Bacolod bishop warns against impostor priest

Bacolod bishop warns against impostor priest

By CBCP News

January 18, 2025

Manila, Philippines

Bishop Patricio Buzon of Bacolod issued a public warning against a man identifying himself as “Fr. Mario Divina,” claiming to be a missionary priest.

Buzon said Divina, who asserts he is a missionary with the “Chaplaincy of the Holy Trinity” in Bago City, is not a Catholic priest and is not affiliated with the Bacolod diocese.

The bishop cautioned that any sacraments or documents issued by Divina should be considered ‘doubtful in their validity and unlawful.’

“While he wears the vestments of a Catholic priest, whatever sacraments he may confer, and the accompanying documents that he issues, may be doubtful in their validity, and are certainly unlawful,” Buson said.

He also noted that the diocese has not found evidence to support the existence of the so-called chaplaincy as an actual physical church, Catholic or otherwise.

“The faithful are kindly reminded to avail of the sacraments, blessings, and sacramentals from their proper parish churches, chaplaincies, oratories, and duly-recognized religious priests in the diocese,” said Buzon.


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