Those Leaving Prison and Those In Churches Need Each Other To HealPrison reentry efforts can too often—unintentionally—keep men and women returning from prison isolated from the rest of their communities. With specialized reentry nonprofits, paid staff, transitional housing, and other important …
Listening to the Community: Affirming Dignity with a Posture of Humility
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” Mark 10:51 (NIV)Some people may have considered it obvious that the blind man wanted to see, but Jesus didn’t assume what the man wanted. He asked the man what he wanted. Even though Jesus, as …
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Lessons Learned Over 110 Years
Pastor Matt currently serves as one of the CCDA Economic Empowerment Network Connectors.I love to joke when I introduce Star of Hope Ministries that we’ve been around for 110 years...but I haven’t been there that long. My kids roll their eyes and groan, but it gets a chuckle from the audience EVERY. …
5 Ways to Embrace your Community
Looking for inspiration as you finish out 2023? Check out the top 5 most engaged with workshops from #ccdaCincinnati Conference in November. These workshops will help you grow in your relationship with Christ, your identity & theology, and in loving your neighbor. Whether you are a pastor/lay …
Connecting Kingdom to Community
by Lydia Lucas, in collaboration with Chasing JusticeI am from El Barrio of New York City, and am of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent. Though I have been in the nonprofit field my entire career, I never imagined that I would be at a faith-based organization that served people experiencing …