Cervical cancer is a preventable disease. It is also curable if detected early and adequately treated. Yet it remains one of the most common cancers and causes of cancer-related death in women across the globe. Cancer of the cervix is also a disease that reflects global inequity. Its burden is greatest in low- and middle-income countries, where access to public health services is limited and screening and treatment for the disease have not been widely implemented.
In August 2020, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution calling for elimination of cervical cancer and adopting a strategy to make it happen. This is the first global health strategy for the elimination of a cancer as a public health problem. It proposes 90-70-90 targets that must be met by 2030 for countries to be on the path towards cervical cancer elimination.
The Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative Knowledge Repository is established to support the implementation of the Global Strategy by Member States. There are many sources of relevant guidance and information to guide these efforts. The Knowledge Repository is a web-based platform, which aims to map and to provide "one-stop" access to the knowledge collected from a variety of sources.
This Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative Knowledge Repository (Knowledge Repository) was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is intended to provide a "one-stop" access to information relevant to attaining the targets of the of the Global Strategy to Accelerate the Elimination of Cervical Cancer.
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