As two Southern California leaders living out CCD in our communities, we are intimately aware of the issues surrounding the broken immigration system. Robert is both an immigration attorney and professor of Chicana/o Studies and Asian American Studies at UCLA. Erica has worked in youth development …
Locked in Solidarity
The beginning of a new year can be a time of reflection - for most. A fresh start or clean slate to make resolutions, to recommit to the work we are doing, the opportunity to begin again. But for many in our communities, the impact of incarceration looms regardless of new seasons. Men, women, and …
How will Christians demonstrate Christ’s radical love in 2017?
Earlier this fall I posted something opinionated about the presidential election on facebook. Truth is, I’m full of opinions and often share them publicly. A friend of mine challenged my stance and wouldn’t let up. He insulted me and others who participated in the discussion and refused engage in a …
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Thanksgiving and lament, gratitud y lamento
Thanksgiving and lament, gratitud y lamento. The both/and of kingdom theology charges us with the need to inhabit both those spaces. As Christians, we see this contrast and presence in so many places throughout Scripture. One could even argue that the themes of thanksgiving and lament are the most …
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Hope and expectation
I just returned from a one day trip to Detroit where we began to solidify our host committee planning with local leaders in anticipation of our national conference in October of 2017. While there's great excitement for next year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the Camino and the 2016 national …
Managing Disappointment through Friendship and Self-Care
You know what’s hard? Loving people. And since love is really the heart of justice, that’s even more exhausting, because it means reciprocal connection, unearthing all our baggage in relationship (accidentally or intentionally), and walking in the ways of Jesus. I’m getting tired just writing that …
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Who’s Got Next? Empowerment and Leadership in Worship
The CCDA worship team had an epic weekend of rehearsal! We sang and played, ate well, and told stories from our worshipping communities. The time was filled with laughter and tears and usually ended with a team member saying “another heavy hitter” or “this song selection is ridiculous.” The CCDA …
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The Beautiful Diversity of God’s Familia
This past month I have become even more acutely aware of how diverse, complex, and amazing the human family really is. Yet, with so many differences our shared longings and capacities to love, to be kind and, regrettably, to engage in inexplicable evil unite us as well. We have quite a global human …
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