 Fall 2027 Summer 2027 Winter 2027 Fall 2026 Summer 2026 Winter 2026 Fall 2025 Summer 2025 Winter 2025 Fall 2024 Summer 2024 Winter 2024 Fall 2023 Summer 2023 Winter 2023 Fall 2022 Summer 2022 Winter 2022 Fall 2021 Summer 2021 Winter 2021 Fall 2020 Summer 2020 Winter 2020 Fall 2019 Summer 2019 Winter 2019 Fall 2018