Get Involved

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There are many ways you can get involved with our Advocacy Team whether you’re interested in joining us at a protest or working on a committee to improve accessible transportation or something else entirely! Below are some ways to get started!

Rochester ADAPT

ADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. Rochester ADAPT is the local chapter of the national group. Rochester ADAPT has organized nonviolent, direct actions at many places that violate the rights of disabled people, including Goodwill stores because Goodwill stores across the nation pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage for their work and Jeremiah’s Tavern because Jeremiah’s was inaccessible to people with mobility disabilities. Additionally, Rochester ADAPT regularly makes trips to Albany to talk with legislators about Disability Rights issues.

To learn more about Rochester ADAPT or to get involved, contact our Advocacy department at [email protected] or call (585) 546-7510.

Transportation Action Group

The Transportation Action Group (TAG) meets regularly to discuss how to improve public transportation locally and organizes to take steps to make those improvements. TAG initially fought to get lifts on busses, now, years later, TAG is still working to ensure that people with disabilities have accessible transportation options to live and travel in our community.

If you’re interested in learning more about TAG or joining us, contact [email protected] or 585-546-7410.

New York Disability Vote Network

The New York Disability Vote Network (NYDVN) was established by the Center for Disability Rights in the summer of 2013. The nonpartisan voting initiative is geared towards people with disabilities and people supportive of disability-related issues in the state of New York. Together, we work to build, solidify, and unify a large disability voting bloc in New York. We do this by growing and maintaining a network of voters who care about disability issues and informing them of important voting information via email and social media. We also connect with dedicated, like-minded organizations and share resources.

If you’re interested in learning more or joining our network you can sign up at or if you want to volunteer with NYDVN contact [email protected] or 585-546-7510.

Volunteer or Intern with the Advocacy Team

Whether you looking for a great volunteer opportunity that will make a positive impact or a college student interested in Disability Rights, we want to hear from you!

If you want to volunteer or intern with our team, please contact [email protected] or 585-546-7510.